Online dating Success Stories

Chanel's Tresses

New Member
After reading ElizaBlue's story and having my own experience this weekend I thought I would start this thread. I think it is good for us to share the successes of online dating. So if anyone has any stories to tell I and I am sure others would love to hear.

So here is my story the short version

I met a gentleman online (BPM) in March. For two weeks we exchanged "questionaire" type e-mails to get to know one another. We did this daily, we would ask 4-5 questions each and go back and forth adding on each time. After two weeks of this my friend asked me for a number to reach me. For the next 3 months we talk everyday for at least an hour or so. Still keeping the questionaires going so as not to loose sight of their purpose. We both agreeded the main reason relationships fail is because people don't take the time to get to know each other. In our talking and questionaires we find out we are a lot alike and have a lot of the same intrest. We have a lot of the same beliefs when it comes to marriage and family. We are both amazed at how we click we can talk on the phone for hours at a time about anything and there is never a dull moment. Because he works overseas for about 9 months out of the year we wouldn't be able to see each other until about June. So one morning I get an e-mail with flight and hotel confirmation. My friend is coming to meet me. Fast foward to this past Thursday, his flight was to arrive at 4:20 so I got to the airport to pick him up and take him to his hotel. He looked even better in person and he picked me up when we hug like he couldn't wait to see me. I immediately feel comfortable around him like I have known him forever.

Needless to say we had a wonderful weekend together and I have no regrets. I would reccomend online dating to anyone. We are making arrangements now for our next visit. I will keep you guys updated.
I hope everything works out Chanel. Sounds good so far!

My long story short.
About 5 years ago.
Joined Match in Jan the day after New Years. Had a few contacts and discussions, but I was being super picky because I was ready for something serious. Really connected with 1 fella and got to know each other through emails until Feb. Met up for 1st date Feb 15th and really hit off.
Our feelings progressed quickly after that, but I took a job offer in another state. It was my dream job in Alaska. I left in April and we continued our relationship. I visited him back in cali and he came up there. It was clear that one of us would have to move if we were to stay together.
I moved to Cali after 1 yr being away and we moved in together. Over the next couple of months the relationship fell apart.

We went our seperate ways and remained friends. About 1 1/2 years later we got back together. Got engaged a month later and married last March.

It had it's rocky period, but we consider it an internet dating success story! :grin:
I hope everything works out Chanel. Sounds good so far!

My long story short.
About 5 years ago.
Joined Match in Jan the day after New Years. Had a few contacts and discussions, but I was being super picky because I was ready for something serious. Really connected with 1 fella and got to know each other through emails until Feb. Met up for 1st date Feb 15th and really hit off.
Our feelings progressed quickly after that, but I took a job offer in another state. It was my dream job in Alaska. I left in April and we continued our relationship. I visited him back in cali and he came up there. It was clear that one of us would have to move if we were to stay together.
I moved to Cali after 1 yr being away and we moved in together. Over the next couple of months the relationship fell apart.

We went our seperate ways and remained friends. About 1 1/2 years later we got back together. Got engaged a month later and married last March.

It had it's rocky period, but we consider it an internet dating success story! :grin:

Yes it was a success. Thanks for sharing.
Met my "friend" a few months ago on black planet. I was going through a variety of mens pages :lachen:. just looking at eye candy and not thinking twice about "finding a man"....honestly, just being nosey and surfing...well i must of came across his page because he sent me an note the next day "hey pretty lady, i see you stopped by my page, next time dont forget to say hello" (yeah i still have the note so what? :lachen:) i responded, he added me to his MSN account...i logged in one day to see he added me as a friend. I was like "who dis be?":look:...not exactly like that, but i was like , i dont know this person :perplexed..:lachen:anyhoo, we spoke for awhile on MSN. Then i gave him my number because i was logging off.....he called me the next day, we spoke for 4 hours, he asked me out on a date at the fox theatre in detroit i ended up canceling and he drove 1 hour and 45 minutes to see little old me for just the day.... this is in the span of maybe 2-3 days of "meeting".

i got back from detroit yesterday, spent the weekend with him...such a perfect gentleman, he hasnt tried a thing with me...

