New *2010* Transitioners Support Thread!

You and me both! That's why I'm having such a hard time with these braids. Tomorrow will be 3 weeks since I got them done and they're driving me banana hammock. I can see the NG and I'm dying to baby it :lachen:. JJamiah wants me to hold on while she has hers in so I'm gonna TRY to stick with it.

Good luck girl! You are far, far braver than I could ever be! :lol:
Okay, so I gave in to temptation and went ahead and BC. I went over to my mom's house and just let here do the deed. I had to start it for her and cut off enough so that she would have to cut it. She first thought that I was crazy, but after it was all done, she liked it. After years of listening to her tell me that I need a touch-up whenever she sees NG, I now get to listen to her tell me how to take care of my natural hair.

Anyways... Can I say "I LOVE MY HAIR!!!". There are some serious clumps of curls going on. I'm still trying to figure out my hair type. I'm 4-something, but we shall see as time goes on.

Thanks ladies for all the help during the 4 mo transition. I really appreciate it. Hope that you guys last a bit longer than me. Off to play in the newly natural thread. Yay me!!

Congratulations on your BC!!! :dance7: :dance7: :dance7:
One year post as of today!!!! Time flew by. :grin:

I took down my braids, got a trim, steam conditioning, and flat iron yesterday. My hair is sooo shiny, full, soft, and silky! I can still tell, that my little trouble spot isn't growing in as fast as the rest of the rest of my hair, but its slowly coming along.

Im on the fence about continuing to do braid extensions. The take down/detangling process was kinda scary and my strands are so fine/fragile.
So.....I DC'd on dry hair with SE Mega Cholesterol and that stuff is GOOD!!! I think I may just have to make that a staple although I really don't like the ingredients. But detangling was sooooo easy! It was even better than my Lekair! But I'm still gonna keep the Lekair because of the protein in it! Hmm...decisions decisions....btw I'm 37 weeks post! Don't care much about counting anymore I just want to keep my hair looking full all the way through this thing.
after that 1 inch trim last month (and dusting I've been doing over the past year), I just noticed that my hair is at a 50/50 relaxed to natural ratio
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I realized I'm kinda happy I'm transitioning from texlaxed hair and not bone straight. Its easier to hide the two textures and the relaxed part doesn't look extremely thin compared to the rest of the hair.
^^^ When I took my braids out my relaxed hair seemed thinner. I thought I cut some of my hair by mistake. I'm over 5 months in and still wondering...... I think I can make it!
I think this weekend the braids are coming out, but I promised JJamiah that I'd keep mine in as long as her. 11 days is gonna be tough with my NG already peeking out the bottom of my braids. I've never been able to pick them up this high after only 3 weeks. Freakish summer growth spurt maybe?
I am almost 15 months post. The mid and back sections are completely natural. Here are some shots after my workout (I know that I am looking rough!). The back started out as a braid out before the work out...and evolved into a fro after the workout:lachen:

This braidout was done with no product except my spritz. Whenever I do start wearing braidouts, I will definitely use a product with some hold. I have a coworker that uses Miss Jessies Curly Meringue for some awesome braid and twistouts that last all week...


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I don't think I've been gaining much of a summer growth spurt, unfortunately :(. Still, this week I'm going on holiday to Abu Dhabi in the UAE, land of high heat and humidity. Reckon I could get lucky there in 2 weeks? :grin:
I am almost 15 months post. The mid and back sections are completely natural. Here are some shots after my workout (I know that I am looking rough!). The back started out as a braid out before the work out...and evolved into a fro after the workout:lachen:

This braidout was done with no product except my spritz. Whenever I do start wearing braidouts, I will definitely use a product with some hold. I have a coworker that uses Miss Jessies Curly Meringue for some awesome braid and twistouts that last all week...

Your hair is very nice. How in the world do u get it to lay down like that? I went to an outdoor concert last night and my hair is sticking straight up on top of my head right now! And how do you do that bun in your siggy? I need that bun in my life for work/working out ASAP
I've done searches on here and on you tube and I'm still confused about this braid out/twist out thing. Not sure which products to use for it. I get tired of wigs during the work week and really would like to find some ways to wear my hair that is work out friendly.
Thank you, Imani. I am really going to have to work on my braid outs and twist out...

I use a scarf and aloe vera or Eco Styler clear gel to lay my hair down. The faux bun has been my go to style for months during this transition.

Faux Bun Instructions:

I use Marley Braids in color 2 from Femi Collection ( This brand can be purchased at most beauty supply stores for under $5.

The hair comes in one long ponytail made up of individual locks. I separate the hair into two sections, braid each section, and then fasten the ends with black rubber bands.

I lightly brush my hair into a ponytail after moisturizing and use a wrapped ponytail holder to fasten. I use two long bobby pins to attach the faux braid right above my "real" ponytail in an X formation. I then wrap each braid around my little pony stub and pin with the "open" bobby pins.

Lastly, I use a scarf to set the style for 15 to 20 minutes.

