Online Dating Regrets..


Well-Known Member
Ok so I belong to a few online dating sites. I have met about 3 men from POF. The first guy I actually ended up spending a little time with but, he had trust issues because his wife cheated on him and got pregnant with the other man's baby. The second man I chatted with online, exchanged numbers. He calls me for the first time.....for the 1st minute of the convo, I was really enjoying talking to him. Then he starts to tell me about how he had been married twice, one of the wives he had a affair with while she was married and she got pregnant. They get married and things didn't work out. He says he has two kids, hadn't been around one of them since the child was 4(child is now 22). The second child, he also hadn't really been around since his 2nd divorce. It had been years since he seen the kid, he brings the kid to live with him. The kid only stayed for about 1 year. He starts talking about how the mother never sent him money for the kid, the kid ate all his food, ran up his light bill, etc. So he stops buying food for the house, doesn't pay his light bill for awhile. He didn't like the fact that the child kept asking for spending money. The child starts missing school so he decides that was the best time to send the child back to the mom. He puts the child on a airplane on Mothers Day and tells the child to tell the Mom Happy Mothers Day!!!! He tells me all this while using a whole lot of N-words, MFing and everything else you could imagine. My mouth is hanging open and I'm trying my best to continue to be polite. I'm sorry but all of these just rubbed me the wrong way. He has since sent me a few texts wanting to meet up and have dinner. I just can't do it!!!!!!
My other issue is that I have been trying to be open minded to dating outside my race to give myself more options....but I keep finding men who aren't really serious about dating, they're only interested in what it would be like to sleep with a black woman. SMH....
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I think that in its infancy online dating probably attracted men who were genuine, I am not saying that from experience just speculation. Now, I just think online dating is the domain of the craziest men you could ever meet with a few sane ones sprinkled in.
I think that in its infancy online dating probably attracted men who were genuine, I am not saying that from experience just speculation. Now, I just think online dating is the domain of the craziest men you could ever meet with a few sane ones sprinkled in.

Yes this may be true!! I'm not sure that I can keep doing this online thing. I know some people are having luck. I'm sure I will meet men with issues regardless if I meet them online or at the local bar. I guess I'm just getting discouraged.
kim, please venture over to the online dating support thread. The thread is 123 pages now, and 95% of it is filled with failure stories. :lol:

Hope this makes you feel better.
lushcoils so true. I did it last year after my 28th B-Day at my parents suggestion. I would have never done it otherwise b/c I had the oppion that is was the same guys I spend my day avoiding.

One guy was rude never saw his daugther and asked me for grocery money. Then got ugly with me.

One guy tried to face rape me after a cup of coffee. And I'm totally PDA. You have no idea.

And the last was a WM that seems nice then turned to dust after he suggested we go on a mini vacation. Whatever.

Don't feel bad. The internet has just become a place where guys can be serial well somethings. I can't say daters cause half don't pay. And FYI I was on a paid site. So negros were paying to act a fool. Ha!
i've had some pretty good experiences.:yep: met 3 guys, all of whom were great. actually dated one for a while, who was AMAZING :love: but i unfortunately ****ed that up.:(
Try a paid dating site. They say you'll find more serious men on there if they're paying for it.
Also.. when you find out they're lame.. move on quickly and don't waste any time.. i think it's just a matter of time until you find someone who doesn't have all of the issues you described.

Gosh.. being single is so hard. :(
Well, I think a few years ago it was good, but now it's gone down the drain. I've met a few SO's online and in fact my current SO I met online in 2009. Also, I met a good guy (on e-Harmony) when my ex-turned-current SO and I broke up, but it just didn't work out for a few reasons. But it's hard out here. There are jokas, bustas, and lames even infiltrating the Internets now....and paying for it as well.

The only advice I have is to converse/meet sooner rather than later and if dude isn't cutting it, you haven't lost anything.

kim...that dude was just horrible. I would just tell him that we have different values and K.I.M.
I've had some WONDERFUL and not so great experiences with online dating.

I met a man online who was probably my soulmate but I f'ed that up royally and I kick myself to this day for messing that up. After things ended, he reached out to me on a few occasions and said he still thought I was an amazing woman and wanted to stay in contact. Blah blah blah. Sigh. I moved to a new city and wasn't willing to put in the work to rekindle, especially long distance.

Another WM that was awesome and head over heels for me but I just couldn't do it...

What I've learned from online dating is the men you find online are the same men you see in the streets. There are all kinds of crazy men in this world so of course the online dating world would be no exception. With a lot of the men I met online our paths would have never crossed in our day to day lives. Which is why I like online dating because it helps to bridge the lives of people who would probably never meet.
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Try a paid dating site. They say you'll find more serious men on there if they're paying for it.
Also.. when you find out they're lame.. move on quickly and don't waste any time.. i think it's just a matter of time until you find someone who doesn't have all of the issues you described.

Gosh.. being single is so hard. :(

I tried a paid site (blackpeoplemeet) a couple times and no luck. :nono: I thought of trying another paid site like Match or Eharmony but I just don't have the energy for online dating anymore, period. I just always seem to attract weirdos or men who aren't really looking for anything serious. I would much rather take my chances meeting someone in person.
I met my ex-husband online ....and I see how that turned out. But I remain opened minded bc I saw the red flags n choose to ignore them hahah....wasnt I dreaming. I have learned not to lower my standards!! So keep trying....
I think that in its infancy online dating probably attracted men who were genuine, I am not saying that from experience just speculation. Now, I just think online dating is the domain of the craziest men you could ever meet with a few sane ones sprinkled in.

I totally agree; my sister and I came to this very conclusion yesterday - I believe the days of finding a decent man online have passed for the most part and I am speaking from experience, albeit limited. It's like finding a needle in the proverbial haystack.
I will be ending my accounts at the end of the month. There is something to be said for getting out in life and enjoying it to the fullest.