Oh the nerve of this girl!!!!!!

so if it HAD been a weave, her intention was to pull it OUT?!?! That's crazy. You handled it with dignity, good for you! Next time, though, instead of reaching for bobby pins, you need to be reaching for your brass knuckles!! :D
Oh hell no. :mad:

Why don't people have the sense God gave a flea??? You just DON'T go around pulling on someone else's hair! Jealous heifer...can't stand women like this! She was trying to embarrass you alright, but she came out looking like boo boo the fool!

Tarheelgurl, you are better than I am...that girl would still have my handprint on her face. :mad:
I'm sorry this had to happy the way it did, but I'm really glad you handled yourself the way you did. Don't let people like that get under your skin. You should feel sorry for people like that because they have NO SENSE first of all, and they lack self-esteem.
My aunt did this to me once. I was like, "even if it had been a weave, pulling on it like that still would have hurt! and if you had pulled it out, you would have been paying for it! :mad: "

It's hard sometimes to maintain that composure. People know who they can do it to and get away with it. If I had been some "ghetto chick" she probably would have been hit, aunt or not.
YEAHHHHHH. I am so glad to hear that you did something. I had this same issue about 2 weeks ago. GOOD FOR YOU.
tarheelgurl said:
I am taking some courses to help with my career change/graduate degree. Usually, I wear my hair pinned up in some kind of style to keep it off my neck. So, for the first couple of days of class I had my hair up.

After a fresh washing and flatironing, I decided to wear it down to class. There is a black girl that sits next to me and as soon as I sat down that day she GRABBED MY HAIR AND SNATCHED IT really hard and said ...

..........."oh, I thought you had gotten a weave, I didn't think you had any hair. That's all your hair?"

I was like "Ow" and thinking I know this &itch didn't just yank my hair!!:eek: :mad:

Immediately I started looking in my purse for my emergency bobbie pin and pinned it up at the same time telling that ***** "Yes, it is all mine and please do not pull it again."

My hair isn't even that long so I don't get why someone would yank it to see if it was real. I was so pissed I couldn't focus the rest of the night.

Ok, thanks for letting me vent.

[SIZE=+1] You did good. Cause truth be told......I would have pulled hers right back.[/SIZE]
(((((( Hugs))))))) to all of you because I KNEW you all would understand!!! I was just like :eek: ! I don't know if her goal was to expose a weave in front of all the other folks or what. Hopefully she made herself look more foolish than she was trying to make me look.

Class is tonight and I am keeping my hair pinned up away from its abuser! :D
tarheelgurl said:
(((((( Hugs))))))) to all of you because I KNEW you all would understand!!! I was just like :eek: ! I don't know if her goal was to expose a weave in front of all the other folks or what. Hopefully she made herself look more foolish than she was trying to make me look.

Class is tonight and I am keeping my hair pinned up away from its abuser! :D

i wouldn't be surprised if she started to act all paly and friendly with you... just watch your back lol... some girls can be so damm sneaky
tarheelgurl said:
(((((( Hugs))))))) to all of you because I KNEW you all would understand!!! I was just like :eek: ! I don't know if her goal was to expose a weave in front of all the other folks or what. Hopefully she made herself look more foolish than she was trying to make me look.

Class is tonight and I am keeping my hair pinned up away from its abuser! :D

To be honest with you, I'd pull that person aside before class and tell her not to touch your hair EVER AGAIN. That was completely uncalled for. If she does it again, let her know that you will file assault charges. She had no business putting her hands on you.
I would have took it to that one place where she would have been embarrased to be in the class much less sit by me.

I can't stand for somebody to be all up in my personal space without permission. I've never had someone pull my hair like that ever. They'd get their ass handed back to them in a basket.

tarheelgurl said:
(((((( Hugs))))))) to all of you because I KNEW you all would understand!!! I was just like :eek: ! I don't know if her goal was to expose a weave in front of all the other folks or what. Hopefully she made herself look more foolish than she was trying to make me look.

Class is tonight and I am keeping my hair pinned up away from its abuser! :D

Girl, you wear your hair out...it's gorgeous and you should let it do what it do! :grin:
I don't think that little witch will have the cojones to touch your hair again, and if she does...then it can REALLY be on!
AKA-Tude said:
So how long did it take her to pick herself up off the floor after you knocked her out for GRABBING your hair:confused: :confused:

She got some nerve-

Tacky *****:Cow:

Exactly ! I just know I would be straight up in the police car / police station cause it would BE ON !!!!!!!!
tarheelgurl said:
(((((( Hugs))))))) to all of you because I KNEW you all would understand!!! I was just like :eek: ! I don't know if her goal was to expose a weave in front of all the other folks or what. Hopefully she made herself look more foolish than she was trying to make me look.

