New Carrot Juice Hair Growth Challenge

divine said:
what brand are you drinking ?
I might try v8

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Divine - I'm drinking fresh juice. Bolthouse is a good brand as well as Odwella.

HotChocolate - That Carrot Essence powder sounds pretty potent, like fresh carrot juice! Thanks for the feedback on the powder! And congratulations on your faster new growth!

LorraineG - several ladies are eating those sweet baby carrots everyday and are experiencing great results. Some are also buying or making juice cocktails with carrot juice and something else. Drinking your Carrot/Apple juice won't be cheating - you'll just want to see how it works for you. And please let us know!

Welcome Cleo! It's ok to have mixed juice but please let us know how it works for you. I only know how 100% carrot juice works. The juice cocktails may or may not work differently.
I bought some today...However I couldnt find pure carrot juice
Its 100% juice with carrot pure as the second ingredient. Its called 24 Karat juice. I found it in the organic juice aisle.
Hey Isis!!! The ingredients are:

Filtered water, Carrot puree, orange pulp, carrot juice, pineapple, and white grape juice concentrate, beta carotene, natural flavor absorbic acid (vitamin C)

100% pure juice
Ayeshia I think we're drinking the same juice. Hey my nails have never been this strong. I also eat Baby Carrots as well. I did a Cond. Wash today and very little hair was in my comb.
Re: New Carrot Juice Hair Growth Challenge Update

My skin is really benefiting from the carrot juice challenge. It's smoother and evening out nicely. I haven't noticed any significant hair growth,
and I even take my vitamins with my juice. I admit, I've missed a few days due to pure laziness. Overall, I love what the juice is doing for my skin. Plus, it tastes good!
ayeshia said:
Hey Isis!!! The ingredients are:

Filtered water, Carrot puree, orange pulp, carrot juice, pineapple, and white grape juice concentrate, beta carotene, natural flavor absorbic acid (vitamin C)

100% pure juice

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Thanks for listing the ingredients Ayeshia. It is 100% juice and does have the carrot juice, puree and beta carotene. You can let us know how this combo works for you and your hair. That's the best way to find out.
After two weeks I must say that like Lshevonne and some others, my nails are noticably stronger (I just started using olive oil on them too), my hair still feels thicker and heavier when I wash and condition and today I'm noticing soreness on my scalp, like growth spurts do(I hope!). The last time I felt this was when I was taking MSM several months ago (I stopped taking it back then for no good reason) .

During this challenge, I'm taking note of any changes that occur with my hair and how many days into the challenge they occur. I'm glad so many of you, including Nova are experiencing such great results on your skin in such a short period of time!
My skin looks great also.
Hi everyone,
I was thinking of joining the carrot juice challenge in a couple of weeks. Some of the posts mentioned about taking an oil with it. I take two cod liver oil capsules a day. I am experiencing great results with my skin already. I wanted to add the carrot essence powder to my vitamin regimen. What do you think about continuing to take cod liver oil with the carrot essence powder.
I've been eating baby carrots pretty regularly for a while since reading Cybra's post a while back. I also add Perfect Food and Barlean's Greens to my diet for energy and overall health.
I have really noticed a difference with my nail and hair growth. Just yesterday I was wondering how I have all this thick new growth and it's only been 7 weeks since my touch up!! I think it keeps my skin pretty clear as well.
I stopped for a few weeks after a bad case of the flu and I noticed a difference when I started back up again...
Take care and God Bless,
bri123 said:
Hi everyone,
I was thinking of joining the carrot juice challenge in a couple of weeks. Some of the posts mentioned about taking an oil with it. I take two cod liver oil capsules a day. I am experiencing great results with my skin already. I wanted to add the carrot essence powder to my vitamin regimen. What do you think about continuing to take cod liver oil with the carrot essence powder.

