Oils,Grease,& Oil(based)Pomades,Butters July 1 - Sept 30

Claudie's Hair & Temple balm is sooo concentrated, I can't believe it. I've had a jar since March, used it daily on my ends and weekly on my scalp, and I'm only 20% through it. Plus the ingredients and quality are awesome.
Sprayed some 613 mist and sealed with EVOCO :)
I made a oil mix for my DC sessions I used Africa's Best Herbal oil and added Vatika, vitamin E,essential Rosemary, and wgo. Ill use this oil once a week mixed with my DC of choice until its gone then ill start on my smaller bottles of oils
I slapped on some coconut oil on the length of my granny braids last night after i took down my hair. Dabbed some castor oil on the ends, and covered with a plastic cap overnight.
Did an overnight with vatika frosting. I applied a little more this morning before heading out. I will do my regi later today.
While walking home from the store I got caught in the rain grrrr so I used a lil LTR leave in and sealed with jojoba oil
Claudie's Hair & Temple balm is sooo concentrated, I can't believe it. I've had a jar since March, used it daily on my ends and weekly on my scalp, and I'm only 20% through it. Plus the ingredients and quality are awesome.

TIA - I bought some for my mom months ago. She said she massages it in erryday! I checked her jar Saturday, and still 1/2+ left. Her temples are sprouting back in, she mad they gray, but I say, hair is hair, give me gray over bald :look:
:lol: Why thank you Ms. T!

While I'm in my mini PJ phase *clears throat*, any oils you'd care to recommend? :lick:


Sure, I'll be happy too!:lol: What kind are you looking for? A Blend or Pure Oil?

Blends Right now I'm loving (in no particular order):

Hydratherma Naturals
Hairveda's Cocosta & Hairveda's Avosoya
Brown Butter Beauty's Neem
Marie Dean's Argan Oil Blend & Marie Dean's Baobab Oil
Purabody Naturals Brazil Loc Oil

Honorable Mention:
Hair Trigger Growth Elixir

Pure's I'm using:
Extra Virgin Oil

Afroveda's Shakakai Oil (she sent me a sample, I'm in Lurve:lick:)
Omg, I was just looking at the Shikakai, like the tab is still up on my browser. Mind-reader much? :lol: I just may try that!

Right now, I'm more into the blends. Think I'll restock my trigger and try the shikakai, or at least some kind of ayurvedic inspired oil! Saving your list, thanks! :love:
Yesterday, I planned to co-wash my hair b/c it looked a little dry. I put some grape-seed oil on my ends, twisted my hair in a bun, and then put on a plastic shower cap.

I had the cap over my hair for about 30 minutes. Surprisingly, when I took the shower cap off my hair looked moisturized, and my ends were smooth.

I decided not to cowash b/c it was no longer necessary. I did one big pin-curl and tied my hair down with my silk scarf.

This morning my hair looked and felt even better!!!!

So ladies if you are having a dry spell mid-week try some light oil on the length of your hair. Twist it in a bun and wear a shower cap for 30-40 min. You will be pleasantly surprise :grin:.
Did an oil rinse today...during my cowash.

Oiled my hair before adding an aryuvedic paste (won't bother with that again, oiling beforehand).