Your hair is very nice. How in the world do u get it to lay down like that? I went to an outdoor concert last night and my hair is sticking straight up on top of my head right now! And how do you do that bun in your siggy? I need that bun in my life for work/working out ASAP
13 weeks!! I still feel as though I'm doing one of my former long stretches. I wish 18 weeks would hurry up and get here, lol. So, I could feel like I'm actually transitioning.

But, anyway, I've been moisturizing and sealing with CD's Lite Hair Milk and my oil mix (avocado, coconut, and evoo). My hair feels so good!!!!
Thank you, Imani. I am really going to have to work on my braid outs and twist out...

I use a scarf and aloe vera or Eco Styler clear gel to lay my hair down. The faux bun has been my go to style for months during this transition.

Faux Bun Instructions:

I use Marley Braids in color 2 from Femi Collection ( This brand can be purchased at most beauty supply stores for under $5.

The hair comes in one long ponytail made up of individual locks. I separate the hair into two sections, braid each section, and then fasten the ends with black rubber bands.

I lightly brush my hair into a ponytail after moisturizing and use a wrapped ponytail holder to fasten. I use two long bobby pins to attach the faux braid right above my "real" ponytail in an X formation. I then wrap each braid around my little pony stub and pin with the "open" bobby pins.

Lastly, I use a scarf to set the style for 15 to 20 minutes.

thank you! So is your hair soaking wet or damp when u tie it down? I want to try this this week, but I just got a professional flat iron job over the weekend. I'm thinking I'm going to have to rewash to get it to lay down. I"m looking like james brown right now. puffy near the roots but silky straight on the ends.
My hair is slightly damp from my moisturizing spritz when I bun. After moisturizing, I spritz, then apply aloe vera gel and/or ecostyler gel and lightly brush. I put the scarf on for at least 20 minutes. If your hair is completely wet, it will take longer for the gel to set. I'm usually rushing in the morning, so I don't have time to wait that long.

thank you! So is your hair soaking wet or damp when u tie it down? I want to try this this week, but I just got a professional flat iron job over the weekend. I'm thinking I'm going to have to rewash to get it to lay down. I"m looking like james brown right now. puffy near the roots but silky straight on the ends.
So, I was kinda skeptical that my hair would lay down and have a textured look to it like Alta's. Also, my hair is super short. So decided to wet my hair and put it in some braids first to stretch it out and to get a crinkled look.

It was kinda sloppy since I knew I was going to pull my hair back, but when i took out the braids, it was actually a semi cute braid out!!! I'm super excited, Ive never done a braid out. But it was still pretty damp in the morning (and as I said, wasn't the neatest job), so I just went ahead and pulled it back instead of trying to wear the braid out.

But, next weekend or sometime soon i am definitely going to try the braid out! I thought it would look stupid bc my hair is so short or that I would just end up with a ball of frizz. This was good practice. I used Miss Jessies' Baby Buttercreme and ORS gel. And tiny perm rods on the ends of the top bc my relaxed straight hair kept unraveling. I am wondering if the ORS gel gives enough hold and am considering trying the EcoStyler. I hear so many people rave about it, so I bought a jar from Sally's but haven't done anything with it yet. I will also sit under the dryer so my hair can get dry.
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I am almost 15 months post. The mid and back sections are completely natural. Here are some shots after my workout (I know that I am looking rough!). The back started out as a braid out before the work out...and evolved into a fro after the workout:lachen:

This braidout was done with no product except my spritz. Whenever I do start wearing braidouts, I will definitely use a product with some hold. I have a coworker that uses Miss Jessies Curly Meringue for some awesome braid and twistouts that last all week...

Yay Alta Angel!!! :yay: I'm right behind you --- almost 14 months post. You have a lot of growth and your hair is nice and thick. I don't think I have that much and I'm too scared to cut off the relaxed ends in the back to check. :ohwell:

just checking in......

i had cornrows put in last Tuesday and took them down on Wednesday lol.... i didn't like the style on me plus there were 3 or 4 braids that were too tight and i couldn't stand it. i refused to loose any hair around my hairline (but i still lost a tiny section in the front).

looks like buns and phony ponies are going to my style of choice during my transition.

i thought i was going to transition for 12 months....however, i keep falling in love with NG each week and really think i will be doing my BC at 9 months. i just really want to have at least 4 inchs of NG before i BC.

keep up the good work ladies!!
This is my first time posting in this thread, but you ladies have been a wealth of knowledge for me! I'm currently 34 weeks post. Here's a pic of my protective style of choice my phony bun

Hair Pics 004.jpg

Here's a pic of my wave action

Hair Pics 003.jpg

And finally, I was anxious to see what my curlies will look like without the relaxed ends. So I cut a very small section of hair by my ear

Hair Pics 002.jpg

Not sure how long I'm going to transition, I think at least 2 years though
This is a great thread...good info.! I'm almost 9 months post, and plan to transition for 3 years. At this point, my hair is too thick for wet buns and ponytails. :( I flat iron once a month and TRY to do braid outs in between. Flat ironing usually lasts 2 - 3 weeks, while braid outs only last a few days and then I have to bun. My hair is beginning to shed more, so I might have to include garlic supplements or a light hair does not appreciate heavy protein.