NATURALS: Are You Happy w/ The MOISTURE Level of Your Hair?

Hey Ladies!

My hair is soooo DRY I feel like chopping it all off right now (I am backing away from the scissors...):spinning:

I have been going through the motions for the past few weeks b/c it seems like no matter what I do, my hair is brittle and dry!!

I've tried steam treatments, deep deep conditioning, etc..... I stay away from silicones, petroleum & the like...

I have been co-washing and/or using ayurvedic rinses for a while...I have clarified w/ baking soda and even resorted to using shampoo (Elucence) to try to get rid of possible buildup that may be blocking moisture...

I spritz my hair daily w/ aloe vera juice + vegetable glycerin and/or aloe vera juice + conditioner...

I am at my wits end :sad:

I have been doing loads of research and the only thing I can think of is to try chelating (I might have hard water, mineral buildup) or try something like Porosity Control (it's supoosed to be good for people w/ hair that cannot retain moisture)

I understand that my texture is 4B ..I very fine strands that are densely packed coils are undefined but tightly coiled which makes it harder for my hair to retain moisture but I don't believe that it is supoosed to be THIS dry and there has to be something I can do about it!!

So before I write a sad soppy novel, this goes out to all my fellow natural sisters:

Are you happy w/ the moisture level of your hair? ..

If so, what are your current routines/products?

And what would you ladies suggest I do before I have a breakdown & chop off all my hair?!!! :blush:

No! I'm tired of the densely packed dry hair. If it was soft and not so dense, I'd be happy and I'd wear my hair naturally happy everyday. But this is a big problem for me. In order for me to keep it moisturized, I have to wet it daily. It's the only thing that works long term. Everything else stops working. The money I've spent to keep it moisturized is just too depressing to mention.
Are you happy w/ the moisture level of your hair? .. 96% of the time yes..........

If so, what are your current routines/products? -
optimum conditioning, and choosing the right product that WON'T Dry my hair out, kicking away commercial products..... and steam treatments - my fotki has my regimen.

And what would you ladies suggest I do before I have a breakdown & chop off all my hair?!!!
look at your regimen, read your labels - and start DCin overnight
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Well since I bleached my hair it has been alittle dry, but what saved me was aphogee oil and moisturizer. They work wonders for me. I use the moisturizer maybe once every 2 weeks and the oil once a week. My hair feels so soft and silky. Daily I just spray with water, oil, condish (suave) and eo's.
Im very happy with the moisture level of my hair. I deep condition every 2-3 weeks and thats basically it. I add castor oil, olive oil, and honey to my deep conditioner. Sometimes I spritz and seal in between washes but sometimes Im lazy :look:

As far as your hair, I would suggest a couple of things. Honey is a natural humectant and when added to deep conditioners it really helps.

The other thing I would suggest is to drink more water. If all of your external methods are not working, then the problem may be internal. I would suggest drinking about 2L of water daily for a couple of weeks and see what type of effect it has on your hair.

Be WILL find the solution to your dryness and fall right back in love with your natural hair. This dryness is only temporary.

I found that my hair was dry as well. Right now what is working for me is leaving conditioner in my hair after shampooing, sealing with coconut oil and spraying my hair with diluted conditioner and water every couple of days. so far, so good.
We have the same hair type and I was going through the same thing up until 3 days ago. Dryness, and breakage city, and nothing would stop it. I promise you I was 2 minutes away from shaving my head, or Relaxing it bc it was so dry and unmanageable, none of my products, or conditioners worked.

I re-read through Sistaslick's porosity article and realized that the porosity level in my hair had been thrown off. (Probably by sulfate shampoos) If you haven't already I suggest you try this:

Take a small bunch of your hair and slide your fingers from TIP towards the ROOT. Does it slide easily? Or does it give resistance/feel rough? If it doesn't slide easily, it's probably porus. Mine felt really rough and I could tell that my cuticles were open.

I washed, conditioned and then took 1/4 cup of ACV to 1 full cup of warm water and poured it all over my hair. I rubbed and squeezed it through my hair for about a minute, and then did a quick rinse out with lukewarm water. (My hair was in fat twists when I did it) The ACV should feel really silky when it's in your hair and should leave your hair normal when it's dry. I was amazed that it actually worked! Mind you, I had tried it in the past, with no results, so I just put it away and never used it again. It smells like sour feet, but the smell goes away once you hair dries.

I hope this helps, because it really helped me, it brought my hair all the way back!

After the ACV rinse, your cuticles were laying down?

Are you happy w/ the moisture level of your hair? Yes

If so, what are your current routines/products? -
Washing at least twice a week using a shower filter, whether with a moisturizing shampoo then conditioner, or just CWs. DCing once a week. Always end washes with an ACV rinse. Baggying at night. I don't use leave-ins. My simple regimen keeps my hair soft and I like that it isn't sticky.

And what would you ladies suggest I do before I have a breakdown & chop off all my hair?!!!
I think clarifying if you're using a lot of products helps. Also I find less is more.

One thing that we seem to forget is that humectants like glycerin draw moisture into themselves. So using a product with glycerin when there's humidity in the air is good because the glycerin will draw moisture from the air and thus be laden with moisture while it's on your head. But if I'm not mistaken, when the air is dry, the glycerin will draw moisture from wherever it can get it, so it may deplete your hair of moisture and leave it dry. So if you're using a product with glycerin and finding your hair dry, maybe give it a miss?

Then there are serums which are great for sealing the hair and locking in moisture. But even they have their cons: by sealing the strands, they prevent moisture going in or out. Meaning once you apply them, it's pointless applying a moisturizer over them coz it will not penetrate and reach the hair. Again, this is just one of those things you could try and see if it works for you. When I used serum, I would apply them to damp hair and my hair would remain soft till I washed it two days later.

Again, you won't know what works if you try too many things at once, so just try one at a time so you can eliminate the things that don't work for you. Also, stalking fotkis and finding someone with hair that looks like yours who seems to have nailed down a successful regimen could be a good guide on what products to start with. I apologize if my post is redundant as I didn't read the other posts before posting. *shameface*
Hey Ladies!

