New Carrot Juice Hair Growth Challenge

Please let us know LorraineG too about those carrot pills. It's good to have options. As I mentioned in your thread, your hair looks beautiful!
joyous said:
Isis, what's amazing is that for the last five years or so I've tried everything under the sun to get a clear complexion. My friend and I always joke and say we'll still have acne when we become grandpaents one day. It was extremely distressing because we both didn't have skin problems during our earlier years that couldn't be resolved with over the counter products. I've been to a dermatologist, tried Retin-A Micro and antibiotics, with moderate results but discontinued after a while because you have continually give blood samples with antibiotics. After all the money I've spent and doctors I've been to just think the solution was something as inexpensive and natural as carrot juice. I saw success in 1 week. It just goes to show that many of our physicians are just not into nutrition. My primary physician is just amazed. She actually took notes and wrote down everything I was doing so she could refer it to her other patients with problem skin.

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What a great testimonial Joyous! I know it's about your skin rather than your hair but those results are pretty profound and like you said, an inexpensive and natural remedy.
Irresistible said:
im thinking about joining this challenge....i tried doin the eggs and got sick of that really fast. wonder if i can stick with this one

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I think this is a very easy one to stick to Irresistible! You don't have to drink that much, unless you want to, and you can only get great benefits from it.
where do you get your carrot juice outside of a whole food store? is the taste bad> is it expensive?
I just got some carrot juice at Safeway....I mix it with orange juice, half and half, and it tastes great! I think it will be easy for me to try to join this challenge. It is a little pricey, 1 litre cost me almost $5.00, but if you think about how many carrots you'd have to eat to get the same nutrients it balances out.
soulchild said:
Lovely, how much have you been drinking.

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LOL...I'd been drinking around 10-14 ounces per day. I had been giving my daughter about 2 ounces per day but she broke out around her mouth...possibly something completely unrelated or a reaction to something I added to the carrot juice but she decided to just eat carrots instead, so I started drinking it all by myself. I would juice about 1 pound of carrots (5 lb bag lasts for 5 days so it was easy for me to keep up with it this way), a stalk of celery or a few spinach leaves, an apple, and a little sliver of ginger if I was drinking it earlier in the day...sometimes a mango...however much I got from juicing all of that was what I would drink. But, since I've started back, I've cut back on how much. I juice carrots until I get about a cups worth (8 ounces) and then juice an apple and that's what I've done these past couple of days...and my daughter's begging for me to let her have some, too. She thinks her reaction was to the ginger since that was the only thing that we could think of that she hadn't already had before...but I'm still loving it. I haven't noticed a difference in my hair that I can say is specifically due to the carrots and/or carrot juice because I've started so many other things around the same getting my vitamin regimen together and starting protein shakes.

But from what it's done for my skin, alone, carrot juice is definitely a keeper for me.
I will definitely be doing this. But now I have to reread this and figure out which brands to buy. LOL

Isis thanks for answering the question. I'm excited to try it.

Sorry about getting back to you so late. I took a break from the board for a few days.

I got the carrot-apple-ginger juice recipe from the recipe board on this site. The ginger aids in circulation. I can't remember what benefits apples offer, but it makes the juice sweeter and cucumbers can aid in hair growth (this info. I got from a juice book years ago by author: Norman Walker -- not sure about his first name).
I am really late at seeing this thread, or I would have been joined the challenge, but I can always start late. I don't think the whole juice thing will work for me, it sounds gross, but I do love eating raw baby carrots though-how many carrots do you think I should eat to equal the amount of juice you all have been drinking?
i just happened to see some carrot powder (juice) in the vitamin store the other day...i thought about it..but i changed my mind...ughhh i know i would struggle to drink it
I said it once and i'll say it again, mix your carrot juice with OJ and it tastes great! I've been on it for a couple weeks now and it hasn't been hard at all.
I haven't had any in about a week now. I've been travelling so I couldn't take the Odwalla. I did pick up the carrot essence carrot powder, but it's gross. I need to pick up some more Odwalla soon.
Armyqt said:
I haven't had any in about a week now. I've been travelling so I couldn't take the Odwalla. I did pick up the carrot essence carrot powder, but it's gross. I need to pick up some more Odwalla soon.

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Yes it is! I guess I should have mentioned that
,but I hate carrot juice anyway. I just gulp it down.
Poohbear said:
Does carrot juice really work? Who has tried it and had success with their hair?

