If Someone Else Pulls My Hair

Not yanked, but ran they hands all up in my hair and gave me a quick scalp massage searching for I don't know what while saying "your hair looks like a weave, it's soo long". I just smiled and said masha Allaah, because God willed.
OMG I am so sorry to hear this. It happens to me all the time and mind you my hair has not been longer than APL in the past few years. It even happened to me while I was in a swimming pool, I was standing in the water talking to my little brother, and some stranger from behind yanked my wet hair; I almost lost it, then she apologized saying "Oh thats all yours". WTF!! I also wonder if people's hair is really theirs or a really good weave. But i would definitely ask before touching someone's hair, and I would never yank
Tracey, aren't these people used to seeing you with long hair? I'll get looks from strangers, but everybody in my family knows I'm trying to grow out my hair. Might also be because nobody in my immediate family wears weaves or wigs.

If anything they should just ask for your regimen. I'd be writing everything you say down on paper.

Hahahhaa....Girl no...Last year I had very thin barely apl hair...And I dont see these people often...If I did ...I probably was wearing a bun...Considering I bun 98% of the time
Funny to hear someone else has experienced this...Beecause I thought that crap was crazy....And it was so hard to stay on my best behavior because I was really trying to be good for my husband at his people house....

Yes a few asked question about how I acheived the length and was shocked that it was real...
I don't get the yanking. Even if it is fake, why are they trying to pull it out? Would that make them feel better to humiliate someone? People are so rude.
The scalp check, although still rude, at least makes sense because they're checking for tracks or a wig.
And if these people are friends and family, why didn't they just ask?
Good thing I'll almost always keep my hair in a bun or under a wig.
Sorry for you long haired ladies that have to endure this stupidity.
I've never had this happen to me and I'm very sorry for anyone who has! I hate it when people violate others personal space! Your family/friends must have felt very comfortable to do this to you.
I've had this done to me before...when my hair was almost bsl. My hair grew out from a short bob to almost bsl. I've had several co workers do a "weave check" running their fingers through my scalp. I've had my ponytail yanked numerous times..:ohwell: I've even had people flat out ask me if it was my hair. I don't get how people can be so rude and violate ones space like that. I guess it's due to the misconception that black women can't have long hair..:perplexed
Yall need to start carrying a sock full quarters for the hair pullers an yankers. Me personally would be in jail for assault.:sad:
I'm still reading through the post, but forget getting slapped, WHEN (me being optimistic) my hair gets that long, if anyone outside my family yanks on my hair, they will get punched in the face. Because 1. All my friends will know its my hair, they will see me why I'm growing it out, 2. My mother will know its mines, 3. My family will NOT know but they are my family and they might get a funny look and a laugh from me because they are all old school. My grandmother will tug the hardest, but I love her. 4. Anyone that is not my family tugging on my hair is trying to embarrass me because they are jealous and feel bad about themselves.

LOL what do they say after they tug your hair and realize its all YOURS? LOL
The reason for the tug is so that you'll be humiliated when the fake hair comes out in their hands. They don't even care that your head can be injured by the tugging:wallbash:
Again, why is it so important that they have this first hand knowledge?
I didn't relax as planned, but I'm gonna slap the fire out of anyone who pulls my hair when I do. I usually wear wigs. You've got a question - ASK!!!!!
okay, this is what I dont understand. when you tug or yank on someones head, if it's a phony pony or weave, it is still attached to your scalp or hair. so your head wil still snap back regardless. and if it's not done right, it will be obvious by looking that it's not home grown. I look at it like this, are they trying to pull out a plug of your own hair/scalp that the weave is attached to?

AND the STRANGER coming up to the other post and pulling from behind in the POOL would have had an instant fight esp since they threw the 1st blow.
My SIL did this years ago to me. Her hair was a damaged APL, I had spirals. She takes one of my spirals and does a length check :blush:. I turned and gave her a look. You have to know her, to know that was a childish move. I won't be playing with anyone when I have the opportunity to be yanked again.
I thought it was rude and not funny ....And it made me uncomfortable because everyone was lookin all up in my head...This was the first time I had experienced this...Has this happened to any of you....