So before I write a sad soppy novel, this goes out to all my fellow natural sisters:

Are you happy w/ the moisture level of your hair? ..

If so, what are your current routines/products?

And what would you ladies suggest I do before I have a breakdown & chop off all my hair?!!! :blush:

NR ... whatever you do do NOT cut your hair, girl.

I'm happy with the moisture level of my hair. I can go 3-5 days without moisturizing.

The commercial glycerin products I've tried do NOT work for me. So far, my ultimate moisturizers have been 1) Shea Butter and 2) Water w/ Safflower Oil. Either or. I moisturize on my shampoo day for the best absorption.

I suggest you try heavy, natural products. Glycerin? No. Aloe vera juice? No. Spritz? No. Have you tried shea butter as a moisturizer? That is .. Melting the shea and applying it on your hair on wash days? What has been your experience with water and Castor Oil as a moisturizer? Again ... applying it on wash day?
Are you happy w/ the moisture level of your hair? .. Yes, definitely.

If so, what are your current routines/products? I think it's been a combination of building up my moisture over time - I started with nightly baggying with cheap conditioner in my hair, along with weekly DC's, and gradually ramped it down - right now, all I'm doing is monthly caramel treatment DC's, and daily misting.

And what would you ladies suggest I do before I have a breakdown & chop off all my hair?!!! I'd DEFINITELY suggest chelating, and I'd suggest making an concerted effort to OVER-moisturise your hair. If you are sleep, it should be moist. Use something with Tea Tree Oil in it while you are doing this to keep your scalp healthy - but I'd suggest at least baggying nightly with condish in your hair for at least two weeks straight.

As far as humectants go - I found that with glycerin, I REALLY had to get the mix right - too much glycerin to water, and my hair would be dry and tacky - not enough, and it would be dry and crunchy - just right, and it would be moist and soft.
Hey Ladies!

My hair is soooo DRY I feel like chopping it all off right now (I am backing away from the scissors...):spinning:
Hi NappyRina, I notice that my hair holds a lot more moisture when I co wash and then put my leave in while my hair is dripping wet, I run the leave in through my hair and then put a towel gently around it and finish my morning ministrations and then get ready and I put a band around my hair and keep it moving. My hair remains moist through the day. It tries and is still soft and behaving. I use Creme of Nature's leave in, at first I didn't like it because I didn't like the lemon smell in it but now I love how my hair reacts to it. My puffs hold its curls and its really soft and very right feeling I keep touching it thought the day. I haven't had any issues with dry hair since I cowash.
Yes, my hair is moisturized.

I acv every week. I use this instead of a harsh shampoo. I learned to put this on let it sit for a minute or two and scrub my scalp and gently clean my hair to get off any buildup.

I dc with yogurt and honey every two weeks.

VO5 conditioner is used for my cowashes.

I seal in moisture with castor oil on wet hair.

I use Honeybush Tea Gel on wet hair.

Don't be so hasty with the scissors. Maybe the baking soda is too harsh?? Try the castor oil on wet hair.

On dry hair I use Heavy Cream or Olive and Honey Hydrating Balm.

Bigghair ... I did not know that ACV alone can be used to clean the scalp! I thought it was just for pH balancing & smoothing the cuticle, like for the final rinse.....You do this once per week? How much ACV & how much water do you use? How often are you co-washing per week?

Hmm, well I think I've said it to you before, but I don't care that much about my hair feeling "moisturized". I know it's heresy to say so on the hair boards, but if it's this difficult to make my hair feel "soft" and "moisturized", then I'm okay accepting that it's not my hair. So for the most part, I am happy, but I feel like I shouldn't be because "moisture" is the top thing all the hair boards say. I just put something on my hair to make it more supple or pliable. It doesn't add moisture. Nothing will add moisture except a humectant and those don't do much when the outside air is dry. My hair is also not "soft". Oh well. I know the difference between truly soft hair and hair that has stuff on it to try to make it feel softer and mine is definitely the second. Oh well. I just don't think it's that big of a deal.

Hey Mwedzi...Since we are essentially hair twins, I think we are on the same page..when I say moisturized I guess my definition would be "supple & pliable" not wet & moist hair or extra soft hair...I would like it to be softer and not so dry & brittle all the time! I've stalked waay too many cNapp albums to know that this is possible....

Are you happy w/ the moisture level of your hair? Yes

If so, what are your current routines/products? - Washing at least twice a week using a shower filter, whether with a moisturizing shampoo then conditioner, or just CWs. DCing once a week. Always end washes with an ACV rinse. Baggying at night. I don't use leave-ins. My simple regimen keeps my hair soft and I like that it isn't sticky.

And what would you ladies suggest I do before I have a breakdown & chop off all my hair?!!!
I think clarifying if you're using a lot of products helps. Also I find less is more.

One thing that we seem to forget is that humectants like glycerin draw moisture into themselves. So using a product with glycerin when there's humidity in the air is good because the glycerin will draw moisture from the air and thus be laden with moisture while it's on your head. But if I'm not mistaken, when the air is dry, the glycerin will draw moisture from wherever it can get it, so it may deplete your hair of moisture and leave it dry. So if you're using a product with glycerin and finding your hair dry, maybe give it a miss?

Then there are serums which are great for sealing the hair and locking in moisture. But even they have their cons: by sealing the strands, they prevent moisture going in or out. Meaning once you apply them, it's pointless applying a moisturizer over them coz it will not penetrate and reach the hair. Again, this is just one of those things you could try and see if it works for you. When I used serum, I would apply them to damp hair and my hair would remain soft till I washed it two days later.

Again, you won't know what works if you try too many things at once, so just try one at a time so you can eliminate the things that don't work for you. Also, stalking fotkis and finding someone with hair that looks like yours who seems to have nailed down a successful regimen could be a good guide on what products to start with. I apologize if my post is redundant as I didn't read the other posts before posting. *shameface*

Hey Nonie...what type of moisturizing shampoo do you use? Also what do you use to co-wash & DC? Thanks for the info on the humectants like glycerin..I've heard that mentioned before...I'll try to lay off the glycerin until it gets hot & steamy around here!

