Hair texture changes! fact or fiction?

That's an interesting thought. Pregnancy is supposed to change ones hair texture because of hormones. Does this mean all hair texture changes are due to hormonal changes or is it something else?

Probably. . because if you notice a baby's hair changes texture as they get older. Sometimes it changes during puberty but I definetley have noticed in women that it can sometimes change after pregnancy.
Changes exactly 7 times, huh? Sounds like a hair urban legend to me. 7 times, hmm. Anyway, mine has not changed, at least not that I can tell. I've been natural most of my life. When I stopped straightening it, it grew in even nappier, but I feel positive that's because my previous frequently pressed hair was trained.
My hair has definitely changed texture; it is much finer now than it used to be -- and there was NO pregnancy in between!
Mines is in the mist of changing now. I am transitioning for 1 year and it been a long time since I seem my true texture but my hair was never this curly. I believe I am now a 4a in the front.
I definitely believe this!

When I was younger I was a type 2, then as a child I was type 3b w/some type 4, then it became more type 4 than 3 and now I am back to type 3c w/ 4 AND a little bit of 3b. :eek: lol

I have noticed that a lot of the women in my family get straighter hair as they age, but I have no clue if that will happen to me.

For my family the ones that have kinkier hair when they're younger gets much looser (3c/4a-->2c/3a) and ones that had looser hair have kinkier hair as they get older

Looking back at pics, I think my hair is the same texture, but my mom didn't know how to define my curls, but she did do pretty styles. Oh and I still have the same EXACT amount of shrinkage :ohwell:...that should have told me something
Mine is the same, but since I have better care and more hair knowledge it looks better and feels better and is more healthier, I guess if you change your hair practices and nutrition your hair will change with you! Alot of us had no good knowledge of good hair care, Now we got it! Now we have good looking hair.
my hair has definately changed as i've aged. as a todler i had type 2a.. as a child i was 2c/3a.. now i'm 3a/3b. as a teen it seems like my hair was alot different.. can't quite put my finger on it but, it felt alot healthier although i flat ironed at least 4 times per week.