Adventures in Online Dating!!

Dannng girl!! That must have been hella awkward!! You know that most guys who buy a ticket and get on a plane to meet someone are gonna be expecting SOMETHING, if you catch my drift!! That's why I do NOT start online friendships with guys who live out of state!! :nono: And I'm speaking from experience, but that's all I'm saying about that! :look:
Yeah, I stayed with him. I felt obligated. There was none of THAT goin on, please believe. He wasn't bout to squash me like a bug. No thank you!

squash you like a bug!!!!!!!!!:Run:...:lachen:girl i almost pissed on myself laughing..u are crazy...:grin:

i met a guy online, he said he was 5'10..and im 5'2, when i had on my heels i was his height his pictures he was built real nice and everything....gurl when i met him he had a pit bull face and a facked up hairline...
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squash you like a bug!!!!!!!!!:Run:...:lachen:girl i almost pissed on myself laughing..u are crazy...:grin:

i met a guy online, he said he was 5'10..and im 5'2, when i had on my heels i was his height his pictures he was built real nice and everything....gurl when i met him he had a pit bull face and a facked up hairline...
this is messed up. except for the one story posted earlier in this post i ain't heard nuthin' but bad things. maybe i need to meet somebody at the grocery store or sumthin, LOL.
Does anyone else have a first date for this weekend?? I have a Starbucks date in 2 hours... I met this guy on and we've been talking on IM and telephone for about a week and a half... Will post again later to update.

Anyone else have a story?? :grin: This is fun!!! :yep: (Hopefully I'll be in the same mood later on... :laugh: )
I've met so many people I lost count. I don't get out much so that's my excuse. Can't meet people if i'm always at work or home.

Some were good, some were:busted: looking and looked nothing like thier pictures. I have learned that you can tell if you really want to get to know that person after seeing them in about 10 seconds. 10 Second rule. Look at him, hear him speak, smell him, and youll know right then should u continue.

Another thing I've learned is to ALWAYS drive your own car to the date/location at least for the first FEW dates. Many a times I was happy as hell to leave the table or situation and get right back in my car:auto:When you are stuck in his car, what can you do but try to be nice as hell so you can get back home?
I have learned that you can tell if you really want to get to know that person after seeing them in about 10 seconds. 10 Second rule. Look at him, hear him speak, smell him, and youll know right then should u continue.

:laugh: So true!! Great post... Excellent advice!! :yep:
Does anyone else have a first date for this weekend?? I have a Starbucks date in 2 hours... I met this guy on and we've been talking on IM and telephone for about a week and a half... Will post again later to update.

Anyone else have a story?? :grin: This is fun!!! :yep: (Hopefully I'll be in the same mood later on... :laugh: )

Well, the date went pretty well. The conversation flowed nicely and we have a lot in common. We went for coffee then out to dinner from there... I don't know if there were any "sparks" though... I mean, he's not unattractive, but not quite what I'm used to... I'm trying to be more open-minded about my looks requirements these days though... heck, it's slim pickins out there, can't afford to be TOO picky... :laugh:

Anyway, the problem is that this guy has been through, and is going through, some MAJOR drama with his (soon to be) ex wife. They're in the process of divorcing, and she is demanding half of everything, even though (from what he tells me) SHE cheated on him with one of his friends :look:... and there's even more to the story... Too much drama for me!! I guess I should pass on a second date... :ohwell: Not sure about that yet...:spinning:

Dating sucks... :perplexed
OK SO..there was a ton of buzz about bpm..just wanted to add my 2 cents..

dont sleep on bpm..there are a couple professioanl athletes on there and there are 3 of ebony magaziens most elegible bachelors who have profiles on there and some good christian brothas mixed in with the idiots and

right now iv'e decided to chat with a professional golfer whose brroher is a well known professional football player--

i dont know about the other sites..but although bpm has some weirods there r also some eligible decent men on there...i am on for a month and will de fnto renew--my irl dudes r already enough for me

who knew--go fig-- i never even dabbled in online dating but im letting it entertain me for a minute...

to be cont'd

everyone's stories here are funny ***

You are definitely right...I spotted a NBA players brother on there and was thinking wth is he doing on here but anyhoo I keep trying not to give up on BPM but I am always disappointed. I started my pro. back up last month and was once again let down LOL. Ive only met one guy online thus far and his pictures did him no justice...just perfect in every way at least in my eyes...we never argued had great conversations, very respectful...we had a spring to fall romance...and now Im asking "where did you go?" :sad: Even so I still cant even find it in me to get upset with him. I was really falling for this guy and I still am. Hopefully I can get over this soon. Its been almost a month now.
What are some good sites besides the usual