He is in his last year of law school, has a handsome son, home owner and overall GREAT MAN...we click....

he is a keeper
Got on
Blogged... got bored and blogged about a mail order man from the Phillipines (wishful thinking.... I was lonely).

And this guy whose profile said he was in Kaiserslautern, Germany (:perplexed) replied and offered himself courtesy of the USAF.

We became cool... then flirtatious... and I thought nothing of him until one night when we started talking "passionately" to one another (and he sent several Spanish emails --- from some site he was translating pearls of love from)... and then a few months later (his bday)... he came out and told me he was really feeling me and asked if I was seeing anyone.... I said no and hinted that a lady always tries to hold out for her first choice... and he asked what he was... and when I stated it was him, we made it official... then MET in person 3 months later on my 21st b-day...

And been inseparable (at least romantically :rolleyes:) since.

He even made a blog about it... lol
This is exciting!

Well I am techinically not dating this guy and we haven't met yet, but I'll let you know why this is my success story.

A little over a year ago, I was on a business exchange site. It just happened that I was one of the youngest members of this site and I decided to see who else was around my age, I was sure I wouldn't find anyone though. Well I found him. He was the only other guy close to my age (I was 18 and he was 20 at the time) So I sent him a quick message, not thinking much of it..He then sent me another message back. We started e-mailing each other and from day one our e-mails were incredibly long. We would write about all types of things we enjoyed. I found out we had more in common than we could have ever expected, Just about everything I enjoyed, he does too. We also are both Christians, and both were Home-schooled. Well after a year of writing, he moved out of his parents home about three months ago and moved to california where he was reunited with his sister. Since then we have been talking on the phone every day and every time I hear his voice, or his laugh I know in my heart he is the one. I don't doubt it one moment. He is everything I have every dreamed of and I could have ever asked for. He talks with my mother regularly, he is a family man and very old fashion (even to be so young) I prayed for a man like him, and I believe God answered my prayers. I can see us having a relationship, hopefully soon. We will be meeting later this year, Gods willing and hopefully the start of a new level of our relationship will begin.
Beautiful stories guys! :drunk::drunk::drunk:

Hopefully I will have my own story to tell soon (I joined Eharmony last month) ......................STAY TUNED LOL

Thanks for the shout out. Ladies you all have some very beautiful and inspiring stories. I can only hope my story continues and grows and blossoms into me and this man becoming man and wife. It's what we have put out to the universe that we both want.

Good luck to you all!!!
We met on a board for socially anxious people. At first I didn't like him b/c he was talking about how messed up this girl was that he just met( drugs,etc) and I thought he was being too harsh. One day I was in the chat room complaining about how I had no one supportive in my life and that I was sick of my parents (I wanted to leave school for a semester, but they wouldn't let me). So we started chatting about it in the main chat room, then he invited me to private chat. He started giving me advice on how to handle my parents and school (he had taken a break from school and it really helped him). Then we started talking about other things (music, interest, hobbies, etc). We chatted for like 3 hours. The next day I had a private message from him ( I was so excited). He was saying how much he liked talking to me, wanted to get to know me better, and wanted me to have his personal email address. So I emailed him and set up a yahoo message chat thing. We started off as just chat buddies. However, we stayed up for hours, sometimes until 4 in the morning chatting. After all that chatting, we began to develop feelings for each other.

That was in Sept/Oct. Then he asked for my phone number, but I was too shy to talk on the phone with him, so we kept chatting. Finally, we starting talking on the phone in Feb. Eventually, he wanted to met, but once again I was too shy :lol: . Finally we met May 21 and spent the weekend together. Like I said in the other thread, it was the greatest weekend of my life.

