New Pill by L'Oreal...


New Member
So I'm sipping on my tea watching The View before I go to campus and they start talking about a new pill that's in development by L'Oreal to hormonally(sp?) change the texture of your hair...straight hair could go curly and curly hair straight if you'd like.

So my question to you ladies is: Would you take it?

*sorry if this has been posted before, I'm just curious*
I would be really tempted...if I could take a pill that would relax some of my natural naps without a relaxer, I'd go natural...but, would that still be considered natural if I'm still altering the natural texture of my hair just from the inside out?
babyanjel said:
So I'm sipping on my tea watching The View before I go to campus and they start talking about a new pill that's in development by L'Oreal to hormonally(sp?) change the texture of your hair...straight hair could go curly and curly hair straight if you'd like.

So my question to you ladies is: Would you take it?

*sorry if this has been posted before, I'm just curious*


I swear some of this stuff is just over the top.
Kimberly said:
I would be really tempted...if I could take a pill that would relax some of my natural naps without a relaxer, I'd go natural...but, would that still be considered natural if I'm still altering the natural texture of my hair just from the inside out?

Not's a man made pill you are consciously taking to change your hair texture. If you stopped, your hair would no longer grow in the altered state.
So1913, I love Mint Condition too! Anyway, I saw this on Good Morning America, my question is, what if you want it back curly, will it go back to being curly? They said they found that the shape for the root for how your hair will come out is deep underneath the hair shaft, and hormones will change that, so the pill is supposed to alter the hormones I think, so will that jack up your hormones I wonder. They were saying they are researching for a way to turn gray hair back to it's normal color, I am a little interested in that, because I am 26 and have had gray hairs for years, it runs in the fam on my mom's side.
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DDHair said:
So1913, I love Mint Condition too! Anyway, I saw this on Good Morning America, my question is, what if you want it back curly, will it go back to being curly? They said they found that the shape for the root for how your hair will come out is deep underneath the hair shaft, and hormones will change that, so the pill is supposed to alter the hormones I think, so will that jack up your hormones I wonder. They were saying they are researching for a way to turn gray hair back to it's normal color, I am a little interested in that, because I am 26 and have gray hairs for years, it runs in the fam on my mom's side.

Girl have you seen them live????? I've got some stories, lol (seen them 3 times this year)

Well...I'm thinking the hair that has already grown effected by the extra hormones change will not go back to being curly or straight, whatever your natural state is, however, the hairs growing after you stop using I think would gradually go back to it's natural state as it works it's way out of your system.

I just don't think hair is that serious to start messing with hormones just for that reason.
This is very interesting and scary! If this actually works I can see the haircare industry being turned upside down! I can also see alot of people with "ethnic" hair clammering to buy this product. I think it could be both good and bad, and I wonder just how straight tightly coiled hair could get?
I wonder about the side effects of taking this hormone? of course it would be mainly women taking it, many times in combination with other hormones such as the Pill etc... hmmm...
No, I wouldn't take it!
From the article:

And, bizarrely, it has been found that scalp hair transplanted to the pubic area becomes curly...

I am very curious to know under what circumstances they are doing these transplants. Or...maybe I don't want to know.

Anyway...would I take hormones to straighten my hair?

Hell. No.

"The team believes the hair-curling discovery will lead to a kinder alternative to the sodium hydroxide used in current hair relaxers, which makes hair brittle and hard."

this interest me.
This is utterly ridiculous. I can see the lawsuits flying now:
'I bought this pill to make me have 'good hair' and now I have high cholesterol, a lung disease, my heart's failing, my brain is leaking,etc,etc and I am going to sue!'

Are folks really that desperate? Goodness!
You beat me to it! I was gonna make a post about this. lol

I dont know. A pill may be safer than the sodium hydroxide stuff. My question is how would the hair look? I am assuming that it wouldnt look like relaxed hair, right? Would I have to do a big chop?

I dunno if i would take it or not, but what i do know is that there would suddenly be a lot more women with "indian in their family". lol

Would we not have to worry about all the deep conditioning and stuff? Would our hair be less fragile? Would this be the end of the Long hair care forum community as we know it? dun dun
Alli77 said:
This is very interesting and scary! If this actually works I can see the haircare industry being turned upside down! I can also see alot of people with "ethnic" hair clammering to buy this product. I think it could be both good and bad, and I wonder just how straight tightly coiled hair could get?

That's what I was thinking too ! This could hurt haircare products by the millions because this amazing "pill" would be doing what the haircare products have been doing for years. With LOREAL's expansive science and research team there is no telling what they will come up with next and how fast will it be approved to sell / market.
taraglam2 said:
That's what I was thinking too ! This could hurt haircare products by the millions because this amazing "pill" would be doing what the haircare products have been doing for years. With LOREAL's expansive science and research team there is no telling what they will come up with next and how fast will it be approved to sell / market.

I I'm interested in stocks!:lol:
I would wait a few years after other people started using before I would even consider it. Messing with hormones is just scary.
Considering that the FDA barely approves pills for women's health issues (and, by contrast JUMPED on approving Viagra..bastards) I doubt they will rush to approve something like this. And, if hormones were the cause of straightening or making your hair curly, wouldn't pregnancy and/or menopause (or, for that matter birth control pills) change the texture of your hair?

I wouldn't mess with my hormones just to have straight hair! This could have serious health consequences like breast cancer and the like. I would rather be nappy headed and alive than a corpse with beautiful hair! :)

Do I get the feeling that if marketed properly. This will be another hair revolution for us to buy into.

No affense but Black women will try anything to change thier hair.
'A pill that will make use have straight hair from the root'
I can see the advert already, :laugh:

I type 2 or 3 person swinging thier hair from side to side, Showing her with naturally spirally girly hair then it becomes straight.
Or even worst it will be endoresed by a celebrity that we know HAS A LACE FRONT :laugh:

Whether it works or not L Oreal will make MILLIONS from us.

Would I try it ????????????? I have taken 13 tablets a day and used MTG for HORSE!!!

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Changing the texture of my hair isn't that serious.

I don't use hormone-based birth control, so no, I woudn't take that pill.
Bublnbrnsuga said:
This is utterly ridiculous. I can see the lawsuits flying now:
'I bought this pill to make me have 'good hair' and now I have high cholesterol, a lung disease, my heart's failing, my brain is leaking,etc,etc and I am going to sue!'

Are folks really that desperate? Goodness!

:lol: The first thing I thought when I heard about it.

However, it is interesting.
Is our society this vain that they are worried about making a pill to change hair texture and we still haven't found a cure for cancer or Aids. This really makes me sick! And AA women already have a problem with hormones anyway, look at all these 7 and 8 year olds running around looking like grown women.
I would never think of trying this...this, in my opinion is crazy...why would anyone want to purchase a pill that can alter the texture of their hair?...and by doing so it would have to mess with their hormones...i'll pass on that...I'm already having problems with my hormones, and to think, if you were to stop taking this pill, what long term effect would it have on your system?...Wow the things people would come up with just for the sake of "beauty".
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