New *2010* Transitioners Support Thread!

Oooh girl I love my hips,thighs and booty lol. I'm supposed to do this bikini competition next year and they want me to tone up but I said no b/c I like my jiggle :lachen:
Girl bye you look skinny minny in them photos lol I really dont need to lose from anywhere except my back and my face but since thats where my fat LOVES to go, thats gonna be the last place it comes from. Hence, the 20 pounds. Shouldnt we be discussing this in that other thread?

You are right! I'm having an off day today, lol. I can't even open doors or remember my friends' names right now! I'm going to go take a vitamin... :ohwell:
what kind of braids have you got? how often will you wash them? i'm thinking of braiding too but i'm worried about moisturising in braids and een more worried about taking care of my edges.

Tia, I have micros. I have only had them for 10 days, so I haven't washed them yet. I workout a lot though, so every other day I cleanse my scalp with witch hazel & then oil it with jojoba oil. It seems to be working out well so far. I had a few tension bumps & random itchiness, so I have been putting tea tree oil on the back part of my scalp. I am nervous about breakage, but since it is a protective style, I'd rather take my chances this way during transitioning than having my hair free...hope this helps you decide!
Loving my hair still BUT I think the products I am using are making my scalp dry. I am noticing a slightly itchy scalp, something I hadn't been experiencing when co-washing. I think next week I will co-wash, air dry in a bun, then use my hot rollers. I don't mind my once a week blow dry/flat iron but I don't want to overdue it.

BTW I saw my old hair stylist the other day and she said "Girl your hair looks soooo healthy". I smiled from ear to ear, especially when I told her "Oh I've been taking care of it myself". She was very supportive of my HHJ but I don't fancy spending all my money up in the salon. Oh and I found another stylist :D My hubby said "Baby, your hair looked better than hers, your doing the da#$ thang" lol
Has anybody tried that new HE Loves line that Target carries? I saw it in the paper this past Sunday and I'm so curious about it.
Okay, I have to wash my hair! I was going to try and make it to two weeks, but this is day 9 and it's driving me CRAZY! Mainly because I want to feel my texture again. These straightened roots are no fun to play in! They have temporarily cured me of HIH disease. :lol:
I straightened my hair 2 days ago! As much as I love my curls, straightening my hair has helped with the tangles. I also haven't had to use a comb or a brush. I haven't put any more heat on my hair but I also haven't washed it yet... I've also realized how much easier it is to deal with all one texture. I can't wait until I'm fully natural!
Checking in @ 67 weeks post. Nothing interesting going on here. I bun most of the time and blowdry once every two weeks. I don't think I'll trim any more relaxed ends until the end of the year.

eta: sorry, I thought this was the Trans w/o BC thread. Happy transitioning to all the newbies!
Getting closer to my 14 month mark and I'm loving how thick my hair is and transitioning is going very well. I've been thinking of BCing lately since I will be hiding my hair until December anyway. This is just a thought who knows what will happen.
Im 25 weeks post today. Im still struggling with style options.... I did blow dry and flat iron my new growth and I am pleased with the results. I also did a henna treatment that turned out very well. It losened my texture really well. One more week to 6 months post! Im hanging in there tho!
Ponytail air drying in 6 ponytails right now. DH just came in and said, "Your hair looks ugly. Can you please put it away?" :lol: Then he asked to borrow my laptop. Um, let me think about that for a second... "NO!" :lachen:
By the way, how tight are you ladies making your ponytails when you air dry? I am not making mine tight, but the new growth isn't really stretching. My 4a coils are still coils. Are they supposed to be a little more like little waves?
I'm confused on how you all are counting your weeks?? last relaxer was May 12, 2010....on May 19th i was a week post. Today i am 16 weeks post....:woot:.....but i count every wednesday from May 12th as a week i counting wrong?:perplexed
I'm confused on how you all are counting your weeks?? last relaxer was May 12, 2010....on May 19th i was a week post. Today i am 16 weeks post....:woot:.....but i count every wednesday from May 12th as a week i counting wrong?:perplexed

lmbo! Girl a week is a week! If yo last relaxer was on May 12, then May 19th was a week later so yes today you are 16 weeks post but you won't be 4 months post until September 12th.
But don't 16 weeks equal 4 months?:perplexed? I'm jus there's usually for weeks in a month and 4x4 is 16......i own know...i thought thats how that i gotta wait a WHOLE nother week to say i'm 16 weeks when i'm already 16 weeks?:laugh:
But don't 16 weeks equal 4 months?:perplexed? I'm jus there's usually for weeks in a month and 4x4 is 16......i own know...i thought thats how that i gotta wait a WHOLE nother week to say i'm 16 weeks when i'm already 16 weeks?:laugh:

No, you're right. My last relaxer was on a Friday, so I count every Friday as another week post. I count my months the same way you do. Everyone agrees that 52 weeks is a year. 52/12=4.333
But don't 16 weeks equal 4 months?:perplexed? I'm jus there's usually for weeks in a month and 4x4 is 16......i own know...i thought thats how that i gotta wait a WHOLE nother week to say i'm 16 weeks when i'm already 16 weeks?:laugh:

lol no there are usually 4 weeks and some days in a month. Think about it. If 4 weeks equaled a month then there would only be 48 weeks in a year....but there are 52:drunk:

I'm 40 weeks post (on Friday) but I won't be 10 months post until September 26. See how it works? A week is a week but a month is a month lol so you are still 16 weeks post just not 4 months

ETA: Girl just get a ticker and stop counting. I stopped counting at around 7 months and let the ticker do the counting.
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lol no there are usually 4 weeks and some days in a month. Think about it. If 4 weeks equaled a month then there would only be 48 weeks in a year....but there are 52:drunk:

I'm 40 weeks post but I won't be 10 months post until September 27. See how it works? A week is a week but a month is a month lol so you are still 16 weeks post just not 4 months

......OWWWW MY BRAIN!!!! am i counting right then?