Not as an adult, but I look forward to the day it does(assuming its not a weave!)

Not justifying others bad behavior - because it is shameful - but beautiful heads of hair like yours do attract alot of attention, I would want to touch it too!:yep:
I just don't understand this. Why pull? If it was fake would it make them feel more like a woman to know that it's not yours. Is their self esteem so low they have to try to humiliate you to boost themselves?

And when it turns out it is yours do they feel a little empty on the inside? I seriously do not understand because I have never wanted to do a weave check on anyone. I don't care if it is theirs or not.
Absolutely one of my all time pet peeves. First of all, I don't care whether you are friend or foe, family member or complete stranger, black or white. Your hands do not belong in my head, ever. And if you notice, people are ruder and much more bolder about invading your personal space. They truly don't see anything wrong with it. One of my new year's resolutions is to put people in check when they invade my space.
This has happened to me a few times, and it upsets me. It feels like a violation. I just can't understand the gall of some people.:nono:

Oh that is so cute. My BFF's daughter got the same gift for her little cousin and I got her a lip gloss nail polish set. She was TOOOOO happy about getting her makeup on!

Back on Topic
Well I'm 21, so my family are my elders so I frankly can't cuss them out. LOL ooh if I tried to tell my mother not to touch my hair, she'll knock my block off. Friends would never try me because they would know because currently my hair is EL, so when it gets long, they'll know.

But honestly if they try me, they'll get punched. And I warn people too. Don't mess with me when I'm sleep, I'll hit you, don't tickle me I'll hit you, and don't tug or pull my hair, I'll hit you.
Traycee, your hair is simply beautiful. It grew so much in a period of one year. Do you use any growth aids?
Wow that's rude of them. And if for some reason the hair hadn't been yours what would yanking your hair loose accomplish? Either way you'd be mad.

I've never had people do this to me. But then again people have always told me my hair looks like weave. I heard it all the time when I was relaxed, and just the other day my dad told me my hair looked like a wig (he said it was b/c I had a headband on like some wigs do). I don't take offense (I just see it as complimenting my hair's shine and health), and I don't go out of my way to try to convince people otherwise.
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wow... so it only took you a year? I'm trying to gauge where I can hope to be, too since i started at APL.
As for all this hair yanking going on... why do I get the feeling that this is something only We have to go through?
Pisses me off...
And I know I wear glasses and buns and all...
...but somebody would've CAUGHT IT!!!!! :brucelee:
The reason for the tug is so that you'll be humiliated when the fake hair comes out in their hands. They don't even care that your head can be injured by the tugging:wallbash:
Again, why is it so important that they have this first hand knowledge?
I didn't relax as planned, but I'm gonna slap the fire out of anyone who pulls my hair when I do. I usually wear wigs. You've got a question - ASK!!!!!

Co-signing-couldn't have said it better.

Your hair gorgeous!! I can understand the curiousity, but the hair pulling is simply rude. Sorry that happened to you. I know if it was me, I'd feel violated too.

Though no one has ever 'pulled' my hair, I've had acquaintances run their fingers through it and basically do a scalp check on the sly...

its sad that some black women automatically assume that because your hair is either healthy or long or both, it must be a weave. :nono:
I don't know what the heck is people's problems, I have known women that have been victims of yanking incidents and seen on here that a lof of women have experienced it. I think people who have the nerve to do it deserve to be cursed out! they dont have the right, i mean at least ask if you can touch, I have always followed my moms rule when i was a little girl, "let NO ONE touch your hair" just a shame,

I had a co worker that had beautiful hair and she said when it was down her back on the bus this women pulled it that was sitting in back of her, and when she turned around and looked at her she looked scared $&itless!!!

I haven't been of victim of the yanking, but my mil when i was going around her ran her fingers through my hair, that i don't like.....and you can take some strands with you with that crap.
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I too am a victime of hair yanking.....it does feel violating.

So whenever i'm around my family like i was two weeks ago when ALL my daddy kinfolk was down here for my aunt's funeral.....i'm gonna keep my hair pinned up. Everybody wanted to play in it and one of my cousins yanked my ponytail.