Oils,Grease,& Oil(based)Pomades,Butters July 1 - Sept 30

IDareT'sHair said:
@Golden75 @jprayze

The "Featherweight" gave me some kind of terrible reaction. My face felt all hot & irritated. :blush: Yeah....Like that....:lol:

Couldn't figured out what it was, because the Regular-weight didn't do that.

I passed the Featherweight on to Che who hasn't had any problems with it.:perplexed

That's exactly my reaction to the regular...my face felt a hot mess! Tried to ignore it for a few days but once I stopped using it, no problems. I really wanted to use it...I will pass it on to a friend though.
Just a bit of my apricot oil mix (with WGHO and peppermint oil) while Bunning

Btw passed along my trigger to one of my friends
Getting back into the swing of things. Took a break due to some acne. I'm too old for this mess :rolleyes:

I'm on a mission to get 3" by Dec :look: so imma be an oiling fool. Lightly applied Trigger FW that I mixed with PBN Brazil Loc on my scalp, sealed with HV hair & body oil. Some sample I recieved and it smells so good and it's light.
Added a tiny bit of HH Peach Aloe Pomade to my scalp. I may melt it down and add sulfur to it...

What consistency is Wheat Germ Oil? Is it thick like Castor, or thinner like Hemp or Coconut? I'm still scared of the scent, but if I see it this weekend, I may purchase for pre-poos or steaming with conditioner.

NappyNelle - not sure if anyone answered but - Wheat Germ oil is thick and funky :look:. It's great for pre-poos or mixed in a DC. I would put it in the castor category for thickness.
@Golden75 @jprayze

The "Featherweight" gave me some kind of terrible reaction. My face felt all hot & irritated. :blush: Yeah....Like that....:lol:

Couldn't figured out what it was, because the Regular-weight didn't do that.

I passed the Featherweight on to Che who hasn't had any problems with it.:perplexed

That was me...hot face and irritated. Guess I will leave all trigger alone...
Castor oil and sulfer users

Do you buy it pure or do you buy products with those ingredients like Softee herbal gro has castor oil in it?

After im done with my softee im gonna switch to AB Super Gro. I can pick out coconut oil, joboba oil, sulfur, castor oil, vitamin e, shea butter, olive oil, safflower oil, keratin, and the rest idk about but I like the good ingredients.

Here's the full list.

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Thanks so much Golden75! I may go with an Ayurvedic oil since those tend to be thick and funky too.

sckri23 I only use the pure stuff because I can control the percentages of everything in my mix. I'm also a natural product junky, so the artificial colors, mineral oil, and petroleum derivatives are not my thing.
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