New Carrot Juice Hair Growth Challenge

That's wonderful Lshevonne to hear that from your stylist! Great confirmation! When I do my next touchup I'm going to see if there is less tingling since the other times. My nails are stronger and longer too! I posted on the skincare thread a few months ago about my nails being exceptionally short, all the way down to the quick and I don't chew my nails.

I wish you much success Mspretty!
Going to Sam's to get some carrot juice
Thanks Isis for wishing me luck. I went to the grocery store today and found out that I bag of baby carrots is 1 lb. so I am on the right track, now it's just a matter of waiting until pay day to stock up on the carrots.
I just found out my local health food store sells it I bought some to try and I am thinking about trying those carotene vitamins from Puritans Pride.
I am not on this challenge.

but, I bought Boltsfarm 100% pure CJ on Wed, because I'm trying to be "healthy" and I want to improve my vision. Anyway, it's Sat and my skin is very smooth and clear. I had a pimple on my chest and it went away the next day. I don't get pimples on my chest very often. Maybe 2x per year and they usually last much longer. Also, my skin is a little "organgish" and my complexion is med/dark brown.

I also mix it with OJ, for the taste. I have about 3 ounces of CJ with OJ.

As for my vision, nothing yet. I'm going to have to break down and see the eye doctor.

Nothing noticeable in hair either. It's only a few days.
I was eating baby carrots, but I have slacked off a bit the last few days. I think I will try carrot juice, anyway, since all I'll need is two oz
Lovelylocs said:
Does V8 splash count? If so then count me in!

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I've never had V8 splash - is it carrot juice? Regular V8 isn't, I think that's mostly tomato juice. 100% carrot juice contains all the vitamins we need for our hair and skin. Other kinds of juice may not.

For my update, my hair seems to be thicker than ever! I haven't retouched yet since I'm stretching out my relaxer but I sure have a lot of new growth! For the last several months I have not been taking biotin or MSM either(although I have it), not for a particular reason but it does make it a little bit easier for me to pinpoint what is working and how. I still only drink 2 ounces of juice daily.

My skin always looks clear and great and my nails are so long and pretty! My night vision is off the charts!
I'm just getting in on this challenge. I LOVE Odwalla pure pressed carrot juice from Whole Foods. I buy the big half gallon size plastic jug for 5.99. Tastes GREAT! I love an ice cold 8 oz glass of this every morning, first thing.

I've been drinking it for about 2 weeks BEFORE I found out about this challenge. Haven't paid much attention to my hair (I'm a natural 4a crown and nape / 4b front edges ... 1 to 1 1/2 inch twa).......but my fingernails look great. Strong and healthy with a natural sheen. They don't split like they used to. That's super!

I applied a mild perm to texturize my hair when I joined this forum about 2 months ago and right now it's a constant battle with me trying to decided to keep on texturizing or just keep it natural. It's still pretty short, but the texturizer helped fluff it up a bit so that my ends aren't as blunt. For now, I'm leaning on the side of 'keep it natural' because even the mild texturizer burned my scalp (i applied some petroleum grease to my scalp to protect it). My fro's just so thick and bulky that I wanted to thin it out a bit. I've been natural for over a year now and at the 9 month mark, It became too much work for my lazy butt, so I chopped it back down to a twa. Now I'm afraid to let it grow back out 100% natural again. Tough descision indeed!

Wish me luck
I was doing the challenge but then slacked off for a couple of weeks. But I'm back on now!

I'm still not sure how it is working for my hair, my hair is growing a little faster but I've also been taking flaxseed oil,biotin and multivites. But my nails are sooo much stronger and prettier now. It's working for something
I just got a juicer as a gift yesterday. I'm going to give this a try now. I'm really excited.
I wish I had known this 10 lbs ago.

I've been juicing since the Middle of August and I just recently stopped, about a week ago. I was drinking about 10+ oz of carrot juice a day along with ginger and apple. I gained soooooo much weight. The carrot juice made me so hungry.

I guess I will have to start again. But I will certainly be taking my flax seed oil pills.
hey ladies! count me in on the challenge...i just bought 2 bags of baby carrots, and a fat free veggie-ranch dip. i also found a new carrot juice called Bolthouse. It's 100% carrot juice. i had to double check the ingredients, it says: Peeled baby cut carrots, cold pressed for freshness. it can't get any better than that! it taste pretty good. it was 2.99 for 1liter. i've tried the odwalla and that's pretty tasty as well. good luck all!
nesha24 said:
hey ladies! count me in on the challenge...i just bought 2 bags of baby carrots, and a fat free veggie-ranch dip. i also found a new carrot juice called Bolthouse. It's 100% carrot juice. i had to double check the ingredients, it says: Peeled baby cut carrots, cold pressed for freshness. it can't get any better than that! it taste pretty good. it was 2.99 for 1liter. i've tried the odwalla and that's pretty tasty as well. good luck all!
This is a great challenge ladies, welcome! When I don't have time to juice my carrots, I enjoy Bolthouse also, very delicious!
What brand is most of you ladies drinking? I bought Bolthouse Farms brand and it doesn't taste like the carrots I am used to drinking. But the crazy thing is I can eat a bag of carrots with no problem.
I'm new here and already I'm posting a challenge! :)

Is anyone still doing this? I am going to go juice some carrots as soon as I get off of here. I just got back from visiting NYC last weekend and my skin broke out like crazy. Sometimes it does that when I travel, but this is ridiculous. And then I got a trim, but she cut more off than I wanted. So, needless to say, both my skin and hair are bumming me out a bit!

I am so lazy when it comes to juicing, but when I do, the benefits are great! Smooth skin and a glow. Hoping to notice fast hair growth too!

I got a silkener when I was in NYC and am also hoping to get softer new growth because when it's tighter, it makes for drier hair during the grow out process.

Is anyone up for this? Regardless, writing this and hopefully having someone here hold me accountable will make me really stick with this. I'll start with one week and then increase to a month and hopefully as long term as possible.


Thanks Isis for starting this!

Oh, BTW--I probably won't do straight carrot juice---it's too sweet for me. I mix it with random things. Right now in my fridge, I have carrots, kale, celery, apple and lemon.

Later this week or next, I'll try carrot, ginger, apple and lemon. I have to have the lemon because it helps to cut the overly sweet taste to me.
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