Online Dating and Fake Pictures Story


Well-Known Member
Here's a story that I've been witness to. I can't believe the way everything unfolded!

Six years ago, I met a girl (my bff) named Amanda. Amanda is a really intelligent, really shy, heavy girl who has only had one boyfriend in 10th grade that lasted for about 6 months.

When we met, we really had a great vibe going because we both enjoyed the same books, art, films, and we were both going to major in the same subject. We became so close.....I've never been as close to another woman as I am to Amanda. There no jealousy in our relationship, no lies. She saw me through some of my worse times and really had my back during those as well.

I've struggled with weight as I did my best to help Amanda. She is an emotional eater and was putting on about 6 lbs every month... During our first year in college together, Amanda fell in love with a boy. He was really playful with her and very attractive and I was hoping that they would get together. Unfortunately, this guy turned out to be a joke. He made out with her when he was drunk one night and when she approached him later at a club, he insulted her in front of his new woman (a white girl). (Amanda is bi racial and issues with race...notha story)

The good stuff......

To sum it up, she was unhappy. She was a straight A student, had everything she wanted, but couldn't have the one thing she did want.

So, four years ago, I traveled to FL and when I came back Amanda had told me that she met a guy from Oregon online. According to her, they met online and started talking and didn't get off the computer for another 8 hours! She didn't have intentions to date him and when he did request a picture, she sent him one of her cousin! Her cousin looks like C Milli if anything and had always been really beautiful.

Lo and behold....Amanda and Caleb go from online chatting, to phone conversations. She got a cell phone (something she said she would never do). She let me speak to Caleb once and he was a darling guy. He's white, fit and muscular, has brown hair and light brown eyes. Caleb is sexy by any standard.

At this point, I told Amanda she needed to tell him what she looked like. He kept offering to visit, and offering to pay for her ticket if she did! At one point, he purchased a ticket and had it mailed to her but she made an excuse and he got it refunded.

Every day, I worried about the picture thing. He had 2 pictures that he thought were Amanda and when I talked to him, he went on and on about how gorgeous she was and how he can't believe that "someone so gorgeous could be afraid of being on webcam!" At one point, I decided that I should tell him. We fought about it, but what could I do? I couldn't betray my girl....

Throughout the relationship with Caleb, she changed. She became confident like I had never seen her before. It was amazing thing to watch. She was happy and just seemed to be really sure of herself. I guess coming into her own really made her realize that what she was doing was really horrible. Caleb had asked her to visit and was expecting her for spring break in March of last year.

She told me that she was going to break up with him, to avoid any sort of disappointment. I was kinda mad about that...he's a sweet guy! He sent her care packages every 2 weeks and gave her anything she wanted. He sang to her and I aint saying but I'm sure they had phone sex when I wasn't in the dorms. LOL

In February, I stopped talking to Amanda for a week. I felt dirty about what was going on.

After I stopped talking to her, Amanda told Caleb what she really looked like! She told him everything!

And Caleb says...."I don't care what you look like, I want you with me"


She went to visit and he really didn't care. When I heard his reaction, me and my mom were warning her that he might be crazy, we gave her a weapon and told her to text us a special message if something went wrong!

When he saw her at the airport, he hugged her and kissed her and said she was beautiful.

Apparently when they went to the hotel, they had a really long talk about the situation. He said it would take time to get the false image out of his head but that he wanted to be with her.

I am writing this because its almost 2 years later, Caleb is visiting and they are still together. I really wasn't sure that guys like this existed. It gave me hope. Caleb and Amanda were working out together last night and I was tearing up. I guess I'm such an emo but I had to share this story. I thought it was so cute that he was pretending to be more tired that he was to work at her pace and yesterday at CVS, he had his had in her pocket the entire time and couldn't stop playing with her hair and rubbing her back.

Does anyone know of a an online relationship that survived a fake picture scandal? I think this is nothing short of amazing!

So what do you think ladies? Is it luck, madness, or true love?
Gosh, I don't know what to say but I am so glad your friend was finally honest and that it has worked out for her! I certainly wouldn't recommend anyone else do the same thing but wow, I am just really happy that it's worked out for your friend. :)
Awwww...that turned out really great and a lesson to be learned that if you just be yourself...someone is out there for you! Thanks for sharing that!...
Thanks for the responses ladies. I do agree with you all, she was really wrong. I guess she paid for it because she spent more than 2 years of her life dealing with fear of him finding out and losing him every day.
Caleb is something special. I don't think I could get pass that. I'd wonder if she was telling the truth every time she told me something.
Wow... that's really sweet. I think it's probably more likely for a woman to get over a fake pic issue than a man. I'm glad it worked out for her.
I think that is the execption not the rule. I've read more disaster stories about fake pics and online dating than fairytale endings.
Ah!!!:grin: Beautiful story, I loved it!!!
ITA with the ladies that said she should have been honest from the jump, but I'm glad that they're happy!
Aww, that's sweet. I agree it could have gone much differently and that Caleb is indeed a special man, but I am glad your friend is growing in confidence and things are working out for the two of them.

I am sure she feels & has felt majorly guilty about the lie that she perpetrated for so long.
WOW!!! This story is amazing! I've heard of a few online-fake pic scenarios with women sending out a fake pic due to being uncomfortable with either their weight or their entire appearance. And, after the truth was finally uncovered, they were ostracized so badly that they were chased from the internet entirely (I think they're using homing pidgeons now).

This guy was truly raised correctly, a testament to both his parents and the content of his character. Kudos to him.
WOW... there's a story you don't hear everyday. As I was reading I was waiting for the disaster element to kick in. I guess it's a good thing that everything's cool for now, but don't you guys think that this whole picture thing will backfire at some point in the relationship?
I've considered that too, Eritreladiee. Interestingly enough, I think Caleb is more OK with it that Mandy is.
I think we as women care more about what we look than men actual care. I've spent too much time worried about my hair, my weight, or something else related to my outer appearance and all the guys I've dealt with didn't care half as much as I did. They liked me just for me. Sure they found me attractive physically but I think they were mainly attracted to my personality and attitude. They would give me more confidence when I didn't have alot of confidence in myself. Im glad everything worked out for her and that he was into her for being her instead of what she looked like.