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Poohbear- you may want to go through and read some of the experiences the ladies have been having with this challenge so far. It's interesting.

In the past, when I started drinking carrot juice for health reasons (and I loved the taste), I suddenly noticed my hair was getting longer and thicker when it was stagnating before, and so did other people. Friends and family started making comments about my hair. And I wasn't taking any care of my hair either, mostly damaging it with heat. I didn't keep up on the carrot juice (for no reason) so I didn't see the long-term results.

Since this challenge started 4 weeks ago, some are reporting accelerated growth and others are seeing bald spots filling in, softer, more moisturized, thicker and smoother hair.

As a side bonus, many on the challenge are saying the juice has remarkably made their skin noticeably more beautiful, glowing and even-toned, clearing acne and other breakouts.
mspretty said:
I am really late at seeing this thread, or I would have been joined the challenge, but I can always start late. I don't think the whole juice thing will work for me, it sounds gross, but I do love eating raw baby carrots though-how many carrots do you think I should eat to equal the amount of juice you all have been drinking?

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Welcome to the challege Mspretty! It's never to late to start and I will be continuing this as part of my regimen.

The minimum is 2 ounces of carrot juice each day for good results. I'm not sure how many baby carrots that would be to eat. Some are eating a lot of carrots or drinking a lot more juice daily. Earlier in this thread I posted that [ QUOTE ]
1/4 pound of carrots would make about 2 ounces. I don't know how many baby carrots that is or how many are in a bag. If it's in a one-pound bag, then you can estimate a fourth of that. 1 large carrot or 2 regular sized carrots makes about 2 ounces of juice

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I just joined this forum last week so I'm new to the CJ challenge (I started last Saturday).

I found this great pure CJ brand called Bolthouse Farms. I found it at Publix, for all you southern ladies who might be interested. It tastes very sweet and I really enjoy drinking it. NO added sugar/salt or other gunk whatsoever.

It's $2.99 for one liter.
Welcome Bunny77! I love the taste of Bolthouse Farms too! And their expiration dates are usually far enough in advance to really get your money's worth.
It's in the produce section, near all of the orange juices. They have other flavors too, like Apple Passion Fruit! I'm going to go crazy there one day when I get a few extra bucks!

And thanks Isis for the welcome! It's great to be here!
i know i'm way late. but i'm joining. i have to go in search of carrot juice though cause i'm not sure what brands we have here in the uk.
Bunny77 said:
It's in the produce section, near all of the orange juices. They have other flavors too, like Apple Passion Fruit! I'm going to go crazy there one day when I get a few extra bucks!

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Thanks Bunny, I'll check some of my local grocery stores for it.
alliyah4eva203 said:
i know i'm way late. but i'm joining. i have to go in search of carrot juice though cause i'm not sure what brands we have here in the uk.

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Welcome Alliyah4eva203! Actually, it's never too late. What I really love about this challenge is that one gets benefits that can be seen in a relatively short period of time. Other kinds of supplements can take much longer before results are noticed. Carrot juice goes directly into the bloodstream.
i just bought some eden organic carrot juice today and drank half a small glass. i have to say i was pleasently suprised. i thought it would taste like s**t. but it's actually quite nice.
I have been following this thread and drinking carrot juice daily for the past couple of weeks......I don't know if my hair is really growing a lot or not but I can now see a LOT better when I'm driving at night!


So I am officially joining the carrot juice challenge!
nurseN98 said:
I have been following this thread and drinking carrot juice daily for the past couple of weeks......I don't know if my hair is really growing a lot or not but I can now see a LOT better when I'm driving at night!


So I am officially joining the carrot juice challenge!

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Welcome NurseN98!
My nightvision has improved dramatically too!

LOL Alliyah4eva203! - I was pleasantly surprised too when I took my very first sip!
Since the beginning of the challenge I think I've missed about 5 days total of no carrot. I got my touchup this morning and my stylist thought my hair was growing really fast. The relaxer didn't even tingle. (Last time it did towards the end) I did notice less shedding than before. Again, my nails are still long and strong. If I can keep my son from drinking all my juice I'll be doing good. LOL
Thanks Isis for the welcome as well as the suggestions. I want to try the juice first and see how it tastes but I think I will end up just eating the carrots. Thanks also Bunny77 because there is a publix down here where I live,(although I am not sure where exactly it is) I'll have to check them out. I plan on posting when I officially start the challenge.