New pics of my natural 4a hair in 2008

I haven't posted any pictures of my hair in over a year so I have a few pictures of my natural hair which I wear in a braided bun most days, also I recently straighten my hair and I have a few pics of that as well, I will be doing rollersets and wash n gos soon and will be adding them also. My natural hair is a little longer than shoulder length and my straightened hair is a little past BSL. I was a little skeptical about growing my hair longer since I'll be 44 years old soon, and thought I'd look better with it shorter, but I'm enjoying the journey and right now I love my hair. Hope you enjoy.

EMAIL: [email protected]
Login: boonie145

Your hair is so AMAZING :drunk::infatuated:-you sort of favor pinkskates to me
Kodak is the type of place where you have to be logged in to see the photos. Unless you do something to "share" them. Using the login and password you posted, I went into your album, clicked the tab that said "share photos" and made a slideshow of your hair. I think people should be able to view the slideshow w/o having to sign in to your account, so I think you can take down your login and password now. This is the link you can give people to view your album:

Btw, I really love your braid ponytail.

Thank you so much MWEDZI, I really appreciate this, I am so illiterate when it comes to posting pictures as you can see.
Thanks for all your wonderful compliments and replies. I love this site and have learned a lot from this site as far as taking care of my hair. My hair has never been this long, but because of the techniques I've been practicing from this site given by you wonderful ladies, my hair is thriving.

The routine for my fingercurls are:

First I wash my hair, then while it's still wet I start from the front and apply a little hair gel to each section (I use Long Aid Curl Activator gel), and then I just twirl until gets the curl. It takes me about a little over an hour to do my whole head, and I let it airdry afterwards. The style usually lasts about a week with me touching it up in the morning with a little water and retwirling sections that are a little flat. The older this style gets the better it looks.
I don't do this style as much since my hair is longer because it gets tangled more. I HTH.
Oh my god! What a wonderful compliment. I think she is so beautiful, I hope she's not offended.

No way she could be offended, you are both beautiful with beautiful hair! Also, thanks so much for the finger curl instructs, I can't wait to give this a try.
No way she could be offended, you are both beautiful with beautiful hair! Also, thanks so much for the finger curl instructs, I can't wait to give this a try.

You're welcome and thank you so much, I love the thickness of your hair, and i wish you success with the fingercurls, they are really simple once you get the routine down, I miss doing them.
Very pretty! I love the shine and the thickness of your hair!! Beautiful!

And, you look GREAT for your age!! :yep:
WOW!!! Your hair is very, very pretty! I agree u do look like 24:yep:
Like another poster said you should make some tutorials for those finger curls and other styles u do. Keep up the fantastic job with your hair!!
You are absolutely fabulous! Not a crease on your face, a great shape, and gorgeous hair! Thank you so much for sharing. It was more than just hair inspiration for me... :yep:
Beautiful hair. I especially loved the braided bun and the fingertwists! Wow!! Keep on wear it very well!!

Your hair is gorgeous! Love the bun and the finger curls too.

My hair is APL, and I can say that my braid looks NOTHING like yours! :lachen:
You have beautiful hair! Grow your hair as long as you want, it doesn't matter what your age is. You're an inspiration for me since I'm transitioning. I can't wait until my natural hair looks like yours.
Oh my lawd Honeycomb, that fingercurl pic is to die for, I love how it turned out. I really want to try that one, all of your pix are beautiful, 44 or not grow that hair girl, looking fabulous.