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Bri123, I don't know if any oil works the same, I'll have to double-check but I thought the oil mentioned was flaxseed oil to take or eat during the time the carrot juice is consumed. The cod liver oil is high in vitamin A and I'm not sure if this combo of cod liver oil and carrot juice increases the toxicity vitamin A or not. Too much vitamin A is toxic and can cause hair loss. Too much beta carotene (converted to vit A in the body) is not. Since this vitamin is not water soluble it is stored in the body. We cannot get a toxic amount of beta carotene. Beta carotene can be converted into vitamin A in the body but only when needed.
I'm just saying you may NOT want to increase your cod liver oil but add flaxseed oil instead.
greenidlady1 said:
I've been eating baby carrots pretty regularly for a while since reading Cybra's post a while back. I also add Perfect Food and Barlean's Greens to my diet for energy and overall health.
I have really noticed a difference with my nail and hair growth. Just yesterday I was wondering how I have all this thick new growth and it's only been 7 weeks since my touch up!! I think it keeps my skin pretty clear as well.
I stopped for a few weeks after a bad case of the flu and I noticed a difference when I started back up again...
Take care and God Bless,

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Thank you for this update, Greenidlady1! I appreciate hearing results from those doing this longterm. Can you share how many baby carrots you eat daily?
I was wondering if anyone was taking carrot vitamins and what were the results? I just learned the juice and baby carrots are conflicting with my diet because of the sugar.

Just curious.
I don't think I've seen carrot vitamins. Do you know any brands and can you describe them LorraineG?
Okay. My skin looks great but one of my co-workers mentioned a reddish tint to my skin. She had no idea about the daily carrots/carrot juice intake. When I got home, I asked my husband and he said a little bit but that my skin looked, I laid off the juice for a couple of days to see if the orange color would subside and I'll start back up again tomorrow...

I am so loving it, by the way.
Nova said:
Count me in! I have no other choice since I've run out and bought a bag full of carrots, apples and ginger!

If I keep following all the advice offered here (which is the best I've ever received), I'm going to have long, luxurious hair to protect me from the elements because I'll surely be homeless!

P.S. Starting carrot-apple-ginger-cucumber juice today!
Will post results on April 22nd.

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why are you including apple, ginger and cucumber?
Brooke007 said:
TigerOrange said:
I'm in. I tried this after you posted. One of my friend's that is on the Atkins Diet told me that I was going to get fat b/c of the high glycemic index.

[/ QUOTE ] Carrot juice does have a high GI.
The glycemic response of carrot juice can be reduced by drinking it with a tablespoon full of oil. The oil has the added benefit of increasing the body’s absorption of the fat soluble carotenoids, such as beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and lutein. Any oil will produce this effect. This is a great way to get in beneficial oils and carrot juice at the same time. I recommend coconut oil for a tasteless way to get it, also flaxseed oil, hemp oil or any of the oils you’ll find in your health food store's refrigerated section.

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oh wow, thanks!
Brooke007 said:
C.E. Cutie,
I'm sorta familiar w/ the Atkins diet, I beleive the first 2 weeks are carb free anyway or maybe it's consume less than 20g of carbs. Carrots have gotten a negative rating from these types of diets because of their sugar content and because of this Glycemic Index. Studies measure the GI of carrot to be 86 on a scale where the glycemic index of bread is 100. The glycemic response was lowered to 66 by consuming oil along with the juice. The newest fad is to measure the Glycemic load to determine the insulin effect a particular food item will have and this measurement says that carrots are a lot friendlier to dieters than previously thought. Still, you can eat them just not in excess.

Carrots or carrot juice will effect whether or not your body goes into or maintains ketosis, but so will any carb. Isis is recommending 2oz/ a day for the challenge which will be about 3 -4 grams of carbs. So as long as the rest of the carbs you consume fall within your daily allotted range (minus the 3 or 4 grams for your 2 oz of carrot juice a day) you will be able to maintain your ketosis.

The added oil won't effect how many carbs you are consuming, only the glycemic impact the carrots have. But you will get more out of the juice if you consume with a lil oil. HTH

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so do you mix the oil w/ the juice or take the oil before the juice or after. Yes I need it spelled out like that. LOL
so what do you think will happen to your hair/skin/nails when you get off this challenge. Do you think it will revert, or stay where it is? What do you think you'll have to do to maintain your hair.

