Ok I'm going to do it- Could you be in a plural marriage?

Could you be in a plural marriage ?

  • Hell to the Naw!

    Votes: 319 85.3%
  • Yes, the more the merrier.

    Votes: 11 2.9%
  • Maybe, it would depend on the situation.

    Votes: 44 11.8%

  • Total voters
McDreamy said:
And as far as I'm concerned, the second scenario is worse than the first.

It's like you used the worse case scenario for monogamy,

And then the best case scenario for a man that has many baby mommas.

Oh great, he leaves the baby mommas so that they can get married if they want. How considerate.

Not really. I used the REALISTIC senario. I always try to be objective.
Sometimes when I watch Big Love I think I could do it... it'd be nice to have some help around here... someone I can trust to watch my kids so I can get some sleep or go to the grocery. A woman to help clean up and everything... of course DH does way more cooking and cleaning than I do!

But honestly I couldn't do it. Even thinking about women DH was with before he knew me makes me crazy with jealousy. If I even think a woman is trying to get at my husband, she'd better watch out!
I most certainly wouldn't. I don't fancy the idea of sharing my man with anyone else. I believe there's a real commitment we made when we consummated our marriage, and having him break that for someone else would kill me. I would rather die single than be wife #1 or goodness knows how many. I also wouldn't willingly put myself at risk for HIV/AIDS.

I have a cousin that is married to a polygamist, and her life has been hell. I have seen what has become of her children, her own self worth, and that's not appealing to me.
Disclaimer: This is not directed at the OP, simply the topic. Now for my POV. :cool:

I couldn't do multiple husbands, that's too much work for me. As for the other.....
I get paid less than a man for the same work, my skills are second guessed because I'm a woman, there are places here and around the world where women are deemed undeserving of an education, places where it's acceptable for a man to beat or burn his wife, where women have no rights to even claim rape, old men marry young women every day. So, am I willing to give them another perk?

Hm....let's see. I respect him by being with only one man, but he gets to choose which flavor of love he wants for the night/week/month and I have to come to terms with it? What do I get? Less money, less time with him oh and a dirty member that's been up inside another woman. No. Thank You. What's next, if all women walk around naked it'll numb their senses to female sexuality thereby reducing sexual harassment cases :lol:

It's the male fantasy of female multiplicity and for "some" it's a way of being with another women without god's scorn. It's seem oddly convenient that it's still practiced even in instances where there's no practical purpose. My only real beef with polygamy is that often it accompanies a high level of sexism. If it were just a lifestyle I'd have no problem, but the men who have often "explained" polygamy to me are usually dead against Polyandry (1 wife, multiple husbands) regardless of circumstances. Not to mention, they also have some really disturbing opinions on women.
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McDreamy said:
I think what many have to understand is how polygamy works.

I have seen polygamy in my family, and from other people in my life and I know how it works. It's not a lifestyle I would choose for myself or my children. :ohwell: Luckily, I am not living in rural Africa fifty years ago where I wouldn't have a choice like my paternal grandmother.
McDreamy said:
here is an example:
here is an example

In Islam, polygyny is allowed, with the specific limitation that men can only have up to four wives at any one time. However, the Qur'an specifically states that men who choose this route must deal with their wives as fairly as possible, doing everything that they can to spend equal amounts of time, money, and love on each one of them.

Right, and monogamous marriages are supposed to be forever and faithful. We see how well that works :lol:
In reality lust, jealousy, self interest, control and ego trips can work there way into some of the most perfect monogamous marriages so I believe it's the same for polygamy. Very few of the relationships I've known that were open or polygamous worked out as stated above. The men were catered too and the women had the responsibility of dealing with natural and normal human emotions like jealousy and possessiveness. Now if the women even entertained the idea of polyandry their husbands would liekly slap the brown right off of them or at the least label them ungodly sluts.
...only if I get to be the one with the multiple spouses....I don't really know any men wise enough to handle more than one woman.....but I know pah-lenty of women wise enough to do justice to multiple men! :lachen: :lachen::lachen: ....and I'm not even a feminist!
My uncle has 2 wifes and it works well. However, I couldn't do it.

The difference in for instance Kenya, where my father was from, is that having 2 wifes is actually a better deal for most women. The other option is to be a mistress, or a wife to a husband that keeps mistresses.

If you are someone's wife at least you get a house, some land, your children are taken care of etc. :) The husband lives an equal amount of time in the wifes' houses.

My grandfather had 4 wifes, 2 of his own and 2 that he inherited from his brother when the brother died. My grandfather was a bad man, so he wasn't a good husband to any of his wifes.

ETA. My family is not muslim, they are Catholic :look:
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Hell NO!!!!! Don't get me started on this one. But I will say this. No woman has to be that stupid and desperate to have a man in her life.

Not EVER! There are too many races to choose from to have to bow down and share a stupid man with some other stupid woman.

And I say Go for it! Go for the ONE man who loves the ONE 'YOU".