So are you saying that sealing the hair after a wash or co-wash w/ something like castor oil can actually seal OUT any further moisture like a sprtiz the next day until the hair is washed again?

NR ... whatever you do do NOT cut your hair, girl.

I'm happy with the moisture level of my hair. I can go 3-5 days without moisturizing.

The commercial glycerin products I've tried do NOT work for me. So far, my ultimate moisturizers have been 1) Shea Butter and 2) Water w/ Safflower Oil. Either or. I moisturize on my shampoo day for the best absorption.

I suggest you try heavy, natural products. Glycerin? No. Aloe vera juice? No. Spritz? No. Have you tried shea butter as a moisturizer? That is .. Melting the shea and applying it on your hair on wash days? What has been your experience with water and Castor Oil as a moisturizer? Again ... applying it on wash day?

Hey loolalooh .. you are another close hair twin you are washing every 3 days? What do you use to cleanse your hair/scalp?

I've tried castor oil & shea butter..well actually I have not tried shea in a while...I recall both making my hair feel supple & pliable at first when I put it on damp hair but as soon as my hair dries, it feels dry & brittle again... I'll try both again...

** Personal UPDATE:

last night, after I did the chelating rinse + DC, I did an ACV rinse as usual & spritzed my hair w/ my aloe vera + conditioner mix and my aloe vera + vegetable glycerin mix...then sealed w/ castor oil while my hair was still wet....My braids feel better...I'm not completely content but I know I still have some more work to do....

I've even been comtemplating getting locs lately due to the frustration w/ my loose napps, but I know that if I make that decision it should be NOT based on frustration and feeling like I have no other option (I've had them before so I know that I can retain great lengths w/ them but I need to get my hair healthy regardless of how I style it: loc'ed or loose) ..

But whoa, I must admit they are soo much easier to maintain than loose napps oh boy ....Just washing my hair in these natural micro braids reminded me of how easy it sectioning of my hair detangling...just wash, DC & go LOL....but that's another story, this thread is about maintaing moisture w/ loose napps :spinning:

Honestly ladies, the softest my hair has ever felt was one time when I washed & did a DC using bananas, full fat greek yogurt, conditioner, etc, hair had never felt so soft in my life!!! stayed that way for days if I recall correctly..the only downside was all the bits of banana stuck in my hair (I blended them well & everything)...I've tried to replicate the recipe again with no success even using banana baby food...I'll try again b/c it was 2Good 2B 4 Gotten! :yep: So I KNOW attaining this soft suppleness even in cNapp 4B hair IS possible!

I just released one of my mini braids to see how my loose hair feels better..a ltitle softer than it felt the day before & the strands feel smoother...but I honestly think my hair feels this way 1) b/c the braids helped keep the moisture in my hair & 2) the braids stretched my hair, thus the smooth feel.....

I'll be doing more experiments

By the way, the scissors are no longer on my no chopping here...for all who were worried LOL :drunk:

***Oh and for all the sisters going through the same thing I've been going heart goes out to you...hang in there with me chopping! Hopefully we can incorporate some tips from all of these nappy veterans and keep our hair nice & healthy..

Dryness & brittleness should never be acceptable!!!
Hey loolalooh .. you are another close hair twin you are washing every 3 days? What do you use to cleanse your hair/scalp?

I've tried castor oil & shea butter..well actually I have not tried shea in a while...I recall both making my hair feel supple & pliable at first when I put it on damp hair but as soon as my hair dries, it feels dry & brittle again... I'll try both again...

I wash 1-2x a week ... so yes, sometimes I wash every 3 days. It depends on whether my scalp is dirty. I use Creme of Nature for dry & damaged (the green bottle) right now. I figure it's aimed at dry hair.

I don't use shea much anymore, but for me, it doesn't do much for my hair unless I mix it with an oil. Maybe it'll be a similar case for you? It's almost like the oil adds the needed final ingredient to the shea.

** Personal UPDATE:

last night, after I did the chelating rinse + DC, I did an ACV rinse as usual & spritzed my hair w/ my aloe vera + conditioner mix and my aloe vera + vegetable glycerin mix...then sealed w/ castor oil while my hair was still wet....My braids feel better...I'm not completely content but I know I still have some more work to do....

I've even been comtemplating getting locs lately due to the frustration w/ my loose napps, but I know that if I make that decision it should be NOT based on frustration and feeling like I have no other option (I've had them before so I know that I can retain great lengths w/ them but I need to get my hair healthy regardless of how I style it: loc'ed or loose) ..

But whoa, I must admit they are soo much easier to maintain than loose napps oh boy ....Just washing my hair in these natural micro braids reminded me of how easy it sectioning of my hair detangling...just wash, DC & go LOL....but that's another story, this thread is about maintaing moisture w/ loose napps :spinning:

Honestly ladies, the softest my hair has ever felt was one time when I washed & did a DC using bananas, full fat greek yogurt, conditioner, etc, hair had never felt so soft in my life!!! stayed that way for days if I recall correctly..the only downside was all the bits of banana stuck in my hair (I blended them well & everything)...I've tried to replicate the recipe again with no success even using banana baby food...I'll try again b/c it was 2Good 2B 4 Gotten! :yep: So I KNOW attaining this soft suppleness even in cNapp 4B hair IS possible!

I just released one of my mini braids to see how my loose hair feels better..a ltitle softer than it felt the day before & the strands feel smoother...but I honestly think my hair feels this way 1) b/c the braids helped keep the moisture in my hair & 2) the braids stretched my hair, thus the smooth feel.....

I'll be doing more experiments

By the way, the scissors are no longer on my no chopping here...for all who were worried LOL :drunk:

***Oh and for all the sisters going through the same thing I've been going heart goes out to you...hang in there with me chopping! Hopefully we can incorporate some tips from all of these nappy veterans and keep our hair nice & healthy..

Dryness & brittleness should never be acceptable!!!