I also wonder stuff like this when I want to try something new. Then I try to relate it to exercise and I'm like well in order to maintain weight loss you have to continue to do it. SO I imagine the same is true for this and starting other products programs.
Isis, I'm still getting great results. My skin is smooth, supple and radiant. I had a small breakout this week but I think it was due to over exfoliation. It disappeared in 1 day. My hair seems softer, stays moisturized but I'm not sure about extra growth yet(haven't measured). I'm still drinking about 6-8oz. daily and haven't had a problem with the orange tint that some of the ladies complain about, but I also drink about 8-9 glasses of water a day. I got lazy(tired of preparing fresh juice) and missed two days this week but my skin still looks great. I'm getting load of compliments. I will continue the challenge.
Honeyhips said:
so do you mix the oil w/ the juice or take the oil before the juice or after. Yes I need it spelled out like that. LOL

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You take the oil before or after the juice. For example, I drink my juice, then eat a salad afterwards with flaxseed oil in my salad.

For me, I would gag if I put my oil in my carrot juice although some may prefer to take it this way. As long as you're taking the oil around the same time you consume the juice.
joyous said:
Isis, I'm still getting great results. My skin is smooth, supple and radiant. I had a small breakout this week but I think it was due to over exfoliation. It disappeared in 1 day. My hair seems softer, stays moisturized but I'm not sure about extra growth yet(haven't measured). I'm still drinking about 6-8oz. daily and haven't had a problem with the orange tint that some of the ladies complain about, but I also drink about 8-9 glasses of water a day. I got lazy(tired of preparing fresh juice) and missed two days this week but my skin still looks great. I'm getting load of compliments. I will continue the challenge.

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I'm glad you are continuing to get great results Joyous - the compliments are great aren't they! The orange tint usually doesn't happen unless one is drinking or eating a LOT of carrots or juice. Some of the ladies are saying they like that tint and get compliments because of that too.
Thanks for sharing your hair progress also. It sounds like the challenge is working very well for you.
im thinking about joining this challenge....i tried doin the eggs and got sick of that really fast. wonder if i can stick with this one
Isis, what's amazing is that for the last five years or so I've tried everything under the sun to get a clear complexion. My friend and I always joke and say we'll still have acne when we become grandpaents one day. It was extremely distressing because we both didn't have skin problems during our earlier years that couldn't be resolved with over the counter products. I've been to a dermatologist, tried Retin-A Micro and antibiotics, with moderate results but discontinued after a while because you have continually give blood samples with antibiotics. After all the money I've spent and doctors I've been to just think the solution was something as inexpensive and natural as carrot juice. I saw success in 1 week. It just goes to show that many of our physicians are just not into nutrition. My primary physician is just amazed. She actually took notes and wrote down everything I was doing so she could refer it to her other patients with problem skin.
Honeyhips said:
so what do you think will happen to your hair/skin/nails when you get off this challenge. Do you think it will revert, or stay where it is? What do you think you'll have to do to maintain your hair.

I also wonder stuff like this when I want to try something new. Then I try to relate it to exercise and I'm like well in order to maintain weight loss you have to continue to do it. SO I imagine the same is true for this and starting other products programs.

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In the past when I was regularly drinking carrot juice, my naturally thick hair became a lot thicker very quickly. I was getting compliments on my hair thickness all of the time from relatives, friends and coworkers, and on my glowing skin too. Thinking back, my hair was also damaged at that time from all the daily heat I was using so the carrot juice restored something important in my hair. Each strand felt and looked thicker. When I stopped the juice, my hair and skin didn't just suddenly revert back to where I started. It was a gradual process to get back to having less beta carotene in my system. It wasn't a good example though because I was still damaging my hair daily but interesting because I got my hair to appear healthy for a while.

I intend to stay on the juice like another supplement, because it's so beneficial and it has almost all the vitamins and minerals we need for our bodies, including our hair, skin and nails.
My hair appears to be shinier and I'm still noticing it feels thicker and softer as the days go by. I love the thought that my hair is getting direct nourishment at the roots from the carrot juice.

How is your hair doing ladies?
Isis said:
My hair appears to be shinier and I'm still noticing it feels thicker and softer as the days go by. I love the thought that my hair is getting direct nourishment at the roots from the carrot juice.

How is your hair doing ladies?

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I've noticed that it's much thicker. I was off for a day or two while wrestling with other options but you're right, Isis. I don't think I will see weight gain. I checked for carrot vitamins/pills but didn't see any. I'll ask my mother where she found them.