New Carrot Juice Hair Growth Challenge

Alright, I'm getting back on this challenge. I haven't been drinking it in a while. I will mix it with other veggies and fruits too.
i started this challenge before but i fell off of it because buying the carrot juice everyday was kinda hard on my pockets. But I will start again. I just hope it helps my skin.
I starting buying carrot juice(not for this challenge) but it helps to mix it with a little orange juice...I found it at Trader Joe and it is very tasty(low cal)..the oj cuts the taste and stretches the carrot juice(last two weeks)...I drink a 8 oz glass a day...
I just started on this, but I was wondering... How many ounces a day is recommended for hair growth. I have been drinking 4 oz. in the morning w/my vitamins.

I already have started turning my usual "winter pale", so I just don't want to end up drinking so much that I turn orange on top of it :lol:
I've been doing this since the summer w/Bolthouse Farms, I started drinking it to replace soda's, and it taste really good, actually better than I thought, I guess I can add this to the list of challenges,LOl.

@Justicewifey- I don't know if it's okay to substitute, but whenever they sell out of the carrot juice I just by the veggie or carrot& passion fruit blend. It's better than nothing and it keeps me from falling off.
Justicewifey said:
I know I'm somewhere mixed in these pages but I fell off. I'm getting back on and I wanted to ask does V8 Splash count :confused:
No, V8 splash is a tomato-based veggie juice, it's not the same as 100 % pure carrot juice and won't have the same effect!
NoNapNique said:
I just started on this, but I was wondering... How many ounces a day is recommended for hair growth. I have been drinking 4 oz. in the morning w/my vitamins.

I already have started turning my usual "winter pale", so I just don't want to end up drinking so much that I turn orange on top of it :lol:

2 ounces per day is enough. That's very little and it won't turn you orange!:lol:
Some of the ladies love the glowing, smooth complexion carrot juice gives them and drink more.
I am still doing it as well...I notice a change in my complexion also. Not sure about the hair growth aspect of it...I am taking so much other stuff that I don't know what is making it grow.
I'm going to start drinking carrot juice again. It made my skin nice & clear, made my hair grow, & it also kept me regular (sorry for the extra information).
Cat_Eyed_Cutie said:
Thanks Brooke...there is no way I could only drink 2oz of carrot juice...I can drink 32oz in one sitting! Lol, T ghink I'll just have to wait until after induction to joinn the challange.

Do you make your own carrot juice or is it a powder. Just wondering what kind of delicious juice you were drinking to drink so much. I made it when I had a juicer and I have had 32oz at once it was so good. :guiness:

I always used organic carrots because the regular ones from the grocery store didn't make very good carrot juice. Most of the organic ones are sweeter and the juice was sweet and delicious.
foxybrownsugar said:
I would like to join this challenge. I eat one large carrot daily as part of the Qu.I.Challenge. I hope this is ok.
I large carrot is good. :) However, carrot juice goes directly to the bloodstream so the body can process it right away. Eating a carrot requires digestion so it's a slower process.

I still drink my two ounces of carrot juice daily as a way of life more than a challenge. I find myself buying the carrot juice these days more than juicing it though, mainly because of being busy. :fat:
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Re: Carrot Juice Hair Growth Challenge Progress

joyous said:
Well Isis, I didn't join the challenge but for the past week I've been drinking carrot,celery and spinach juice and my skin has cleared up and no new breakouts. I'm going to continue this for the next few weeks and I'll let you know if I see improved benefits with my hair.

Thanks for posting this. This reminded me that I wasnted to get a juicer this year. This will be great that I am starting a small garden in my backyard.;)
I am sooo on this one! I bought carrot juice yesterday and I will be drinking it every week-(it's £1 a bottle and i go through one bottle in like 2-3 days...).
I found this from google:The Healing Power of Juices

By Roopa Chari, M.D.
Board Certified Physician in Internal Medicine and co-owner of The Chari Center of Health, Inc. in San Diego

A daily glass of carrot and spinach juice gives vital nutrients to the roots of the hair, thereby preventing hair loss and actually restoring your natural hair color. Juices provide the vitamins, enzymes, minerals and trace elements which go into the formation of hair. Adding cucumbers to the carrot and spinach juice also promotes hair growth as it is high in silicon and sulfur.
Do you have the webaddress for this?
Summa Bliss said:
I am sooo on this one! I bought carrot juice yesterday and I will be drinking it every week-(it's £1 a bottle and i go through one bottle in like 2-3 days...).
I found this from google:The Healing Power of Juices

By Roopa Chari, M.D.
Board Certified Physician in Internal Medicine and co-owner of The Chari Center of Health, Inc. in San Diego

A daily glass of carrot and spinach juice gives vital nutrients to the roots of the hair, thereby preventing hair loss and actually restoring your natural hair color. Juices provide the vitamins, enzymes, minerals and trace elements which go into the formation of hair. Adding cucumbers to the carrot and spinach juice also promotes hair growth as it is high in silicon and sulfur.
The growth comes from the beta carotene in the carrots correct? Could I be on the challenge if I take beta carotene supplements? Drinking carrot juice is tooo expensive and too nasty for me lol.
I love my carrot juice, I got late for work yesterday because I refuse to leave the house without making it :( . Not only does it do wonders for my hair, but it gives me so much energy... I am hopelessly addicted to it. I have to buy a new juicer now, and I recently tried adding spinich and cucumber, definitely a keeper.....:lick:
Isis said:
I large carrot is good. :) However, carrot juice goes directly to the bloodstream so the body can process it right away. Eating a carrot requires digestion so it's a slower process.

I still drink my two ounces of carrot juice daily as a way of life more than a challenge. I find myself buying the carrot juice these days more than juicing it though, mainly because of being busy. :fat:
thanx for the info. I will probably alternate btw eating and drinking carrots because im already blending berries & banana for breakfast.
Summa Bliss said:
I am sooo on this one! I bought carrot juice yesterday and I will be drinking it every week-(it's £1 a bottle and i go through one bottle in like 2-3 days...).
I found this from google:The Healing Power of Juices

By Roopa Chari, M.D.
Board Certified Physician in Internal Medicine and co-owner of The Chari Center of Health, Inc. in San Diego

A daily glass of carrot and spinach juice gives vital nutrients to the roots of the hair, thereby preventing hair loss and actually restoring your natural hair color. Juices provide the vitamins, enzymes, minerals and trace elements which go into the formation of hair. Adding cucumbers to the carrot and spinach juice also promotes hair growth as it is high in silicon and sulfur.
Summa Bliss said:

Now this is interesting. Thanks Summa Bliss and for the link too! :up:
BerrySweet said:
The growth comes from the beta carotene in the carrots correct? Could I be on the challenge if I take beta carotene supplements? Drinking carrot juice is tooo expensive and too nasty for me lol.
I haven't heard any feedback from those taking beta carotene supplements but it's healthy too. The hair (and skin) benefits come from everything in the carrot juice, not just the beta carotene. It has all of the B vitamins, and a list of other important minerals including calcium.