I'm glad you went into more detail about what you mean by 'moisturized'. If it was 'moist' and 'wet' then I'm with you. My hair NEVER feels moist and wet except on wash days. 'Soft' and 'pliable' -- I've found that to be possible with the products I currently use.

Yes ... please don't turn to locs based on your frustration. It sounds like you should be doing that banana DC more often. It makes sense that it would keep your hair soft. Have you tried blending the mix with a blender? I remember what it's like to have those banana pieces stuck in the hair ... not fun.

The braids are an experiment worth looking into as well. I find that my hair stays more moisturized if I wear twists for as little as one day before wearing my hair loose.
Ah, okay NR, now I understand. Then I'd say follow loola and go heavy. This is something I don't like much myself because I don't like the feeling of . . . stuff, on my hair. But if you put a lot on you will get more pliable hair. The things you've been saying are working for you sound all very heavy. Banana, castor, did you say you tried avocado oil, shea butter, etc. Did you not like the feel of the Qhemet products? I like the Burdock Root and that is the lightest of the 3 I've tried. I put a sizable amount on damp hair. Same thing for Oyin Whipped Pudding. No "quarter sized" anything. I put about a dime size for each section I'm doing, where a section is about 1/15 of my hair. I'm not big on the Qhemet heavy cream, so if you haven't tried it and want to, you can PM me.
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I wash 1-2x a week ... so yes, sometimes I wash every 3 days. It depends on whether my scalp is dirty. I use Creme of Nature for dry & damaged (the green bottle) right now. I figure it's aimed at dry hair.

I don't use shea much anymore, but for me, it doesn't do much for my hair unless I mix it with an oil. Maybe it'll be a similar case for you? It's almost like the oil adds the needed final ingredient to the shea.

I'm glad you went into more detail about what you mean by 'moisturized'. If it was 'moist' and 'wet' then I'm with you. My hair NEVER feels moist and wet except on wash days. 'Soft' and 'pliable' -- I've found that to be possible with the products I currently use.

Yes ... please don't turn to locs based on your frustration. It sounds like you should be doing that banana DC more often. It makes sense that it would keep your hair soft. Have you tried blending the mix with a blender? I remember what it's like to have those banana pieces stuck in the hair ... not fun.

The braids are an experiment worth looking into as well. I find that my hair stays more moisturized if I wear twists for as little as one day before wearing my hair loose.
I find the bolded to be very true, I will never let my hair dry without being braided or twisted at least over night or if I am in a hurry or going to have it straighten I would braid it (larger plaits even) and and sit under a hooded dyer. This is how they did my hair when I was a little girl, no tough tangles and no dryness... It still works wonders!!

ETA: this is an excellent thread!! :clap:
Rina - there is a thread about DCing with Yogurt, that helps to soften the hair and retain moisture. I wonder if the Mega-tek could be causing some problems if you are using it daily because its a protein, and they tend to be drying. (I'm not sure how you are using it, I plan to use it on my scalp only) I generally don't do protein unless I'm getting my hair straightened.
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Honestly ladies, the softest my hair has ever felt was one time when I washed & did a DC using bananas, full fat greek yogurt, conditioner, etc, hair had never felt so soft in my life!!! stayed that way for days if I recall correctly..the only downside was all the bits of banana stuck in my hair (I blended them well & everything)...I've tried to replicate the recipe again with no success even using banana baby food...I'll try again b/c it was 2Good 2B 4 Gotten! :yep: So I KNOW attaining this soft suppleness even in cNapp 4B hair IS possible!

Don't let that stand in your way! I make homemade banana bread sometimes and I don't have lumps of banana in the batter. Go get yourself an immersion (stick) blender, so that you can really get in there to mix it up. Make sure your bananas are fairly ripe, and blend the bananas before you add anything else to them. Works for me everytime. HTH
Hey Nonie...what type of moisturizing shampoo do you use? Also what do you use to co-wash & DC? Thanks for the info on the humectants like glycerin..I've heard that mentioned before...I'll try to lay off the glycerin until it gets hot & steamy around here!

So are you saying that sealing the hair after a wash or co-wash w/ something like castor oil can actually seal OUT any further moisture like a sprtiz the next day until the hair is washed again?

I'm not fussy about the shampoos I use. I just get any that says it's moisturizing. I love Neutrogena Triple Moisture with the green cap. Because I apply it to my scalp and massage and it has peppermint, I love how it leaves my scalp feeling. I also use Nexxus Therappe, Dove. Because I usually apply shampoo to my scalp and then wash hair during the rinse cycle, I do sometimes use shampoos that are not necessarily "moisturizing" like Garnier Fructis. Strengthening factors do tickle my fancy every now and then so I may use that or HE Long (the raspberry scented one). I recently ordered Elucence shampoo and conditioner and can't wait to try it. I've also used My Honey Child's scalp cleanser, but when I use it, I always use a shampoo like Therappy applying it to the hair this time, coz w/o suds I don't feel like my hair is clean.

I'm the same with conditioners, any that sound good I'll try, and sometimes I'll go for a mix of both protein and moisture. NTM Mask, Elasta QP, Aveda DR, Aubrey Organics GPB, HE Long, Sunsilk Hydra TLC, to name a few. Infusium Repair(ologie) and Nexxus Emergencee I use with the idea of strengthening my hair in mind.

I'm sorry I wasn't clear on the sealant. When I use the word "serum", I'm usually referring to 'cones like John Frieda Frizz-Ease or L'Oreal Serum that provide a water-proof seal on hair. The sort of serums you would use on hair to prevent reversion after a press.
Sorry, didn't read all of the post but I will for my future reference! But here goes....

Are you happy w/ the moisture level of your hair? .. Yes

If so, what are your current routines/products?
I spray with aloe/orange blossom water/glycerin spritz daily. I DC every weekend with honey/EVOO DC, coconut milk and sometimes lime juice DC, and I do protein DC's with natural yogurt and egg whites. I always saturate my hair in some type of moisture FIRST(i.e glycerin) and then seal(coconut oil is excellent in not weighing down the hair). Try CO washing and sealing hair with oil while the hair is still dripping wet, this seals in the best moisture in the world which is WATER! I don't CO wash as much so my hair gets to soak up as much stuff as I put in it. If you mush wash like every other day BE sure to replace all moisture. I sometimes saturate my hair with aloe vera gel and this keeps is well balanced.