I don't care what color, race, religion he is, just go for it! As long as you both get along and love each other and have respect for each other and are committed to each other, Go for it!

You do NOT have to settle for less.

One man -- One Woman! Case Closed!!!
Hell to the Nah!

People are crazy....just see people..don't get married.

Oh and why is it always the man with so many wives and not the other way around. I swear if ever I was silly enough to do something like this I would be sleeping with other men and I would let the idiot know where I stand.

In reality lust, jealousy, self interest, control and ego trips can work there way into some of the most perfect monogamous marriages so I believe it's the same for polygamy.

Although I'm married...now I don't believe in marriege for this very reason. People just don't seem to know how to be faithful. Too busy lusting after other people imo.
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No, not, never.

How can you keep jealousy down as far as yes....I'm taking it to sex.

So he gets to have sex with Wife #1 on Sat., #2 on Sun??? And I'm in the same house:eek: Hell nawww........
McDreamy said:
Here's my question though.

What's the difference really between a male with children from different mothers?

At least in pologamy, (religiously or culturally based) the husband will not marry unless he can actually take care of the mother and children.

This is a very good point. I couldn't do it, but I couldn't do the above either (be with a man with many kids by many women)
Shimmie said:
Hell NO!!!!! Don't get me started on this one. But I will say this. No woman has to be that stupid and desperate to have a man in her life.

Not EVER! There are too many races to choose from to have to bow down and share a stupid man with some other stupid woman.

And I say Go for it! Go for the ONE man who loves the ONE 'YOU".

I don't care what color, race, religion he is, just go for it! As long as you both get along and love each other and have respect for each other and are committed to each other, Go for it!

You do NOT have to settle for less.

One man -- One Woman! Case Closed!!!

When Shimmie starts talking about interfaith/religious marriages, I know she means business!:lol:
dlewis said:
Ooowww Shimmie, this must be a hot subject for you.

Think about the transmission of 'shared' body fluids; let alone diseases. That alone makes it a stupid choice and it's just plain sick. :mad:

Sorry Lady D...I'm going home to make your Lemon Pie (no bake) recipe. ;)
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JFemme said:
Yes, two men/husbands and me.... sure darn could....

Ha! This is hilarious. I have a friend who's dh tried to get her to agree to a threesome. So her answer was "sure, just tell me when and what HIS name is":lol: Let's just say he never brought the topic up again!
cocoberry10 said:
When Shimmie starts talking about interfaith/religious marriages, I know she means business!:lol:
I'm Sorry Sweet Coco... ;)

I was including the entire spectrum of races / faiths yet in Chrisitanity, I still mean those of like precious faith -- equally yoked.
Glamourous said:
To the bolded: He might have other children outside of his marriage(s). Who's to say polygamysts are all faithful (ummm I guess as faithful as they are supposed to be I dont really know how it works).

Males with children from different mothers are not married to each of the mothers, leaving them all leeway to find other spouses of their own. They also are not all sexually involved.
Hopefully they aren't sexually involved, but unfortunately, that's not always the case. SOME men w/baby mamas are permanently attached to those women, not just b/c of the children, but b/c there are feelings or interactions that lead to indiscretions. NOT ALWAYS, BUT SOMETIMES. I've had friends that were dating men w/children, and they've come to find out that the man was still sleeping with his baby's mother. But men like that are childish!
cocoberry10 said:
Ha! This is hilarious. I have a friend who's dh tried to get her to agree to a threesome. So her answer was "sure, just tell me when and what HIS name is":lol: Let's just say he never brought the topic up again!

Served him right! Smart dummie.......:look:
McDreamy said:

Me either.

I guess smart people can do what someone else considers stupid. But, who am I to judge their beliefs.

No more than I can judge a woman being with a man with different baby mommas.
That's a stupid woman too....:( Just think more highly of 'yourself' (general you....not you McDreamy).

McDreamy, for the record. I read where you have family members in this situation. I can understand your sincerity and I respect your views on this so my comments and feelings are not directed at you personally and how you feel about this. You obviously have compassion and I do respect you.

But I don't (have compassion nor yield)! I don't believe a woman has to settle for less just to appease a man or to have a man.

I'm not sharing my husband with anyone. It's either 'just me' or I'm off to someone else, no matter what color/ race who is satisfied with me and only me. It's just dumb and weak for a woman to 'settle' for less and allowing a man to have the best of her and gives her less in return. It's just plain stupid.

No woman needs to be that desperate to have a man or a home...Please all that for a house! There are too many other men out there to be with... ALONE!

No disrespect intended, but there are some customs that bring women down to a level of disgrace and this is one of them. I'm sorry but it is. No man is going to disgrace me by making me subject to another woman. I DO NOT compete for a man's affections. There is no such thing as sharing a spouse. It's sick and it is disease bound in ones, body and soul.
Why is "Africa" so disease prone with AIDs? Multiple sex partners. :(

Anyway.... it's stupid!