HOTs, Oil Rinse, Sealing April 1st - June 30th 2012 PARTII

massaged a little mimosa hair honey into my scalp and used to seal ends this am. Also used my MN mix with JBCO and peppermint EO
Been sealing my ends with this castor/flax seed/wheat germ oil to use it up. Starting with 10 oz. Have about 4 oz left. My ends aren't loving it :ohwell:

100 today.:heated:

What the What????:lol: *Thanks for asking*

My hair did fine. I was in a meeting 'freezing' most of the day anyway.:cold:

I have been using HV's Red Tea Creme under my Wig.:drool:
Cowashing daily and sealing my ends with castor/flax seed/wheat germ oil. Can't wait to use this oil up.
I oiled my scalp and hair with EVCO after swim. Added a layer of Suave conditioner and covered head with a plastic cap. Will rinse out later and braid to dry.
IDareT'sHair Looks like I may have to order more HV-Red Tea & Hydra Silica to use for the rest of summer...Think I might run out..Dont want that to

Happy Hair Growing!
Looks like I may have to order more HV-Red Tea & Hydra Silica to use for the rest of summer...Think I might run out..Dont want that to

Happy Hair Growing!

@Lita I used up my 1 (and only) Hydrasilica Spritz.:sad:

That Spritz is just the right weight and scent. Everything about it is great.:lick:

I'm using Claudie Tea Rinse/Spritz right now.

I did manage to get 3 HV Red Tea Cremes (which was smart on my part).:grin:

I said I was going to save the other 2 for Fall.:look:
Before adding my EVOCO to my hair I massaged my scalp with my scalp oil mix of Grapeseed oil, EVOO, Jojoba, JBCO, Sweet almond oil, essential Rosemary oil and vitamin e oil. I also added a sample size pack of Dr Miracles Hot Gro to this ( I like the tingle I get from it)
Steamed DC included oils, did an oil rinse and sealed with gleau. Just opened a new bottle of gleau. With some in the stash still. I love having my HG items stocked:yep:
Massaged in a little Rosemary pomade on scalp
Moisturized with HV Red Tea, sealed with Hydratherma Naturals oil
Loving my coconut oil as a DC next time im gonna use the coconut butter and see how I like that:) plus my sister bought some essential tea tree and I added about 20 drops to my scalp oil.