And what would you ladies suggest I do before I have a breakdown & chop off all my hair PATIENCE! Keep on saturating and saturating. Try not to clarify so much. Since I use nothing that causes build up I rarely clarify. I use Dr. Bronner's soap, but very diluted with distilled water and I only use it like once a month. I'll also add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to it for good measure. Use lots of coconut oil, and I mean the extra virgin kind. Hope this helps!
I wash 1-2x a week ... so yes, sometimes I wash every 3 days. It depends on whether my scalp is dirty. I use Creme of Nature for dry & damaged (the green bottle) right now. I figure it's aimed at dry hair.

I don't use shea much anymore, but for me, it doesn't do much for my hair unless I mix it with an oil. Maybe it'll be a similar case for you? It's almost like the oil adds the needed final ingredient to the shea.

I'm glad you went into more detail about what you mean by 'moisturized'. If it was 'moist' and 'wet' then I'm with you. My hair NEVER feels moist and wet except on wash days. 'Soft' and 'pliable' -- I've found that to be possible with the products I currently use.

Yes ... please don't turn to locs based on your frustration. It sounds like you should be doing that banana DC more often. It makes sense that it would keep your hair soft. Have you tried blending the mix with a blender? I remember what it's like to have those banana pieces stuck in the hair ... not fun.

The braids are an experiment worth looking into as well. I find that my hair stays more moisturized if I wear twists for as little as one day before wearing my hair loose.

Thanks loolalooh.... I will try using shea w/ added oil..I need to make another batch of butter anyway...I will use for hair & body..I have soo much oil to use up so I'll mix, shea butter, cocoa butter, black cocoa butter, macadamia nut oil, grapeseed oil, castor oil, coconut oil, ricebran oil, jojoba oil, soybean oil + aloe vera gel and see how that works (once all my oils run out, I'll probably make my recipe a lot simpler LOL):spinning:

Locs are still on my mind and actually Sisterlocs are looking really good to me right now, but I promise, If I do make that decision, I won't do it out of frustration....

As for the banana DC, I used the blender each time & even added some water to loosen it up a bit ..I even strained it last time...but still got pieces in my hair....I won't give up, I'll figure it out...

Ah, okay NR, now I understand. Then I'd say follow loola and go heavy. This is something I don't like much myself because I don't like the feeling of . . . stuff, on my hair. But if you put a lot on you will get more pliable hair. The things you've been saying are working for you sound all very heavy. Banana, castor, did you say you tried avocado oil, shea butter, etc. Did you not like the feel of the Qhemet products? I like the Burdock Root and that is the lightest of the 3 I've tried. I put a sizable amount on damp hair. Same thing for Oyin Whipped Pudding. No "quarter sized" anything. I put about a dime size for each section I'm doing, where a section is about 1/15 of my hair. I'm not big on the Qhemet heavy cream, so if you haven't tried it and want to, you can PM me.

Thanks Mwedzi...I don't like gunk on my hair either...I'd rather go light but I just need to figure out what light products work and also what heavy product I can use sparingly...I have many herbs that I still need to experiment more with.... especially the so-called moisturizing ones w/ mucilage

I still have my sample pack from Qhemet but those products made my hair feel OK at first but weirdly coated once dry...I did not care for them..maybe I'll try them again but I doubt I'll like them...then again I have the old sample pack..I've never tried the new Burdoct Root or the Brown Sugar Pomade or even the cleansers so, I'll see....I also have the sample pack from Oyin, although I don't know where it is now LOL..lost in my room somewhere.....

Do you personally like the Qhemet Burdock Root or the Oyin Whipped Pudding enough to re-order or are other products comparable?

I find the bolded to be very true, I will never let my hair dry without being braided or twisted at least over night or if I am in a hurry or going to have it straighten I would braid it (larger plaits even) and and sit under a hooded dyer. This is how they did my hair when I was a little girl, no tough tangles and no dryness... It still works wonders!!

ETA: this is an excellent thread!! :clap:
Rina - there is a thread about DCing with Yogurt, that helps to soften the hair and retain moisture. I wonder if the Mega-tek could be causing some problems if you are using it daily because its a protein, and they tend to be drying. (I'm not sure how you are using it, I plan to use it on my scalp only) I generally don't do protein unless I'm getting my hair straightened.

Thanks know that thread about yogurt is what gave me the idea to use it...I really like the Full Fat GREEK yogurt b/c it soo thick & not all drippy like other yogurts; plus the amount of fat is much higher than even the full falt regular yogurts!

You know about the Mega-Tek: I was just thinking that the other day..What if this "Miracle" product I have been using almost daily for the past month has been the main cause of this dryness/brittleness? I sure hope not...but just to be safe, I plan to dilute it and use it less often...maybe even as a rinse out condtioner instead of how I've been using it as a leave-in on my is inevitable to get some on your hair so maybe all that protein has my hair trippin' LOL!

Don't let that stand in your way! I make homemade banana bread sometimes and I don't have lumps of banana in the batter. Go get yourself an immersion (stick) blender, so that you can really get in there to mix it up. Make sure your bananas are fairly ripe, and blend the bananas before you add anything else to them. Works for me everytime. HTH

Thanks shocol....I've been using a regular blender..but I think I do have one of those immersion blenders around here think that would do a better job?

You know I must admit that my bananas were never extremely ripe...The banana had brown spots....I saw someone mention that the banana should be very brown & mushy before using it on the hair so maybe I'll do that....

I'm not fussy about the shampoos I use. I just get any that says it's moisturizing. I love Neutrogena Triple Moisture with the green cap. Because I apply it to my scalp and massage and it has peppermint, I love how it leaves my scalp feeling. I also use Nexxus Therappe, Dove. Because I usually apply shampoo to my scalp and then wash hair during the rinse cycle, I do sometimes use shampoos that are not necessarily "moisturizing" like Garnier Fructis. Strengthening factors do tickle my fancy every now and then so I may use that or HE Long (the raspberry scented one). I recently ordered Elucence shampoo and conditioner and can't wait to try it. I've also used My Honey Child's scalp cleanser, but when I use it, I always use a shampoo like Therappy applying it to the hair this time, coz w/o suds I don't feel like my hair is clean.

