No, You're No Longer Welcome!


Well-Known Member
So, I knew this back on the mainland that I really didn't like, but we still hung out. I guess I was just lonely for male company. :ohwell: He is younger than me and pretty childish, but right as I started to get to the boiling point, I moved to Hawaii. I didn't hear from him for a year, and then suddenly he emails me and says she lost his phone, has a new number, misses me and wants to talk to me again. I emailed back saying, "You haven't talked to me in a year, but you miss me?". Just that one line. He keeps emailing me asking where I am and saying he really wants to talk to me. I have not responded to any of those emails and don't plan to. Still, he doesn't seem to have taken the hint. Advice on how to break it to him so that he'll leave me alone, please?? Preferably in a way that's not mean. I can be mean, but I want to learn how to be more civil.
Dear So and So,

I'm not interested. I wish you well.



Then don't reply again. It's really that simple. You don't owe him anything more than that. Hell, you don't even owe him that.
Just block his email...
No need to respond to childish antics because you aren't a child.
If he finds another way to contact you, then its time to be mean :look::look::look:
So, I knew this back on the mainland that I really didn't like, but we still hung out. I guess I was just lonely for male company. :ohwell: He is younger than me and pretty childish, but right as I started to get to the boiling point, I moved to Hawaii. I didn't hear from him for a year, and then suddenly he emails me and says she lost his phone, has a new number, misses me and wants to talk to me again. I emailed back saying, "You haven't talked to me in a year, but you miss me?". Just that one line. He keeps emailing me asking where I am and saying he really wants to talk to me. I have not responded to any of those emails and don't plan to. Still, he doesn't seem to have taken the hint. Advice on how to break it to him so that he'll leave me alone, please?? Preferably in a way that's not mean. I can be mean, but I want to learn how to be more civil.

Tell him you are serious with somebody else.
I think you should consider at least one more email that specifically requests (kindly) that he no longer contact you.

It can be just one sentence.

The advantage of doing this is that he most likely will never try to contact you again.
So he had your email all this time, but his excuse for not being in contact is he lost his phone?

He deserves to be ignored just for that alone.
Thanks, ladies. I am just going to ignore it from now on. Also, I just blocked his email so that it goes directly to trash.