I hope everyone let their oil mix sit over night before using ;) that's how the mix is supposed to be done according to NJoy's original recipe. I just made mine and it's:

Heaping TSP of Sublimed Sulfur
4 oz jbco
4 oz EVOO
2-3 drops of Lavendar
2-3 drops of Tea Tree oil
2-3 drops of Peppermint Oil
2-3 drops of Sweet Almond Oil

The first time I used my solution I let it set overnight on my head. :lachen:
Since I've had so much time to think and anticipate this 9/1 start date, I think I want to "wig it" while in this regimen and REALLY maximize my growth by low to no manipulation except for co-washing and air drying. What styles are you guys going to use? Bunning? Rollersetting? Braids? It's almost fall which I LOVE so I'm all about protecting my tresses and rocking a new 'do.

Im an avid bunner! :D It helps me retain the most length I just make sure that not one of my strand is pulling. Loose buns are easy to do and work great.
I added my photos to my original post. I haven't received my sulfur in the mail. Hopefully it will come tomorrow.
Im an avid bunner! :D It helps me retain the most length I just make sure that not one of my strand is pulling. Loose buns are easy to do and work great.

I think I'm going to do a combination of bunning it and wigging it. I hope to get a shorty 'do wig in the next two weeks or so. :drunk: Going hard on growth this fall!! I need MBL in my near future! :yep::yep:

Oh and I broke down and order the Wen Special Value tonight on QVC. It ends 9/1 @ 11:59 pm. Can't wait to try it in Fig!!

Here's my starting point. I'm in kinky twists for at least the next 3 months so I'll just be doing pull checks.


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My sulfur didn't come in time! Since it's the long weekend, the earliest I might see it is Tuesday! :cry:

My sulfur didn't come in time! Since it's the long weekend, the earliest I might see it is Tuesday! :cry:


Awww...if you get it Tuesday, you'll still be in time. Some of us are only applying 2 or 3 times per week....so you'll be right there with those who start applying on Tuesday. Chin up!! You sulfur will be there!!

This looks good and I caught it right on time. These pics are my most recent, from 8/22 on my first time blowing out my hair and flat ironing it since going natural in March. I measured it at approximately 7-7.5" long that day. I added a picture of my hair stretched since in the flat shot it was swooped. My shrinkage(which I love) is a beast and after 1.5 years of hair growth, i can still pull off a TWA look if I want.
I have most of the original ingredients and I will mix it in a few. How are we to use this mix?


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1 heaping tsp Sublimed Sulfur Powder
1 heaping tsp MSM powder
4 oz grape seed Oil
2 oz Cold Pressed Castor Oil
2 oz Extra Virgin Olive Oil(EVOO)
4-5 drops Rosemary Oil
4-5 drops lavender

I'm in for the full six months.
Mixed and ready!! So glad I bought the 16 oz bottle to shake it really well. Wish I wouldve thgt to funnel with paper to not have dropped a bit of sulphur on my carpet! Anyway lets grow ladies!!!

Just need my Wen to come in and its all gravy from here!!
I'm going to wash my hair and then take pictures while it's wet to get my starting length. Even though I'm relaxed, I'm 10 weeks post and my hair has shrinkage. LOL
I have my mix on my head right now.
So, remember the more stimulating tingles you get out of the deal, the better. Another tip is in rinsing it out. When you get in the shower, slowly let the water ease across your scalp.

For instance, when i get in, i start by letting the water hit the nape of my neck and then slowly moving the flow up and around my scalp. You can feel the hairs standing up on your scalp (and it also tingles my teeth. Lol). This sensation is your scalp being stimulated. (like when the hairs on the back of your neck stands up) I'm sure every bit helps.

NJoy does the sulfur make your scalp tingle I have everything mixed but my sulfur hasn't come in yet. I tested a lil bit last night but I didn't feel any tingle. I used the rosemary and peppermint EO like in your mix.
Hey guys, I have a question. I have a bottle of MTG from last year I barely used. Do you think I could use that as my sulfur and mix all of the oils with it to qualify for this challenge?
@NJoy does the sulfur make your scalp tingle I have everything mixed but my sulfur hasn't come in yet. I tested a lil bit last night but I didn't feel any tingle. I used the rosemary and peppermint EO like in your mix.


I don't think the sulfur makes the scalp tingle but, adding stimulating EO's to the mix gives the tingles. At least that's what I think. I've never made the mix without adding my EO's. Peppermint oil for sure gives tingles and I think Rosemary does also. But, any stimulating oil or essential oil (such as cayenne or mustard oil, for instance) helps bring blood flow to the scalp which is the perfect condition for the sulfur to penetrate to the follicles.

Having said that, there are times when I get serious tingles with the mix and times when it's just so-so (like my scalp is used to it or something). But to get maximum stimulation, I do the following to maximize my tingle opportunities:

~ when I first massage the mix onto my scalp (tingles #1),

~ I massage it again before hopping in the shower the next day (tingles #2). I allow the tingles to subside before hopping in the shower.

~ Letting the water massage my scalp when getting in the shower, as described in my previous post (tingles #3)

~ I cowash with MillCreek Biotin conditioner. This has peppermint oil in it and the tingles continue even after I'm out of the shower. (tingles #4)

So generally, I get increased blood flow at least 4 times out of each mix application. And like I said, more stimulation helps.

(Does that make sense? :look:) Hope that helps.
Hey guys, I have a question. I have a bottle of MTG from last year I barely used. Do you think I could use that as my sulfur and mix all of the oils with it to qualify for this challenge?


MTG is already sufficiently mixed with oil (that cade oil is the stimulating oil but also the stinky oil) so, mixing in more oils will dilute your mix. MTG uses 5% sulfur. Just saying.

As to whether you can use it for this challenge, hey. why not. (Although, I'm not the starter of this challenge so...it's not really up to me) It's still sulfur and oil. Just keep track of how it works for you. I do feel MTG works. I tried it the first month. I just couldn't hack the smell from the cade oil.

MTG is already sufficiently mixed with oil (that cade oil is the stimulating oil but also the stinky oil) so, mixing in more oils will dilute your mix. MTG uses 5% sulfur. Just saying.

As to whether you can use it for this challenge, hey. why not. (Although, I'm not the starter of this challenge so...it's not really up to me) It's still sulfur and oil. Just keep track of how it works for you. I do feel MTG works. I tried it the first month. I just couldn't hack the smell from the cade oil.

Oh ok. I thought it was the sulphur that gave it the stinky smell lol. Since its not, I'll just make my own mix and bypass the smell. I also don't want to dilute the sulphur. I already have the oils so I'll just order some sulphur online. Thanks for your help!
I put the oil mixture in my hair today. I plan on washing my hair tomorrow afternoon. Here are my hair pics.
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