E Harmony

What other sites are good for meeting a variety of black single quality men.
What are some good sites besides the usual

E Harmony

What other sites are good for meeting a variety of black single quality men.
i think they are all on LOL sorry... i really believe this. i have recently joined ir match cause i started broadening my horizons a while ago. ;) i see a lot of black men on there...
squash you like a bug!!!!!!!!!:Run:...:lachen:girl i almost pissed on myself laughing..u are crazy...:grin:

i met a guy online, he said he was 5'10..and im 5'2, when i had on my heels i was his height his pictures he was built real nice and everything....gurl when i met him he had a pit bull face and a facked up hairline...[/quote]

That is SOOOO funny! :lachen:
Oh my gosh... A co-worker of mine is also dating online and we compare stories all the time. Last Friday she happened to show me the picture of a guy that she dated once and has been talking to ever since. Well, that same guy sent me a message on Sunday asking for a date... WOW. I guess this is what happens when you live in a small town... these guys just make the rounds and date everyone they can!! :perplexed I told her and she seemed a bit bummed, but, well, he's a free agent, he never said that he wasn't going to date anyone else... Just awkward tho... She wants me to respond to him and ask him if he's met anyone interesting... Yikes! :blush:
Oh my gosh... A co-worker of mine is also dating online and we compare stories all the time. Last Friday she happened to show me the picture of a guy that she dated once and has been talking to ever since. Well, that same guy sent me a message on Sunday asking for a date... WOW. I guess this is what happens when you live in a small town... these guys just make the rounds and date everyone they can!! :perplexed I told her and she seemed a bit bummed, but, well, he's a free agent, he never said that he wasn't going to date anyone else... Just awkward tho... She wants me to respond to him and ask him if he's met anyone interesting... Yikes! :blush:
if you're not really interested in the guy then i would do it for her. lol
sorry about your date on saturday. i've gone out on many a date with guys with ex probs. :rolleyes: she has the house, wants more money, not sure the baby is mine, blah blah blah. tis life. on to the next. :)

Went out with a new guy last weekend... His pictures looked good, he was REALLY funny over the phone ~ always had me cracking up (which I like...). Well, I get out of my car and see him standing by his car and I'm like "OK, looks good..." Tall, fit and nice looking! I get up closer and he smiles and I'm like... OHHHHH Daaaaang!!! Close your mouth, PUHLEEEEASE!!! OMG, his teeth were JACKED UP!! One front tooth was waaay longer than the other, sticking out, and yellow!!! And there were gaps everywhere... Eeeeeewwww... I was like, "WTH??!!" This guy goes to the gym almost on a daily basis and can't realize that he needs to have his teeth fixed??!! What in the world???? :look:

We went out for brunch and I could barely stand to look him in the face; I was looking everywhere BUT at him... :laugh: At the end of the date, I was like "if he leans in for a kiss, I might have to punch him!!" He kissed me on the cheek and I said "OK, bye!! Thank you!!" :laugh:

He called the next day and I didn't really know what to say... luckily he had to cut the call short and I basically said nothing. I've been dodging his calls since then... my friends say I should tell him the truth, but how do you tell someone something like that??!! I'm sure he knows... how could he NOT?? :spinning:

Went out with a new guy last weekend... His pictures looked good, he was REALLY funny over the phone ~ always had me cracking up (which I like...). Well, I get out of my car and see him standing by his car and I'm like "OK, looks good..." Tall, fit and nice looking! I get up closer and he smiles and I'm like... OHHHHH Daaaaang!!! Close your mouth, PUHLEEEEASE!!! OMG, his teeth were JACKED UP!! One front tooth was waaay longer than the other, sticking out, and yellow!!! And there were gaps everywhere... Eeeeeewwww... I was like, "WTH??!!" This guy goes to the gym almost on a daily basis and can't realize that he needs to have his teeth fixed??!! What in the world???? :look:

We went out for brunch and I could barely stand to look him in the face; I was looking everywhere BUT at him... :laugh: At the end of the date, I was like "if he leans in for a kiss, I might have to punch him!!" He kissed me on the cheek and I said "OK, bye!! Thank you!!" :laugh:

He called the next day and I didn't really know what to say... luckily he had to cut the call short and I basically said nothing. I've been dodging his calls since then... my friends say I should tell him the truth, but how do you tell someone something like that??!! I'm sure he knows... how could he NOT?? :spinning:
Lindy, I'm sorry to hear that. That's really messed up. I could just tell him that you don't think there was a connection or whatever... you don't have to say it's because of his teeth. But, outside of his jacked up grill was there any kind of spark? LOL Sorry...
Yes, i'm planning on saying that I felt a "friend" connection only... but my friend says that he needs someone to tell him about his teeth... but to me, it's not my place to do it!! Let his Mom or some other relative be the one to do that, not me!! :nono:

No, there wasn't a real connection anyhow. He's one of those kinds of people who try to impress you with their vocabulary, but they use words out of their proper context, and also seem to make up words that have you sitting there looking puzzled and thinking "Wait... was that a real word??" :laugh:

So, no match... :look: I'm actually still dating one of my previous online dates, the guy with the greedy ex-wife... I like him a lot, and we've been spending a lot of time together, but I am still dating other people (kind of on the DL) and keeping my options open (just for now...), until we clarify the relationship, ya know?
yeah i wouldn't say anything to him especially since there is no connection. that's funny about the words. i know a person like that, making up words to make themselves seem so smart. i'm like, and the point of this is what? it makes you look less intelligent to me. did you meet the guy with the greedy ex wife on match? i would keep dating other folks too until it's official. is he dating other people cause if he is, you don't have to be on the dl about doing the same. :)
Yes, we did meet on Match... I don't know if he's dating others or not, that's the thing... we never really had that conversation!! Anyway he's acting stupid right now, so that "relationship" may be over, i don't know yet; I may keep him around only because it totally sucks being alone over Christmas and New Years... :perplexed

But I'm about through with this whole dating scene. :look: I just can't keep the rules straight, or rather, there seems to NOT be any rules any more, and it's making me crazy! :spinning:
Yes, we did meet on Match... I don't know if he's dating others or not, that's the thing... we never really had that conversation!! Anyway he's acting stupid right now, so that "relationship" may be over, i don't know yet; I may keep him around only because it totally sucks being alone over Christmas and New Years... :perplexed

But I'm about through with this whole dating scene. :look: I just can't keep the rules straight, or rather, there seems to NOT be any rules any more, and it's making me crazy! :spinning:
guys are something else. i don't care for being alone during the holidays either. but i just try to keep myself busy with friends and family. :). i don't fully understand the dating rules either. i wish someone would post them in a sticky or something. lol
Yeah, y'all is something else! The 6 month's guarantee causes people to contact you just to fulfill the monthly quota then they disappear. I hate that aspect of it. I really want to date someone; no husband just a hang out buddy. I'm thinking during the holidays guys may be thinking women expect a stupid. You just watch.....after New Years..they'll be all over you; New Year resolutions and such. I have had several great meets using various dating sites years ago but something seems to have changed with the quality/quantity of serious men. I have a good friend who met her husband on M.COM...SECRET SERVICE..can you believe...but it took her years.
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I was sooooo against the on-line dating thing, but after getting my Ashanti on (I listened to her first cd to Foolish AND Unfoolish)... I decided that even though I had a three year old and had been with this BOY for ~5 years, it was time to move on. I knew after losing my mom and not being particular close with family or friends, I wasn't gonna be able to quit cold turkey and be lonely-- so I decided to date. I think I read this very thread, and went over to Um, can we say stalkers, lol??!! But by day two I got a message from a guy from my very own little small town. I had been just deleting them all, or responding with little small talk to them. But the fact that he was from SALISBURY, cute, and I'd never seen him before stuck with me. We messaged back and forth for a day, talked on the phone for a week, and then went out that week-end. I wasn't expecting to catch feelings or vice-versa, buuutttt... Um, I've maybe not seen him-- at most-- five days since then! He bought me a gym membership, so we work out together... We both are new to the dating scene and have little girls (two and three), so we kinda clicked. Theeeeennnn he just thought I was the finest thing in the world and there just had to be something wrong with me, lol! But he decided I was just something special... And as for him. Wow! Um... Now, he isn't as tall as I'd like, but with me being 5'2 3/4"... He's good. Hugs are more initimate! Buuuuttt, he smells so dern good, I like how he dresses, he makes me laugh, nice body, comforting with his words and actions, and pretty much spoils me. While we aren't technically girlfriend and boyfriend, I love where we're at!

