If Someone Else Pulls My Hair

During my trip in cali, I was at a party and the host pulled my ponytail! "Just checking" rolled out her mouth! My friend held me back as she ran away! I can't believe some people!
Congrats on your length!
By yank #2 or 3 I wouldve powder pimp slap the person. J/K When my hair was bsl/mbl back then I remember GUYS doing that. A lot of them would try to be slick and put their arm around my neck to than scritch my scalp. I would cringe each and every single time.

But damn to yank thats a nono ...as for pocahontas people yanked your ponytail till your head fall back that would've resulted in a quick UPPERCUT! BANG! lol :) Some folks get a little bit too comfortable!
My hair is not long, but I'm transitioning. People are curious and I had one of my managers yank on my curls. She meant no harm, but I still don't like people playing up in my head all uninvited.
When I had waist length hair, people wanted to touch my hair, but I never let them yank on it. I got used to pulling my head back when I saw a hand coming near.
My grandmother pulled my hair on Christmas...I mean, what's a girl to do? It's Granny! lol It actually caught me off guard too. I was bending down to pick something up for her and she pulled my hair saying, "Girl, is this your hair now??" (I had been wearing weaves this year.) My hair isn't anyone close to Traycee's hair, so WHEN I get there, I can only imagine....I may need to walk around with a sign on my back saying "Do not Touch". lol

Pulling hair is NOT cool!

Or maybe we could get shirts that say "Yes, it's real"...

I was at a PROFESSIONAL social gathering and had someone give me a hug. At the same time, she put her entire hand thru my hair....fingertips resting upon my scalp...... :lol:

My question is precisely this- WHAT WILL YOU DO IF YOU FIND A TRACK???

I mean dang! And with the pulling? What if it is a track and you pull it out? What then people? Last I check sew ins wouldn't come out with a lil tug anyway, so you haven't proved anything by yanking. Ppl need tact and common sense. I nice "wow, your hair is so gorgeous, is it yours" comment will suffice.

Yuck, is there such a thing as hair rape?:nono:

This is hair rape I believe. We have a new term! We should all now refer to this violation as hair rape. Add it to the LHCF dictionary :grin:.

Yep, i've experienced this my whole life...all the time, from guys, women, family members, i don't mind people wanting to touch, but the yanking is very very rude - and the accompanying neck snap, how could i forget about that...my hubbie did it when we dated, he thought i didn't know what he was doing, i called him out on it, too.... i've never done it to anyone, as a matter of fact, i hardly ever touch anyone's hair...

That's what gets me- ppl really think we don't know what's up!

I don't get the yanking. Even if it is fake, why are they trying to pull it out? Would that make them feel better to humiliate someone? People are so rude.
The scalp check, although still rude, at least makes sense because they're checking for tracks or a wig.
And if these people are friends and family, why didn't they just ask?
Good thing I'll almost always keep my hair in a bun or under a wig.
Sorry for you long haired ladies that have to endure this stupidity.


What gets me is do ppl think you're stupid? With the long prolonged hugs and the hair rape of the scalp? Do they think 1) you don't know what they're doing or 2) you will mistake what they're doing for something else. If it's 2, I'd love to know what that "something else" is. Please tell me what I would mistake a hug and a scalp rub for? A handshake?

People have to do better. :lol:
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When I first met my husbands family his sister in law actually stuck her hands up in my head like she was greasin my scalp! Then when I went to Nigeria the flight attendant did the same thing when I was boarding the flight and proceeded to tell the rest of the attendants! Oh and on my wedding day my cousin whispered in my ear is that yo hair....cuz we was wonderin.....during the ceremony! I was so embarrassed and my hair is only like bra strap. I can only imagine what they would have done if it was as long as yours!:lachen:

:lachen:is it that serious??
:sekret: Ok well I'm just going to come out and admit it. Traycee, I would love to reach through the screen and yank (not hard but just a little) your hair. I'm sorry I know I'm lower than dirt and need help. But your hair looks so thick and soft.......Maybe I'll start a spinoff thread. I know there are others out there. :sekret:

ETA: Not to do a weave check just to touch it........... (runs out of thread)
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At a family reunion a family friend pulled my hair while running her fingers on my scalp all at the same time. She was so slick with it too....normally I don't let people get that close to me but homegirl fast. I felt so violated after that, lol.

I've had people yank my ponytail a lot. They yank it hard too....hard enough so my head jerks back. Now that makes me mad.

The problem I have w/ this...is once they pull it as HARD as they do, they are expecting it to come off, if its a weave. Ummm why would they even want to put someone through that. Its so flippin ghetto! And even yt ppl do this at my job....they ghetto too! They think we all have short hair, (which I do) but when I flat iron my hair and wear my own, they still expect it to be a weave:perplexed:wallbash:
No one ever pulls my hair, especially not family or friends, because they already know I will fight (verbally or physically) at the drop of a hat.:lachen: (I'm only partially kidding.) Anyway, I did get a nice compliment from my SIL on Christimas, though. She told me how pretty my hair was even before she said, "Hello."

