Adventures in Online Dating!!

Hmmm, I might give this internet dating thing a try. I found this website called that seems promising. This could be fun.
An early New Year prayer for all who truly want to make a wonderful match on-line. I pray that the man of your dreams comes your way and stays; that he is a good, honest, great looking man with character and strength. In the name of God the father, I pray. Merry Christmas and a Blessed, fruitful New Year.

Thank you for the prayer... may we all have nothing but great dates in 2008!! :grin:
You are welcome, Lindy. I'll bet the guys are 'returning' now after the holidays..I have about 10 messages interested now...just knew they were holiday silly:spinning:.
postive online experience:
my last boyfriend i met online. we were together for about 1 year. i can honestly say he's been the one guy who was the MOST compatible with me. we clicked instantly on and offline:grin:. (but i messed that one up...that's a whole notha thread)

negative online experience:
I met a guy who worked near my job. i went to meet him on my lunch hour at his job. he was much skinnier than his pics and he was a weirdo in person. after we met he kept sending me half naked shots of himself (top half) and wanted me to comment on them. like he needed my comments to validate his body.....

i guess that's what i get for meeting a personal trainer:perplexed
i have a profile on yahoo personals and i am having a really hard time with the description. im just not really good at stuff like that and i was listening to Joel and he was saying you shouldnt struggle with trying to meet someone. He makes a good point, because if you want God to bring you the husband that he wants from you all the pieces with come together. I really dont go out much and i dont have many friends so its a little hard for me. i really wish i knew what to do. a number of ladies here have posted horror stories of online dating and it has really scared me. im at a fork in the road.
ok, i have been doing online dating off and on for a couple years. outside of 1 or 2 guys, i have yet to meet anyone that seems sincere. i feel like i am the definition of insanity. doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. anyway, has anyone met someone from online dating that actually evolved into something significant? :)
I definitely think that it's possible to make a good connection from online dating... :yep: There are plenty of people dating online these days; I think you just have to be patient and don't get discouraged if some of your dates are duds. You're just NOT going to make a love connection with every person you go out with, you just have to accept that and keep pushing on. :yep: Try to think of your online dates as just going out with the intention of meeting a new friend. That way there won't be so much disappointment if it doesn't end up going further than that.

I'm still doing the online dating thing; I've had good dates but haven't found anyone worthy of a relationship yet. I have a few prospects on the horizon, so I'll update soon!! :grin:
I definitely think that it's possible to make a good connection from online dating... :yep: There are plenty of people dating online these days; I think you just have to be patient and don't get discouraged if some of your dates are duds. You're just NOT going to make a love connection with every person you go out with, you just have to accept that and keep pushing on. :yep: Try to think of your online dates as just going out with the intention of meeting a new friend. That way there won't be so much disappointment if it doesn't end up going further than that.

I'm still doing the online dating thing; I've had good dates but haven't found anyone worthy of a relationship yet. I have a few prospects on the horizon, so I'll update soon!! :grin:
you're right. lately, i have been getting more disappointed cause i've met a string of people that were def not love connections. but when i look back on it, although we didn't become friends or anything, i did learn something from them and enjoyed that time. i'll try not to attach any meaning to my dates, just have fun. :)
I encourage everyone who wants continue. I have a friend who met her husband after 3 sorry rounds of Girlfriend's husband is very special, understanding,loving and on a jet rocket to the top of his {close to the PRESIDENT!!}career. Just takes time, patience,prayer to meet the right one. I still pray my Wandering Knight gets a talk from God then I will not have to be doing this tiring {yes, tiring} search again...:nono::nono:
I encourage everyone who wants continue. I have a friend who met her husband after 3 sorry rounds of Girlfriend's husband is very special, understanding,loving and on a jet rocket to the top of his {close to the PRESIDENT!!}career. Just takes time, patience,prayer to meet the right one. I still pray my Wandering Knight gets a talk from God then I will not have to be doing this tiring {yes, tiring} search again...:nono::nono:
Thanks very much for this. It really lifts my spirits to hear that people have actually been successful. Hey I did match a couple of times. I was considering doing it again. With what you just wrote, maybe I will. :) I guess it's basically like meeting a man when out and about, not every one is THE ONE. :grin:
Thanks very much for this. It really lifts my spirits to hear that people have actually been successful. Hey I did match a couple of times. I was considering doing it again. With what you just wrote, maybe I will. :) I guess it's basically like meeting a man when out and about, not every one is THE ONE. :grin:

Lilakoi, you are welcome. I have met at least 2 good ones this way. My present W.K.{wandering knight} is so special-everything I've ever desired in a man-streetsmart, bookwise,quotes Alexander Pope and Voltaire, on his own since age 14, ex-military-disciplined, clean, straightforward, funny, generous but he is a stubborn workaholic resistant to letting go of his 'freedom' after a bad marriage. Stay the course, it can really can.
Yes, I'm still online dating (it seems there's no other way to meet a man these days!! :perplexed )

Anyway I've been chatting online to a guy from for many months and we finally met in person a few weeks ago. Things went well, we had great conversation, lots of laughs, etc. He's decent looking, kind of a regular Joe... I didn't get those "sparks" but I did enjoy his company... We went out for ice cream the other night, again, good conversation, laughs, etc. Not sure yet if this will remain a friend connection or progress to another level (I'm not trying to rush things!) but it's still cool to have someone to hang out with sometimes. :yep:

Anyone else have a story? :drunk:
I don't have a story but I'm trying my hand at CraigsList. Hey if I can find a job on there maybe I can get a good date out of it. I've been emailing a man off CL for about a week now. We'll be going for coffee in the next week or so. He seems cool.

Has anyone ever tried out
Promised myself at least 2 dates by the end of September. I told encouraging friends about it so I know I have to do it...otherwise I'd just be taunted like crazy for not following through.