I was going to school in Champaign, IL at the time and he lived in Omaha, NE. So we decided to meet up in Chicago (where I'm from). I got there a day early and decided to get a makeover :lol: . I bought a new outfit, got my hair done, and got a makeover at Marshall Fields (it was a good makeover too). My sister and I met him at the airport. We were worried that he may not get out because the flight was delayed due to weather. My sister spotted him first and he was just a cheesing away (I was too). My sister dropped us off at his hotel (I didn't spend the night with him). We hung out, watched movies, and other stuff ;) . The next day we hung out around Oak Park, window shopping, walking in the park, etc. He decided to come back the next weekend too :) This time he drove to my school in Champaign and spent the weekend with me in my apartment. It was so sweet. When it was time for him to go, we were playing music and our song (Make Me Whole by Amel Larrieux)came on and he started crying. He was saying he was going to miss me so much (we weren't going to see each other for another 2 or 3 weeks). The rest is history.

We "met" online in Sept of 2003, met in person May 21, 2004, and got married January 25, 2008 :)
Keep them coming girls. Its good to hear so many stories about love.

Update: Since my friend left he has been calling and texting just as much as before (maybe a little more). Our meeting has made our bond just that much stronger. I think I'm in love!:cupidarrow::heart2:He said he has something to tell me but he wants to wait until the time is right!???
You know.. I thought on-line dating sounded so desperate :ohwell:. Now I realize that it's becoming more & more common. I always imagined God bringing my soul mate in my life through some way but never through the internet although I’ve heard many success stories. I don’t want the ‘bar’ people anymore...people I met at the bar, it just never turned into anything.

Maybe the internet maybe the safest, best way..especially for someone that doesn’t go out anymore like me. :look:
You know.. I thought on-line dating sounded so desperate :ohwell:. Now I realize that it's becoming more & more common. I always imagined God bringing my soul mate in my life through some way but never through the internet although I’ve heard many success stories. I don’t want the ‘bar’ people anymore...people I met at the bar, it just never turned into anything.

Maybe the internet maybe the safest, best way..especially for someone that doesn’t go out anymore like me. :look:

Alot of people did but I think its more accepted now than ever.
Here is my not so short story:

First, let me just say my sweetie and I tell people we met through a mutual friend (that will make sense later).

OK I had never used a dating web-site before. You know the whole stigma with what people think a/b meeting people via the internet etc. So I go to this site (faithmate) that my step sister had used out of sheer curiosity and decide, since at that time they are offering free memberships, I will post a profile………..with no picture. So about a month goes by and no interest is expressed towards my profile. So I try to figure out why. DUH! Men are visual creatures. So I say self, put up a picture. So I break down and put up a photo and it is on.
On a side note why did all these people send me e-mails/smiles that was obviously not my type. It is like just don’t look at my picture read what I’m looking for. :wallbash:

So I start communicating with Preacher Man from Alabama. We mostly communicate via the site back and forth and so one day I get a message on my phone telling me I have a message waiting for me on the site. No, biggie. Since it says a message and not a smile I automatically think it is preacher man. Wrong, it is my sweetie sending me a message thanking me for sending him a smile. *Now on this particular site you can send members smiles to show interest in their profile. * However I’m like urrrrrr, hold up, pump your brakes. I do not recall sending any smiles. I get smiles, I do not send them. :grin: So I’m like cute, this dude is coming at me from a different angle but he needs to stop playing because I have not sent him a smile. So before I respond to him I check my account and sure enough I had sent him a smile. THE DAY BEFORE!
Here is the mutual friend part. I still do not remember sending him that smile so we have come to the conclusion that it was God bringing us together. What a friend we have in Jesus! OKAY! So after emailing/talking on the phone back and forth for a little over a month I say to him “What are you looking for? I’m right here” Now I’m bold but I’m not that kind of bold. I usually let them figure out my greatness on their own. He says that is when he knew for sure that I’m the one for him.

So we started communicating in October, met face to face and had an amazing get-away in January while he was on leave and can not wait to see each other again in October (when he returns from deployment).

That is our story so far.
Here is my not so short story:

First, let me just say my sweetie and I tell people we met through a mutual friend (that will make sense later).