Traycee, your hair is lovely, and I'm sorry it got (repeatedly) pulled. :nono:
You have made amazing progress Traycee, I remember you were just in the 08 BSL thread. If I was one of those people (and I didn't know better), I wouldn't have yanked but I would be secretly checking for tracks or would coax you into doing the dutty wine or something :lol:

**off to stalk your fotki**
Sorry to hear this happened to you..some people are so rude...my SO mom did the same to me recently,I haven't seen her in a while, to "check" if it was mine...but she has that kind of personality,I knew she meant no harm...so I let it slide:look:
First of all, congratulations, because all this negative attention means you made some serious progress, and people can't believe their eyes. :grin:

Now, you need to start being curt and rude with people and let it be known that they can't yank at your hair, or you'll have to start :hardslap:
See - people are a mess, because if you're not nice about somebody yanking your hair and you actually call them on it, they want to call yuo stuck up "See she think she cute cuz she got all that hair". When it's like "NO! I think I have a right not to be assulted cuz I DO HAVE all this hair!"

I don't understand how people have no tact. Next time slap their hand and tell them that's a no-no.
On Christmas Day we went to my In-Laws and to friends of family house..2 different functions..And at both...

I went through friends and family yanking my hair to see if it was real...Because they know last christmas it wasnt even half this long..
I hate for people to touch my hair ..Let alone yank it....All I could think about was how many strands did I lose..:nono:

I just smiled and played it off at first but by the yank # 4 ...I wasnt polite any more...I was down right rude...First of all ...Why yank someones hair ?...Why not just ask ?...

I thought it was rude and not funny ....And it made me uncomfortable because everyone was lookin all up in my head...This was the first time I had experienced this...Has this happened to any of you....

I feel you girl. I had this problem with a cousin of mine....my hair wasn't even long...it was growing out of a Halle Berry cut I had back in the day, but I always got it done and everytime I did, her fingers were in my hair. One day, I just grabbed her hand--she got the point. :naughty: I know, getting physical is not the best way to handle it, but it was either that or cursing a family member out...:swearing:

If I had YOUR hair by the way...You'd find my mugshot on the 10'oclock evening news!!!!
My grandmother pulled my hair on Christmas...I mean, what's a girl to do? It's Granny! lol It actually caught me off guard too. I was bending down to pick something up for her and she pulled my hair saying, "Girl, is this your hair now??" (I had been wearing weaves this year.) My hair isn't anyone close to Traycee's hair, so WHEN I get there, I can only imagine....I may need to walk around with a sign on my back saying "Do not Touch". lol

Pulling hair is NOT cool!

That would make a cute shirt ""Do not Touch,Pulling hair is NOT cool!":lachen: lol
My grandmother pulled my hair on Christmas...I mean, what's a girl to do? It's Granny! lol It actually caught me off guard too. I was bending down to pick something up for her and she pulled my hair saying, "Girl, is this your hair now??" (I had been wearing weaves this year.) My hair isn't anyone close to Traycee's hair, so WHEN I get there, I can only imagine....I may need to walk around with a sign on my back saying "Do not Touch". lol

Pulling hair is NOT cool!

Grandma: :yank: Is that false hair? (yes she says false :lachen::lachen:)
Tenjoy: No grandma u just asked me that last week :look:

My grandmother pulls EVERY time my hair is down. I use to get more of that when I was BSL...not so much now.

What puzzles me is why do people yank? like if it was fake, are they expecting it to yank differently or you just not feel the yank? It may seem petty but its annoying as all get out.
Hahahhaa....Girl no...Last year I had very thin barely apl hair...And I dont see these people often...If I did ...I probably was wearing a bun...Considering I bun 98% of the time

Sounds like some overzealous fans you've go there. These people are really insensitive. Did anyone ask about your regimen? How did you retain so much length from thin apl to healthy waist length?
I don't think that it is the intent of most people to be offensive when they are touching, pulling, tugging or asking about our hair. I think for them it is unusual and they sometimes get carried away.

When it comes to family and friends I believe they may feel as if they can take certain liberties because they are family and friends. I don't think that they understand how much work goes into long hair, the process or how fragile it can be.
On Christmas Day we went to my In-Laws and to friends of family house..2 different functions..And at both...

I went through friends and family yanking my hair to see if it was real...Because they know last christmas it wasnt even half this long..
I hate for people to touch my hair ..Let alone yank it....All I could think about was how many strands did I lose..:nono:

I just smiled and played it off at first but by the yank # 4 ...I wasnt polite any more...I was down right rude...First of all ...Why yank someones hair ?...Why not just ask ?...

I thought it was rude and not funny ....And it made me uncomfortable because everyone was lookin all up in my head...This was the first time I had experienced this...Has this happened to any of ....

Sorry you had to go through that. But I. Want your problem tell us what you did in one year!
I had my hair yanked by a total stranger. I'm not even sure how long my hair was at the time, but it wasn't anywhere near Traycee's length. I was at a Jamaican club years ago. I was sitting there minding my business when a hard YANK on my head makes my head go back. I turn around ready for war and this drunk Jamaican guy is smiling in my face and says how my hair is pretty and he wanted to know if it was real. He scared the crap outta me, so I got up and moved away from him.

I've had track checks on my scalp by family.

Why DO people pull hair to see if it's real?? What if they pull and it's fake and the hair comes out? Are they trying to embarrass you or something?