I'm the same with conditioners, any that sound good I'll try, and sometimes I'll go for a mix of both protein and moisture. NTM Mask, Elasta QP, Aveda DR, Aubrey Organics GPB, HE Long, Sunsilk Hydra TLC, to name a few. Infusium Repair(ologie) and Nexxus Emergencee I use with the idea of strengthening my hair in mind.

I'm sorry I wasn't clear on the sealant. When I use the word "serum", I'm usually referring to 'cones like John Frieda Frizz-Ease or L'Oreal Serum that provide a water-proof seal on hair. The sort of serums you would use on hair to prevent reversion after a press.

Thanks you think the My HoneyChild cleanser is good enough to do the job or do you just like to see bubbles LOL?

I noticed that a lot of your conditioners contain silicones...has that ever caused a problem for you in terms of dryness?

I get it now, you are talking about silicone based serums sealing OUT you ever seal w/ an oil?

*** QUESTION: Does anyone know of a banana baby food brand that would be good to use just in case the ripe banana still gives me drama?

I've used this organic banana baby food from Whole Foods before & it did nothing for my didn't even feel like blended banana had citric acid as a preservative & it was pink :look: not yellow..but I don't know anything about baby food so maybe I'm just ignorant ..but pink!

By the way...I really appreciate all of your responses, I really do! :yep:
Thanks Mwedzi...I don't like gunk on my hair either...I'd rather go light but I just need to figure out what light products work and also what heavy product I can use sparingly...I have many herbs that I still need to experiment more with.... especially the so-called moisturizing ones w/ mucilage

I still have my sample pack from Qhemet but those products made my hair feel OK at first but weirdly coated once dry...I did not care for them..maybe I'll try them again but I doubt I'll like them...then again I have the old sample pack..I've never tried the new Burdoct Root or the Brown Sugar Pomade or even the cleansers so, I'll see....I also have the sample pack from Oyin, although I don't know where it is now LOL..lost in my room somewhere.....

Do you personally like the Qhemet Burdock Root or the Oyin Whipped Pudding enough to re-order or are other products comparable?

Well, I like the Burdock Root a lot by itself, but I like the Oyin Whipped Pudding mixed with the honey hemp conditioner. So for money's sake, I guess the Burdock Root. In fact, I'm trying to decide what to order now. I have the Honey Hemp condish but no whipped pudding, and I'll go through the Burdock Root cream in no time at all. I'm putting my hair in box braids, so I'll have a little time to think it over.

I understand about not liking the gunk. I don't either. But I've given up on finding something that makes my hair supple but is still light. I'm seriously going broke trying to find such a thing. I do like coconut oil, though, I guess. I think for a lot of people, they don't think that feeling is gunky, they think it's moisturized. I feel like this because some other nappies have touched my hair and exclaimed it was soft and I was like :blush: because in my mind my hair was just coated with stuff. So I think some of the difference may be in just perception.

But did you say you were using a protein-containing product all the time? That sounds like it could be the culprit.
I am very happy with my moisture level. I normally co wash once a week, Clarify once a month with Baking soda, and do an ACV rinse after every time I wash. I use a leave-in and moisturize my hair with shea butter. I use vegetable glycerine mix daily and moisturize my ends.
Well, I like the Burdock Root a lot by itself, but I like the Oyin Whipped Pudding mixed with the honey hemp conditioner. So for money's sake, I guess the Burdock Root. In fact, I'm trying to decide what to order now. I have the Honey Hemp condish but no whipped pudding, and I'll go through the Burdock Root cream in no time at all. I'm putting my hair in box braids, so I'll have a little time to think it over.

I understand about not liking the gunk. I don't either. But I've given up on finding something that makes my hair supple but is still light. I'm seriously going broke trying to find such a thing. I do like coconut oil, though, I guess. I think for a lot of people, they don't think that feeling is gunky, they think it's moisturized. I feel like this because some other nappies have touched my hair and exclaimed it was soft and I was like :blush: because in my mind my hair was just coated with stuff. So I think some of the difference may be in just perception.

But did you say you were using a protein-containing product all the time? That sounds like it could be the culprit.

Thanks Mwedzi...I'm going to check out the ingredients of that Burdock Root far as the Mega-Tek ..yeah I was using it daily and it has a lot of different kinds of protein in it.... but I think I need to add more ingredients to it to dilute promotes fast growth-- but I cannot risk dryness & brittleness b/c I could never retain the rapid growth that way LOL!!

I really hope that is all I have to tweak in my routine but honestly my hair was dry & brittle before Mega-Tek sooooo.....
Are you happy w/ the moisture level of your hair? .. Yes, I am.

If so, what are your current routines/products? I DC once a week or once every two weeks with Kenra MC, honey, and olive oil. I moisturize daily with a homemade spritz (water, glycerin, EO's, CD Hair Milk) and seal with avocado butter

And what would you ladies suggest I do before I have a breakdown & chop off all my hair?!!! :blush: Try moisturizing with a water based product and sealing with avocado butter. Before I did this, I was in the same boat as you. I couldn't figure out why I could not retain moisture after washing my hair and wearing it out (loose) for a few days. Now I know that my 4 a/b hair MUST be moisturized with a water based product and sealed with a very thick butter. For my hair, avocado butter works best.
Thanks you think the My HoneyChild cleanser is good enough to do the job or do you just like to see bubbles LOL?

I noticed that a lot of your conditioners contain silicones...has that ever caused a problem for you in terms of dryness?

I get it now, you are talking about silicone based serums sealing OUT you ever seal w/ an oil?

