You need a MOISTURE-DRENCHED Pre-Poo?!!

This week I will be:

-Prepooing with Chicoro's Moisture Drench Prepoo - AVJ, EVCO and EVOO
-Shampoo with Afro Love Mint Eucalyptus Rosemary Shampoo

-Protein Deep Conditioning with Natur Growth Bambu Nourishing Treatment
-Moisture Deep Condition with Afro Love Raw Honey and Shea Butter Hair Treatment
-Leave-in with IN Aloe and Hibiscus

-M/S with CFCG Curl Moisturizer and Shea Butter/Blue Magic Grease
-Styling - Bunning with Wetline Xtreme Gel, MO Curling Custard.
This is the second week I've done a pre-poo before washing. I add glycerine to the moisture drenched pre-poo. My hair looks better the moment I put the mixture on. It feels so good. I MUST make time for a pre-poo!
Thank you for notification, Aggie! Glad to see you!
Hello! Good morning. So glad you popped in to say hello! What are your thoughts on adding many things to the hair routine? My hair routine was pre-poo with flax seed, rosemary and fresh aloe rinse for 30 minutes. Wash using @soultanicals shampoo. Then add the pre-poo to my dc. I also do onion/garlic/cayenne rinse. Sit under the streamer again with it. Rinse and plait my hair after using rhr LCO method. I take supplants. Collagen, MSM powder, Vitamin D, C, I take iron for terrible anemia, Calcium, Red Clover, Foti…. The list goes on.

I’ve been on the board heavy and so I’m getting all of these ideas to add to my existing thing. I just began drinking fenugreek water on Sunday. Am I doing too much? I also made a bee DIY oil with a ton of ingredients/5 or 6 different oils. I also want to baggy my hair. At one point should one say…. Ok. You need to pump ya’ brakes!! Lolol. Is it ever too much? And my hair is at my ears. Type 4b/c. Low porosity.
Hello! Good morning. So glad you popped in to say hello! What are your thoughts on adding many things to the hair routine? My hair routine was pre-poo with flax seed, rosemary and fresh aloe rinse for 30 minutes. Wash using @soultanicals shampoo. Then add the pre-poo to my dc. I also do onion/garlic/cayenne rinse. Sit under the streamer again with it. Rinse and plait my hair after using rhr LCO method. I take supplants. Collagen, MSM powder, Vitamin D, C, I take iron for terrible anemia, Calcium, Red Clover, Foti…. The list goes on.

I’ve been on the board heavy and so I’m getting all of these ideas to add to my existing thing. I just began drinking fenugreek water on Sunday. Am I doing too much? I also made a bee DIY oil with a ton of ingredients/5 or 6 different oils. I also want to baggy my hair. At one point should one say…. Ok. You need to pump ya’ brakes!! Lolol. Is it ever too much? And my hair is at my ears. Type 4b/c. Low porosity.
I really can’t say whether or not you are doing too much. What I can say is that you seem excited and motivated. Excitement and motivation will take you to places that plain old knowledge can’t. You need enthusiasm and you have it.

My suggestion is to identify and document, in writing and by taking pictures of your hair, the current state of your hair.

Next, identify and document your goals for your hair. As in, write down what you want your future hair to look like.

Regarding products, you may want to determine why YOU are using a product. And you may want to identify and write down what you expect the product or ingredient to do for you [your hair].

You want to be able to track if a product is working for you or not. That may mean using only a few number of products/things initially, observe and record how they are working. Keep doing the same thing for a minimum of two weeks to a maximum of 1 month. Determine what changes you plan to make and identify the why. Document your decision and make a change. Change out the product, use it, wait for any changes by observing and documenting. Add in a product and use it, wait and observe your hair. Do the same thing when adding or removing processes.

I recommend adding 1 new product and/ or process every two weeks. The goal is to be able to identify what product and/or process is helping or hurting your hair.
If you post pictures and hide your face to protect your identity, the ladies here can better help you. They are all great resources.

I would suggest you start with a shampoo, a deep conditioner, a leave in product and some kind of low manipulation, protective style. From there, you can determine if you need to increase the topical protein application in your hair.

Ultimately, you will need to learn your hair. Then you will need to determine what is best for your own hair.
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I really can’t say whether or not you are doing too much. What I can say is that you seem excited and motivated. Excitement and motivation will take you to places that plain old knowledge can’t. You need enthusiasm and you have it.

My suggestion is to identify and document, in writing and by taking pictures of your hair, the current state of your hair.

Next, identify and document your goals for your hair. As in, write down what you want your future hair to look like.

Regarding products, you may want to determine why YOU are using a product. And you may want to identify and write down what you expect the product or ingredient to do for you [your hair].

You want to be able to track if a product is working for you or not. That may mean using only a few number of products/things initially, observe and record how they are working. Keep doing the same thing for a minimum of two weeks to a maximum of 1 month. Determine what changes you plan to make and identify the why. Document your decision and make a change. Change out the product, use it, wait for any changes by observing and documenting. Add in a product and use it, wait and observe your hair. Do the same thing when adding or removing processes.

