Ultimate massage challenge!

According to the directions on the link..it says you should do a scalpl massage on damp hair after washing...does anyone do it this way? I want to do it every night before bed on dry hair using Lisa's Hair Elixir.
I massage my scalp on dry hair at night and just before doing a warm water rinse in the morning.

I also round fingers as if im was holding a ball and with short taps go over my scalp. It really leaves a tingling sensation. About a minute moving from front to back.
Is it necessary to rinse the oils if you choose to massage with them? It would be hard for me to do that after every massage..I'm already going to be washing my hair every three days and only trying to press my hair once a week.
i'm in
,but no oils.
Okay,I want to partake in this challenge but I want to know,after you all massage, is your hair a tangled mess?
I don't rinse my hair out after I massage w/ oil. I wash my usual twice a week. My hair doesn't get tangled but I comb before and after.