Once a Cheater Always a Cheater?

No. Anyone can change IF they want to. The hard part is for the cheated to know whether it is true or not.
No I don't believe that. People can change and everyone is different. If you believe that once somebody cheats they will always cheat then you should believe that about every behavior. Once a liar always a liar. Once a pushover, always a pushover. Once faithful always faithful. Once a bad student, always a bad student. Once a murderer, always a murderer. People make mistakes and often learn from them.
I have been a cheater before and I DO NOT want to inflict the pain on anyone else again! I told my everything about my my past and what I did and he's too good of a man for me to repeat my past actions.

I cheated on my ex because I resented him for not making a commitment to me. I know I should have just left him but we had a son together and I didn't want to break up the fam. I felt bad afterward and apologized. I'm in a ldr with my everything currently and I don't even feel the urge let alone temptation to stray.

So yes, people can and do change.
I used to cheat back in the day. Matter of fact, I cheated on most of my exes, because they were dumb and got on my nerves. :look:

Been with dh for almost eleven years now and have never felt the urge to stray. He's too awesome for that and anyway, no one would be able to compare. :grin:

So no, I don't believe the saying.
I believe yes but with an asterick.

I think it is possible for someone who cheated in one relationship to not display the same behavior in a relationship with a different person.

But I have zero faith that someone who cheated and is taken back won't repeat the behavior even with therapy.

Cheating is about seeing what you can get away with.
Once a cheater always a cheater, only if you're a woman.

If you're male? You're able to cheat over & over and magically learn how to eventually keep it in your pants one day.:rolleyes:
The problem I'm seeing in this thread is, the CHEATERS are the ones who's saying no. Of course y'all are going to say no.:look:
:lol: aren't cheaters the best people to answer? That's like asking a square how much weed is in a dime bag versus asking a slinger.