Night & Day: DRASTIC Hair Changes (Not your ordinary comparison shots!)

Ambitious1013 said:
WOW Sylver2!!! Your hair is beautiful! :) How long did it take for you to grow your hair from the short cut to your length now?

Hi Thank U:-))
I had that short cut back in early 1996.

The almost shoulder length cut in the 2nd pic was about 3-4 years ago.
BlackCardinal said:
This is the best thread EVER!! :lol:

This is my hair in November 2003. Fully relaxed bone straight (w/about 1/2 inch of newgrowth). My hair was between shoulder and apl when straight.

This is September 2006, almost 3 years later. Now fully natural and midback when stretched out.

BEAUUTIFFFFULLLLL Chica:yay: :clapping:
All I can say is :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: I am actually speechless, it's like I have to check my eyes... these pics are AMAZING :love::love::clapping::clapping::notworthy:notworthy:notworthy
Unfortunately my drastic comparison pics aren't happy ones. But I know I'll look back at them with a full head of hair.

Pic 1: Me when I first got to college in August 2004. Near shoulder length.

Pic 2: Me a year later in September 2005. Toxic water, bad hair practices and a scissor happy stylist left me with hair just above my ears, and the back of my head shaved. :(
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Wow!!!! This is why I love this site so much I can not wait to get to where you all are. Absolutely breath taking....EVERYONE!!!!
Here is mine its not drastic but I'm happy cause I finally feel like I got somewhere. hopefully i can get alittle bit further by the end of this year. Nice progress ladies, no wonderful progress.
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Boy did I speak too soon! There are so many inspirations on here! I can't wait until I have some noticable results to share too. Thanks ladies for sharing. :D
Asha97 said:
I cut my hair chin length during the month of September 2005, because I wanted to wear my hair in a non-floppy afro. I achieved my goal, but missed my length terribly. As of August 2006, I've gotten that length back (prior to the cut) and more.


Love your Hair!!!!! LOve it especially your siggy pic.
sylver2 said:
Love your Hair!!!!! LOve it especially your siggy pic.

Thank you!

Your hair is where I want mine to be NOW!!! What long, thick, lovliness it is. Beautiful!!!
lauren450 said:
Beautiful! I like your hair every way you have it. Are you a hair model?

Thank you. No, I'm not a hair model, but I have entertained the idea of becoming a stylist.



Keep up the GREAT work ladies!!!
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All of the ladies who have posted have obviously taken the time to CARE for and nurture their hair! Congratulations to everybody on their success!
i was thinking about cutting my hair off because i hate the way its growing out ( uneven as all get out! ) but I guess with a lot of patience it will get to where i want it to be. its just in that inbetween growing out stage right now.

this thread made me feel a lot better.
Wow. That's pretty much all I can say.

here are mine. First pic was April 2004. Second was February 2006 and is of horrible quality b/c it was taken with my cell.

Asha97 said:
I cut my hair chin length during the month of September 2005, because I wanted to wear my hair in a non-floppy afro. I achieved my goal, but missed my length terribly. As of August 2006, I've gotten that length back (prior to the cut) and more.


All I can do is :D and :dizzy: when I see your hair!!! I think you would make a GREAT stylist!!!
I've spent the last 2 days going through the entire thread and I'm so glad I did. There are such beautiful, healthy heads of hair in this thread! I'm so inspired by all the natural heads who have gained awesome length. Great job, ladies of LHCF!!!

I'll post as soon as I figure out how to minimize/insert my photos:confused:
The first picture taken March 2006 (3 months post) and the second picture was taken a week after I BC'd in August 2006.
Lisa before shot.JPG

Lisa after shot.JPG

ETA: Thanks for posting these Kreeme!
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Okay, here's mine. Not that big of a change, but there's a bit of progress I guess. :perplexed You'll have to click on the pictures to get a larger view. I don't know how you ladies made them pictures all big...but PM me so I can figure this out. :lol:

October 2005.jpg
October 2005

December 2005.jpg
December 2005

September 2006.jpg
December 2004 (starting point) My face says it all. :lol:


January 2005 (Big chop of sorts; to chin)

January 2006 (1 year comparison)

And my album shows where I'm at now. Hopefully in January of 2007 you'll see me past BSL. ;)
I had to go and look over the rest of the thread and everyone's hair is beautiful. Definitely an inspiration.