My HoneyChild is probably a good cleanser, but because it is so gentle, it feels more like I just poured milk or some soothing product on my scalp. I like the "squeaky clean" feeling I get from using a sudsy shampoo, which is another reason I don't dilute my shampoos. I was using natural shampoos for a while but I found they left a kind of filmy feeling. (I think JAY Aubrey Organics was one such shampoo--the kind that cleans w/o stripping.) Perhaps it's because my conditioners are silicone kind that I don't feel clean unless I use a shampoo with suds? So what I would do with MHC scalp cleanser is use it after a sudsy shampoo. I'd think of it as a way to "moisturize" my scalp since I can't stand applying things on my scalp. But it's so gentle that I can think of it as a "moisturizing" step and then enjoy the fact that I can rinse it off so I don't have to have it on my scalp.

The silicones don't cause me dryness. In fact, before I stopped applying any leave-in whatsoever, it was 'cone based serums I'd apply to damp hair and call it a day. My hair would feel so soft and had such a lovely shine. And I loved that my hair would not feel sticky.

No I don't seal with oil. When I'm wearing braids and twists, I don't apply anything whatsoever on my hair after washing it. I don't like the feel of products on my face or neck, and with dangling braids/twists I'd be sure to get have all that on me. And when wearing my hair out, I only apply SCurl spray and nothing more. I never seal with oil. I only apply SCurl because I wouldn't be able to comb it otherwise, plus it is the only moisturizer that makes my hair's coils pop and keeps it soft w/o being sticky. I haven't found another product that my hair loves as much as SCurl spray. I am not sure if I'll still be in love with SCurl if my puff ever gets so big that it touches my neck. For now, with the shrinkage, the puff I get is out of the way and so no icky feeling.
Are you happy w/ the moisture level of your hair? .. Yes, I am.

If so, what are your current routines/products? I DC once a week or once every two weeks with Kenra MC, honey, and olive oil. I moisturize daily with a homemade spritz (water, glycerin, EO's, CD Hair Milk) and seal with avocado butter

And what would you ladies suggest I do before I have a breakdown & chop off all my hair?!!! :blush: Try moisturizing with a water based product and sealing with avocado butter. Before I did this, I was in the same boat as you. I couldn't figure out why I could not retain moisture after washing my hair and wearing it out (loose) for a few days. Now I know that my 4 a/b hair MUST be moisturized with a water based product and sealed with a very thick butter. For my hair, avocado butter works best.

Thanks Sunshine0801...What do you use to cleanse your scalp before you DC? Does Kenra have silicones in it?

Also I've never tried avocado butter it in any way comparable to shea butter or castor oil or is it in a league all it's own? Where do you purchase your avocado butter?

My HoneyChild is probably a good cleanser, but because it is so gentle, it feels more like I just poured milk or some soothing product on my scalp. I like the "squeaky clean" feeling I get from using a sudsy shampoo, which is another reason I don't dilute my shampoos. I was using natural shampoos for a while but I found they left a kind of filmy feeling. (I think JAY Aubrey Organics was one such shampoo--the kind that cleans w/o stripping.) Perhaps it's because my conditioners are silicone kind that I don't feel clean unless I use a shampoo with suds? So what I would do with MHC scalp cleanser is use it after a sudsy shampoo. I'd think of it as a way to "moisturize" my scalp since I can't stand applying things on my scalp. But it's so gentle that I can think of it as a "moisturizing" step and then enjoy the fact that I can rinse it off so I don't have to have it on my scalp.

The silicones don't cause me dryness. In fact, before I stopped applying any leave-in whatsoever, it was 'cone based serums I'd apply to damp hair and call it a day. My hair would feel so soft and had such a lovely shine. And I loved that my hair would not feel sticky.

No I don't seal with oil. When I'm wearing braids and twists, I don't apply anything whatsoever on my hair after washing it. I don't like the feel of products on my face or neck, and with dangling braids/twists I'd be sure to get have all that on me. And when wearing my hair out, I only apply SCurl spray and nothing more. I never seal with oil. I only apply SCurl because I wouldn't be able to comb it otherwise, plus it is the only moisturizer that makes my hair's coils pop and keeps it soft w/o being sticky. I haven't found another product that my hair loves as much as SCurl spray. I am not sure if I'll still be in love with SCurl if my puff ever gets so big that it touches my neck. For now, with the shrinkage, the puff I get is out of the way and so no icky feeling.

Thanks from your description of the MyHoneyChild cleanser, is it comparable to co-washing w/ a conditioner since it's so moisturizing?
*** QUESTION: Does anyone know of a banana baby food brand that would be good to use just in case the ripe banana still gives me drama?

I've used this organic banana baby food from Whole Foods before & it did nothing for my didn't even feel like blended banana had citric acid as a preservative & it was pink :look: not yellow..but I don't know anything about baby food so maybe I'm just ignorant ..but pink!

By the way...I really appreciate all of your responses, I really do! :yep:

I use Gerber Naturals that I get from the grocery store for my caramel treatment - it's banana's and citric acid - it was proper brownish banana colored, too. :look: Pink is kinda odd. :lol: I like to use citric acid in my hair anyway - it smooths it, so, I didn't mind the CA being in the babyfood.

I co-washed my natural micro braids today w/ Giovanni Triple Treat Condtioner (I need to use it up--another conditioner that I have just sitting around LOL)...I usually dilute my conditioner in a spray bottle w/ water for co-washes..I spritzed it on my DRY hair & then rinsed....then I did a final ACV rinse

I've been using Filtered Water ONLY (from my Brita filter) to's weird to pour water on my head rather than rinsing under my kitchen faucet (I never wash my hair in the shower) but I think the filtered water is better for my does not have the chlorine/metallic like smell like the water straight out of my faucet so I'm guessing the Brita mght be filtering out at least some of the chemicals..but it is a cheap Brita so I don't think it's getting everything out

After I rinsed, I applied the Mega-Tek to my scalp (I diluted it w/ some aloe vera juice & more oil so that the protein won't dry up my hair) did help but afterward I still had to spritz w/ some diluted conditioner & seal w/ castor oil as the Mega-Tek was still a bit drying

Now my hair feels really's still drying from the co-wash so I won't be able to tell how great it will feel later on, but I think the combination of chelating the other day...using only filtered water and diluting my protein growth aid w/ water & oil is helping me a the co-washes are always great for my hair and I think the braids are helping me retain moisture better...who knows how my loose hair would respond...