Class is tonight and I am keeping my hair pinned up away from its abuser! :D

Tarheelgurl I am in NorthCarolina right now. I got your back if she does something !!!! ;)
preciousjewel76 said:
To be honest with you, I'd pull that person aside before class and tell her not to touch your hair EVER AGAIN. That was completely uncalled for. If she does it again, let her know that you will file assault charges. She had no business putting her hands on you.

I totally agree with talking to her. And if she acts a fool, well, you know what to do! She obviously need to be in some other type of classes, basic home schooling and such. That is just ridiculous. Sorry you had to go through this
:eek: wow i am sorry that happend!!!!:( :mad: may be i shouldnt try to grow my hair long cause i am to old to go to jail:confused: :lol: :lol:
It sounds like she was jealous before you even came to class. She said she thought you didn't have any hair witch means that she was already thinking about you. She wanted a reason to try to make you look bad. Girls will try to make you look bad when they feel that you are a threat. Unfortunately women do it to. I thought it was going to stop when we reached our twenties but thats not the case. I think every one has their own struggles with jealousy but she took it to the extreme. I can't say what I would have done in that situation:ohwell: but I can say you handled well. (Sigh) Catty females.....

I know you wanted to slap her, but your class and concern for your progress prevailed.

This happened to me once. I was working as a temp in a tony department store. At that time, my hair was relaxed and cut in a perfect shoulder length pageboy with plenty of swang. A couple of the permanent girls and I were standing around talking, since it was slow. This chick put her hand at my temple and raked my hair from scalp to end while asking, "Is this all yours?" Well thank God it was, for it not, it would have all be lying on the floor. Did she look stupid!! I hate haters!

Do your thang & wear your proud hair as you like, but if she tries to assault you again, step to her. You know we've got your back!!
i would have whopped her *** something serious!! that was just tacky and rude:mad: who the hell is she to put her hands in your head like that? and why was it her damn bussiness to know if you was weaving it or not? the nerve of people today:mad:

this just pisses me off. something like this happened to me a few years ago before I had to cut my hair. some chick just decided to come stroke her dirty fingers in my head to see if it was real.:mad: i looked at that bic** and said are you fuc*** high?? I don't know your ***, get the f*** out of my head!! you could be rubbing some sh!t in my hair to make it fall out:mad: (you know some of those chicks are tacky like that) and don't you know this bit** had the nerve to get mad and tried to fight me:lol:
Sorry this happened to you. It is amazing that you managed to keeo your composure.

I just don't understand some of these morons. Even if it was weave > it would have been attached some how > resulting in harm to your real hair or scalp. Why do people think they can yank hair. It is still a part of the body. Yanking it is equivalent to hitting. I would have called the police and filed a report! That may seem overly dramatic. But somebody needs to do it, just one time!
bLaCkMaMa7_7 said:
i would have whopped her *** something serious!! that was just tacky and rude:mad: who the hell is she to put her hands in your head like that? and why was it her damn bussiness to know if you was weaving it or not? the nerve of people today:mad:

this just pisses me off. something like this happened to me a few years ago before I had to cut my hair. some chick just decided to come stroke her dirty fingers in my head to see if it was real.:mad: i looked at that bic** and said are you fuc*** high?? I don't know your ***, get the f*** out of my head!! you could be rubbing some sh!t in my hair to make it fall out:mad: (you know some of those chicks are tacky like that) and don't you know this bit** had the nerve to get mad and tried to fight me:lol:

she only wanted to fight you cause you made her look like the dumbass she really is. the nerve of some people. Even though i've never had long hair, i've always being hypnotized by long AA hair. but i've never put my hands in anybody's hair without being asked. i'm bracing myself for when this happens to me. i might just lose it.
Damn she was just a ignorant one. :mad: One rule that I know for sure is to never touch somebody hair without asking let along yank it! I would have been like are you blind :censored: ? LOL!
WomanlyCharm said:
Girl, you wear your hair out...it's gorgeous and you should let it do what it do! :grin:
I don't think that little witch will have the cojones to touch your hair again, and if she does...then it can REALLY be on!

Exactly, wear your hair out and don't let anyone stop you from wearing your hair how you want again. Hopefully her embarrassment will keep her hands out of your hair. If she does it again, though, even touches it, pimp slap that *****! You handled it with dignity & grace the first time, the second time would be ON!!!

I know for a fact if she would've done that to me I'd have beat her down with her textbook without batting an eye. KissKiss is right, Nikos' cousins would've witnessed that.... I don't even wanna say...:nono:
I agree... wear it out. BUT, if I were you, I'd pull my hair in front of me so that it lies on the front on my shoulders instead of on my back. This trick may try something and take out a chunk of your hair. :eek:

THEN, at the end of class, I'd gather my books, stand up, and FLIP IT back on my back. EVERYDAY! :lol: I bet she couldn't take that! :lachen:
nubianqt86 said:
Oh no! She was not just checking. She was trying to embarrass you, hoping something would come out/off. Why else tug so hard?

I agree. Jealousy is an ugly thing.