Went out with a new guy last weekend... His pictures looked good, he was REALLY funny over the phone ~ always had me cracking up (which I like...). Well, I get out of my car and see him standing by his car and I'm like "OK, looks good..." Tall, fit and nice looking! I get up closer and he smiles and I'm like... OHHHHH Daaaaang!!! Close your mouth, PUHLEEEEASE!!! OMG, his teeth were JACKED UP!! One front tooth was waaay longer than the other, sticking out, and yellow!!! And there were gaps everywhere... Eeeeeewwww... I was like, "WTH??!!" This guy goes to the gym almost on a daily basis and can't realize that he needs to have his teeth fixed??!! What in the world???? :look:

We went out for brunch and I could barely stand to look him in the face; I was looking everywhere BUT at him... :laugh: At the end of the date, I was like "if he leans in for a kiss, I might have to punch him!!" He kissed me on the cheek and I said "OK, bye!! Thank you!!" :laugh:

He called the next day and I didn't really know what to say... luckily he had to cut the call short and I basically said nothing. I've been dodging his calls since then... my friends say I should tell him the truth, but how do you tell someone something like that??!! I'm sure he knows... how could he NOT?? :spinning:

OMG I was cracking up non stop when I read this PUHLEASE lollmao ur a riot
:laugh: Yes, it was funny, but not so funny at the time!! :blush: Guess he got the hint because he has stopped calling... Oh well.

Tallipoohz Mama, that is a great story... I'm really hoping for a connection like yours! I just haven't found it yet... well actually, I thought I did, with that guy with the greedy ex, but he turned out to be a jerk... I think once he knew that I really liked him, he took advantage of it, and started feeling like he was all that, and THOUGHT that I would put up with any old treatment from him!! Ummm, no, sweetie!! :nono: I'm usually good at being a b!tch, but when I really like someone, I guess I go the opposite way! It's so true that men love when you aren't so easy to get... I need to keep remembering this, even when I meet someone I DO like... I would love to meet someone who wasn't into these types of games, but it seems to be human nature that people (men and women both!!) want what doesn't come too easily. :yep: I think I need to read that book "Why Men Love B!tches"... for some new tips and pointers!! :perplexed
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An early New Year prayer for all who truly want to make a wonderful match on-line. I pray that the man of your dreams comes your way and stays; that he is a good, honest, great looking man with character and strength. In the name of God the father, I pray. Merry Christmas and a Blessed, fruitful New Year.
I was sooooo against the on-line dating thing, but after getting my Ashanti on (I listened to her first cd to Foolish AND Unfoolish)... I decided that even though I had a three year old and had been with this BOY for ~5 years, it was time to move on. I knew after losing my mom and not being particular close with family or friends, I wasn't gonna be able to quit cold turkey and be lonely-- so I decided to date. I think I read this very thread, and went over to Um, can we say stalkers, lol??!! But by day two I got a message from a guy from my very own little small town. I had been just deleting them all, or responding with little small talk to them. But the fact that he was from SALISBURY, cute, and I'd never seen him before stuck with me. We messaged back and forth for a day, talked on the phone for a week, and then went out that week-end. I wasn't expecting to catch feelings or vice-versa, buuutttt... Um, I've maybe not seen him-- at most-- five days since then! He bought me a gym membership, so we work out together... We both are new to the dating scene and have little girls (two and three), so we kinda clicked. Theeeeennnn he just thought I was the finest thing in the world and there just had to be something wrong with me, lol! But he decided I was just something special... And as for him. Wow! Um... Now, he isn't as tall as I'd like, but with me being 5'2 3/4"... He's good. Hugs are more initimate! Buuuuttt, he smells so dern good, I like how he dresses, he makes me laugh, nice body, comforting with his words and actions, and pretty much spoils me. While we aren't technically girlfriend and boyfriend, I love where we're at!

Just wanted to say Im happy for you :)
I met my fiance on myspace, but its kind of a different situation because we went to high school together. We were friends back then and even almost dated but we lived in a small town and ppl werent too cool with interracial dating. Fast forward 8 years and we really hit it off and figured out we should have been together all along. But everything happens for a reason! God has a sense of humor though, bc I left that small town thinking I was never going to meet a good man there....and the person Im marrying is someone I knew almost 10 years ago from that same town lol. But I have to give props to myspace because we would have never crossed paths again otherwise! :grin: Even more ironic, we went to school together in TN...and when we met back up we were both living in FL