OK I had never used a dating web-site before. You know the whole stigma with what people think a/b meeting people via the internet etc. So I go to this site (faithmate) that my step sister had used out of sheer curiosity and decide, since at that time they are offering free memberships, I will post a profile………..with no picture. So about a month goes by and no interest is expressed towards my profile. So I try to figure out why. DUH! Men are visual creatures. So I say self, put up a picture. So I break down and put up a photo and it is on.
On a side note why did all these people send me e-mails/smiles that was obviously not my type. It is like just don’t look at my picture read what I’m looking for. :wallbash:

So I start communicating with Preacher Man from Alabama. We mostly communicate via the site back and forth and so one day I get a message on my phone telling me I have a message waiting for me on the site. No, biggie. Since it says a message and not a smile I automatically think it is preacher man. Wrong, it is my sweetie sending me a message thanking me for sending him a smile. *Now on this particular site you can send members smiles to show interest in their profile. * However I’m like urrrrrr, hold up, pump your brakes. I do not recall sending any smiles. I get smiles, I do not send them. :grin: So I’m like cute, this dude is coming at me from a different angle but he needs to stop playing because I have not sent him a smile. So before I respond to him I check my account and sure enough I had sent him a smile. THE DAY BEFORE!
Here is the mutual friend part. I still do not remember sending him that smile so we have come to the conclusion that it was God bringing us together. What a friend we have in Jesus! OKAY! So after emailing/talking on the phone back and forth for a little over a month I say to him “What are you looking for? I’m right here” Now I’m bold but I’m not that kind of bold. I usually let them figure out my greatness on their own. He says that is when he knew for sure that I’m the one for him.

So we started communicating in October, met face to face and had an amazing get-away in January while he was on leave and can not wait to see each other again in October (when he returns from deployment).

That is our story so far.

That's cute and you are bold :giggle: but it's cute. I'm happy to hear another success story. I'm soooo tempted to try the online thing.:yep:
Here is my not so short story:

First, let me just say my sweetie and I tell people we met through a mutual friend (that will make sense later).

Whooooa, this is our EXACT same thing that we say because technically speaking, there was no way we should have bypassed the system and been aable to meet. *I'll post our story in a sec* :yep:

You know.. I thought on-line dating sounded so desperate :ohwell:. Now I realize that it's becoming more & more common. I always imagined God bringing my soul mate in my life through some way but never through the internet although I’ve heard many success stories. I don’t want the ‘bar’ people anymore...people I met at the bar, it just never turned into anything.

Maybe the internet maybe the safest, best way..especially for someone that doesn’t go out anymore like me. :look:

That's why some folks still don't know where we met because of the stigma of online dating=desperation. But with this man I have the most sincere, open, passionate, fun, magnetic, and loving connection I've EVER had with a man. So thank God for eharmony and hotmail! :yep: LOL
This is copy & pasted from another 'success with online dating' thread a while back, but here is our story:

The Story--
I signed up for a free.....hear me, FREE account on eharmony just to take those little quizzes and see what they said about my personality/dating/etc. type. After I saw that it cost $$$ to really join and participate on the site, I passed on it. Shoo...I was a broke college student then :lol:. But you know how when you register for those dating sites, they send you periodic 'Matches' each month. I always, always ignored the emails and treated them like junk mail......deleting without opening.

One day, after several months of them sending me the 'junk' emails, for some reason I opened an email to see who Eharmony matched me with. I think I must have been bored or lonely that day. So I logged on for the first time since I'd registered and saw they matched me with 2 guys. One match I was like 'ehhh :ohwell:'. The other guy (current SO) had a profile that really appealed to me. He didn't have a picture up (because he wasnt a paying member either :lol:), and even if he did I wasn't a premium member since I never paid, so I wouldn't have been able to see anything. Well lo and behold I scroll down to the bottom of his profile and it read: "If you'd like to talk and find out more about me, you can email me at '[email protected]'".