I recommend adding 1 new product and/ or process every two weeks. The goal is to be able to identify what product and/or process is helping or hurting your hair.
If you post pictures and hide your face to protect your identity, the ladies here can better help you. They are all great resources.

I would suggest you start with a shampoo, a deep conditioner, a leave in product and some kind of low manipulation, protective style. From there, you can determine if you need to increase the topical protein application in your hair.

Ultimately, you will need to learn your hair. Then you will need to determine what is best for your own hair.
Wowwwww. This was absolutely amazing. A million thank yous! I love all of this. They “Why” is of paramount importance. Like anything else in life. Sis. I need to apply this to other areas in my life. That was deeper than you probably realize. As simple as that word is. It’s huge.
I should say that I am not new to natural. I big chopped in May 2018. It was disastrous as I was relaxed from the age of 9 to 49. So I knew absolutely nothing about hair. I was so disheartened because my hair was a matted, knotted/tangled brittle mess until last year. I finally found Soultanicals and fell in love. I began loving my hair last fall. Had a another bout of depression and dropped the ball.

I’m back and really taking care of me as a whole and my hair. Girl I’m event meditating to sound bowls now every morning. So I’m in a better place emotionally.

I will have my daughter take pics soon and I will post tomorrow. Again, thank you for your assistance.
Hello! Good morning. So glad you popped in to say hello! What are your thoughts on adding many things to the hair routine? My hair routine was pre-poo with flax seed, rosemary and fresh aloe rinse for 30 minutes. Wash using @soultanicals shampoo. Then add the pre-poo to my dc. I also do onion/garlic/cayenne rinse. Sit under the streamer again with it. Rinse and plait my hair after using rhr LCO method. I take supplants. Collagen, MSM powder, Vitamin D, C, I take iron for terrible anemia, Calcium, Red Clover, Foti…. The list goes on.

I’ve been on the board heavy and so I’m getting all of these ideas to add to my existing thing. I just began drinking fenugreek water on Sunday. Am I doing too much? I also made a bee DIY oil with a ton of ingredients/5 or 6 different oils. I also want to baggy my hair. At one point should one say…. Ok. You need to pump ya’ brakes!! Lolol. Is it ever too much? And my hair is at my ears. Type 4b/c. Low porosity.
See, I told you she would come and help you.
My hair was a big mess today and had to pull out this BIG gun to detangle her. I still have it in and about to wash it out. As usual, it did an amazing job of melting away the knots even before using my detangling comb. I can't ever be without these ingredients.
So here are my updates: I used babassu and hemp seed as my two oils. I find that these two in combination are great for detangling in general.

Lessons learned: It's probably not a good thing to clay wash unless I have a lot of time or perhaps am washing in twists. I've got some slight traces of clay that I think are still clinging to the oil. Not enough to make me jump back in the shower and try to wash it out, today. :sekret:

Positive results: I was able to remove a ton of shed hair easily which is why I wanted to try this methods, again. My hair feels soft and well lubricated. I LOCed after and put my hair into 6 twists.

I also noticed that my hair felt heavy. Like I finished sewing a lot of weave into my hair. I think it was the oil. Or maybe my hair has grown a lot since I last washed it loose.

I'll see how my hair feels over the next couple of days but right now I don't see any reason not to use this method again. In fact, I think that I would be silly not to use this method on a regular basis until my shedding subsides.

Unfortunately, this pre-poo won't work for me as is. I think it's a combination of the use of coconut oil and then using so much of it for step two -- it ends up being too greasy for my wash routine and the coconut leaves my hair hard, though not as hard as when I first went natural.

I'm going to try doing this method with only step 1 next time and see how it goes.

Was I supposed to add glycerine? :look:

First, things first: Reading is fundamental. I again, didn't add any glycerine to this mix. When I was detangling my hair I realized that at the very least I should have added honey. No harm, no foul.

So, I decided to try this pre-poo again. I'd been neglecting my hair and my hair needed some help so I figured why not. This time, instead of using bottled AVJ, I decided to use the fresh aloe since my hair responds well to it.
I used the gel from one large aloe leaf and 1 tbsp of sunflower oil. Then I combined some ingredients from another post about a video that @Chicoro made on an amino acid strengthener. I added a few other things like panthenol and SAA.

I then allowed it to sit on my hair for a bit before detangling my hair adding a bit of babassu oil as I worked through the sections. My twists, even though two months old, were easy to take down. However, this mixture helped with detangling my roots which were a little bit matted. After, I thoroughly rinsed my hair and detangled with water. I will do a cleansing treatment later this week.

I purposely didn't moisturize my hair last night to see how my hair felt this morning. My hair feels soft with just the right amount of oil left over. I'll moisturize later today so that I don't dry out my hair after adding all of this moisture.

I'll definitely try this pre-poo treatment again now that I have a better handle on which ingredients to use (i.e. fresh aloe, not preserved aloe) and how much oil to add.