How did I miss these responses? I swear these were not here the other day LOL..we must be posting at the same time....

Are you happy w/ the moisture level of your hair? .. Yes, definitely.

If so, what are your current routines/products? I think it's been a combination of building up my moisture over time - I started with nightly baggying with cheap conditioner in my hair, along with weekly DC's, and gradually ramped it down - right now, all I'm doing is monthly caramel treatment DC's, and daily misting.

And what would you ladies suggest I do before I have a breakdown & chop off all my hair?!!! I'd DEFINITELY suggest chelating, and I'd suggest making an concerted effort to OVER-moisturise your hair. If you are sleep, it should be moist. Use something with Tea Tree Oil in it while you are doing this to keep your scalp healthy - but I'd suggest at least baggying nightly with condish in your hair for at least two weeks straight.

As far as humectants go - I found that with glycerin, I REALLY had to get the mix right - too much glycerin to water, and my hair would be dry and tacky - not enough, and it would be dry and crunchy - just right, and it would be moist and soft.

I use Gerber Naturals that I get from the grocery store for my caramel treatment - it's banana's and citric acid - it was proper brownish banana colored, too. :look: Pink is kinda odd. :lol: I like to use citric acid in my hair anyway - it smooths it, so, I didn't mind the CA being in the babyfood.

Thanks JustKiya .. What is in you daily mist? What do you use to OVER-Moisturize LOL?

I'm going to search for that Gerber Natural banana b/c I don't know why the one I bought was pink! It did not even smell like smelled sweet but it was pink! LOL Seeing the citric acid did not bother me b/c I figured it has to be a gentle preservative since this IS for babys I'll be on the lookout for some Gerber naturals!

Sorry, didn't read all of the post but I will for my future reference! But here goes....

Are you happy w/ the moisture level of your hair? .. Yes

If so, what are your current routines/products? I spray with aloe/orange blossom water/glycerin spritz daily. I DC every weekend with honey/EVOO DC, coconut milk and sometimes lime juice DC, and I do protein DC's with natural yogurt and egg whites. I always saturate my hair in some type of moisture FIRST(i.e glycerin) and then seal(coconut oil is excellent in not weighing down the hair). Try CO washing and sealing hair with oil while the hair is still dripping wet, this seals in the best moisture in the world which is WATER! I don't CO wash as much so my hair gets to soak up as much stuff as I put in it. If you mush wash like every other day BE sure to replace all moisture. I sometimes saturate my hair with aloe vera gel and this keeps is well balanced.

And what would you ladies suggest I do before I have a breakdown & chop off all my hair PATIENCE! Keep on saturating and saturating. Try not to clarify so much. Since I use nothing that causes build up I rarely clarify. I use Dr. Bronner's soap, but very diluted with distilled water and I only use it like once a month. I'll also add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to it for good measure. Use lots of coconut oil, and I mean the extra virgin kind. Hope this helps!

Thanks naturalgurl....what are your recipes for the moisture spritz & DC's?...I never know how much of each ingredient to use in recipes and I keep experimenting and making mistakes LOL..but I love mixing it up!

Everytime I try Dr.Bronners peppermint castile soap, my hair feels stripped & weird..I've diluted each time w/ different water to soap ratios! I've read somewhere that if you have hard water, you should not use his soaps..I don't know, I've just never had a good experience using it and I really wanted it to work b/c it's natural and very economical!

I have extra virgin coconut oil...I love to cook w/ it (yummo!)...I have to experiment more w/ it on my hair though....
Thanks JustKiya .. What is in you daily mist? What do you use to OVER-Moisturize LOL?

I'm going to search for that Gerber Natural banana b/c I don't know why the one I bought was pink! It did not even smell like smelled sweet but it was pink! LOL Seeing the citric acid did not bother me b/c I figured it has to be a gentle preservative since this IS for babys I'll be on the lookout for some Gerber naturals!

My daily mist is water, mega-tek, honeyquat, SAA, and tea tree oil. My original mix was more of a really watered down conditioner (Elasta QP Intense Fortifying), but I like this one better.

I just really, really, really focused on moisturizing my hair. My hair was RARELY fully dry - I would get it soaking wet before I went to bed and load it with conditioner (cheapie mostly, with a touch of some good stuff in it), and baggy it and go to sleep. Then I'd rinse it out on the morning, and do my style, and wear it for the day. The ends would dry pretty quickly, but the roots would stay damp for most of the day. Then I would repeat the process. I was basically drowning my hair in moisture until it was SOAKED - and that process took a while, to really seep all the way in. It got to the point where my hair started feeling 'mushy', because it couldn't TAKE any more moisture. That's when I started 'maintaining' - just 'topping' off my hairs moisture level to insure it stayed high.
Thanks from your description of the MyHoneyChild cleanser, is it comparable to co-washing w/ a conditioner since it's so moisturizing?

Probably better as a cleanser than a conditioner, coz unlike conditioners that leave a smoothing coating on hair, this doesn't. So I can't really say it's like CW-ing because I don't get the slip on my hair as I get with conditioner. But also what makes it hard to compare is when I use MHC, I apply to scalp and focus on cleaning scalp then use another shampoo for the hair. When I do CWs, I only apply them to the hair for the slip factor. I think the main thing about MHC is it just doesn't "strip" the scalp the way a shampoo might, so if you use products on your scalp, I don't know if it can remove them as well as a shampoo might.

I must also mentioned that I have ordered two bottles of the Scalp Cleanser--and need to go back and see if I changed my order or sth, because they were different. First bottle was very liquid. Reminded me of milk but with a peachy color. Second bottle was very thick and creamy and does look like conditioner. It's also white not peachy. So perhaps washing with the second bottle is close to condition washing? Still, I don't think it can replace a real CW if slip and softness and moisture is what you do CWs for. I do think though for anyone that doesn't like shampoo and does CWs, it'd make a nice change to get a scalp cleansing before CW the hair.