Needless to say I was like :eek::huh: 'How'd he do that?? How was he able to bypass the system and list his email contact, without Eharmony canceling his account?" (normally with those dating sites, you can't post any sort of contact info unless you are a paying member). I think due to a mixture of boredom, disbelief, curiosity, and boldness that I decided to send this mystery man a message to see if I'd get a response. Well, I did and 3 years later :kissing4:we still laugh about how we got over on the Eharmony system without trying and without paying......I think it was meant to be :love: ;)

He's dropping hints like he's going to propose in the next couple of months, so we'll see what happens!! :love: :love: :love:
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I love these stories :drunk:
Eharmony has matched me up with a great guy so far(it's only been 2 weeks since we've met), it's almost like I created him myself.

I'm also a member of Blackpeoplemeet, but there seems to be a lot of jokers on that site :ohwell:
I guess my story's a bit different. I'm a gamer girl so I met my sweetie in a game that I still play every night online. I wasn't looking for anything at all, but it's funny how things happen.
This is copy & pasted from another 'success with online dating' thread a while back, but here is our story:

The Story--
I signed up for a free.....hear me, FREE account on eharmony just to take those little quizzes and see what they said about my personality/dating/etc. type. After I saw that it cost $$$ to really join and participate on the site, I passed on it. Shoo...I was a broke college student then :lol:. But you know how when you register for those dating sites, they send you periodic 'Matches' each month. I always, always ignored the emails and treated them like junk mail......deleting without opening.

One day, after several months of them sending me the 'junk' emails, for some reason I opened an email to see who Eharmony matched me with. I think I must have been bored or lonely that day. So I logged on for the first time since I'd registered and saw they matched me with 2 guys. One match I was like 'ehhh :ohwell:'. The other guy (current SO) had a profile that really appealed to me. He didn't have a picture up (because he wasnt a paying member either :lol:), and even if he did I wasn't a premium member since I never paid, so I wouldn't have been able to see anything. Well lo and behold I scroll down to the bottom of his profile and it read: "If you'd like to talk and find out more about me, you can email me at '[email protected]'".

Needless to say I was like :eek::huh: 'How'd he do that?? How was he able to bypass the system and list his email contact, without Eharmony canceling his account?" (normally with those dating sites, you can't post any sort of contact info unless you are a paying member). I think due to a mixture of boredom, disbelief, curiosity, and boldness that I decided to send this mystery man a message to see if I'd get a response. Well, I did and 3 years later :kissing4:we still laugh about how we got over on the Eharmony system without trying and without paying......I think it was meant to be :love: ;)

He's dropping hints like he's going to propose in the next couple of months, so we'll see what happens!! :love: :love: :love:

Oh Foxxy, I didn't know... that is such a cute story. I have been thinking about setting up a profile on Match or BPM but I am scared. There is just something about putting my profile up that makes me feel vulnerable.
Oh Foxxy, I didn't know... that is such a cute story. I have been thinking about setting up a profile on Match or BPM but I am scared. There is just something about putting my profile up that makes me feel vulnerable.

Go for it girl. I did it at first as a joke kind of. I never really expected anything to come of it.
I'm glad this thread was made, because people try to act like I have a 3rd eyeball when I mention I met my SO on a website while he was stationed far overseas.
I love these stories :drunk:
Eharmony has matched me up with a great guy so far(it's only been 2 weeks since we've met), it's almost like I created him myself.

I'm also a member of Blackpeoplemeet, but there seems to be a lot of jokers on that site :ohwell:

I might have to look into Eharmony then because BP does have a lot of jokers on that site. Ive been on that site for about 2 weeks (well back on after not using it for awhile) and I havent found anyone I just click with.
Needless to say I was like :eek::huh: 'How'd he do that?? How was he able to bypass the system and list his email contact, without Eharmony canceling his account?" (normally with those dating sites, you can't post any sort of contact info unless you are a paying member). I think due to a mixture of boredom, disbelief, curiosity, and boldness that I decided to send this mystery man a message to see if I'd get a response. Well, I did and 3 years later :kissing4:we still laugh about how we got over on the Eharmony system without trying and without paying......I think it was meant to be :love: ;)

He's dropping hints like he's going to propose in the next couple of months, so we'll see what happens!! :love: :love: :love:

Great story!!! Looking forward to your "I'm engaged" thread :)