New Engagement / New Job?


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

So, I recently got engaged! Yay!

I'm in a big of a state of flux in my life... Moving in with my fiancé, starting wedding planning.... and prior to that I had been interviewing for new positions b/c I'm trying to make a shift in my career! I had an interview the week prior to getting engaged... And then got a call back from that company for a 2nd interview just recently.

I am going to see them and I'm excited to talk to them again. I want to make sure that the move I make is the right one. But I am extremely concerned about getting a new job and then having to inform a new boss about needing to take time off for our wedding. FI wants to plan the honeymoon for right after the wedding.

We are looking at getting married sometime between Aug and Oct of this year.

Have any of you ladies had an experience like this? Any advice?
Congratulations on your engagement. I agree that it will be a good idea to bring it up after you've been offered the position but before you start. If they offer you a position within the next month, you're still at least 6 months away from when you plan to get married. That's a good amount of time for you to settle in, get your bearings, etc.

Not quite the same, but I found out I was pregnant literally the day I started my current job and was out for two months starting the following month. My job was very understanding about it. Sh*t happens, and unless the company really sucks, they will understand.
Hi all,

So, I recently got engaged! Yay!

I'm in a big of a state of flux in my life... Moving in with my fiancé, starting wedding planning.... and prior to that I had been interviewing for new positions b/c I'm trying to make a shift in my career! I had an interview the week prior to getting engaged... And then got a call back from that company for a 2nd interview just recently.

I am going to see them and I'm excited to talk to them again. I want to make sure that the move I make is the right one. But I am extremely concerned about getting a new job and then having to inform a new boss about needing to take time off for our wedding. FI wants to plan the honeymoon for right after the wedding.

We are looking at getting married sometime between Aug and Oct of this year.

Have any of you ladies had an experience like this? Any advice?

Actually yes, mine was a little different though. I interviewed in August and then November they called to inform me I had the job. At the time I just had gotten engaged in June and my wedding was in December, and in the August interview I had only briefly mentioned that I was recently engaged. I was nervous but I contacted my future boss and said I was accepting the job offer but in December I needed 3 weeks off to plan my wedding and honeymoon. Usually there is a 3 month probation period but she readily accepted and had no complaints with the requested time off.

My advice would be to be upfront with your employer, most people understand that a wedding is a special event and they wont mind giving the time off. I would specify now about what weeks you will possibly need off.

BTW How long is your probation period?
Agree with after you've been offered position, before you start.

Unless you know there is a conflict with a specific date they would want you there for (like an annual conference or work event) you'll be in better negotiating position if your dates are already set. If you give range you may end up with new job asking you to do a certain week that may not be what you wanted. Just plan a regular 7 or 10 day honeymoon. I'll just throw in ask your fiancé to be open - you may be able to get days off around wedding and then take a longer trip over December if that's a slow period for the job and you don't have much time accrued. Either way hire a wedding planner to handle details you won't be able to do last minute if you're only taking a few days off before ceremony.

Actually yes, mine was a little different though. I interviewed in August and then November they called to inform me I had the job. At the time I just had gotten engaged in June and my wedding was in December, and in the August interview I had only briefly mentioned that I was recently engaged. I was nervous but I contacted my future boss and said I was accepting the job offer but in December I needed 3 weeks off to plan my wedding and honeymoon. Usually there is a 3 month probation period but she readily accepted and had no complaints with the requested time off.

My advice would be to be upfront with your employer, most people understand that a wedding is a special event and they wont mind giving the time off. I would specify now about what weeks you will possibly need off.

BTW How long is your probation period?

The probabtion period is 90 days. Great advice! I will keep moving forward and see what happens...!