My regimen:

I'm in individuals with my own hair.

I wash with Elasta QP creme conditioning shampoo, follow up with Aphogee 2-step protein, then ORS Replenishing in the big bottle as a 20-30 minute DC.

After this I put in my individuals for 6 weeks.

During the six weeks:
Weekly or biweekly, I baking soda or ACV rinse to clean, followed up with Aphogee 2-minute, then ORS Repleneshing as a DC for 20-30 mins.

Daily or every other day I spritz my hair with Aphogee keratin, then Hawaiian Silky 14-n-1, and seal with my homemade butter. I also lightly "grease" my scalp with my homemade scalp butter.

Every 12 weeks I press my hair after the DC to get a trim and put it back in the plaits.

I want to cowash daily or a couple times a week but I just don't feel like being bothered with it :lol:.

I usually pin my hair up or bun it after I moisturize and seal. I try to style it like you would locs: the large plaits or twists to make waves, flexi rods or sponge rollers for curls, flat twists into an updo, etc.

I also touch up the edges every two to three weeks.

I decided on this method because I have found that I've only been retaining about 1 to 2 inches growth in a year. :nono: Cornrows and two-strand twists have not been friends, so this is the method I've chosen, and I hope it gets me more retention.:yep:
How about rollersetting?

How are you rollersetting your hair? Are you rolling while wet or dry? What kind of rollers are you using? Do you have any pics?

I really want to try roller setting but I'm not sure how that will work on natural hair. I was hoping to add this to my reggie for bootcamp.
*spits out food*

What?! How??

I always thought that it kinda stopped splits from traveling further up the shaft. Like the end can't split past the knot. Not that I like them or find them to be good for the hair. I find that they are a weak point in the hair strand. Sometimes lint/shed hair gets wrapped around them too.
They do as a matter of fact...atleast for me anyway. It seems like when it knots is usually during detangling and when you are separating the hair the knots cause other knots with other strands and when you try to separate them, they kinda tag off...I don't know, its had to explain, but most of my stands that have SSK have ends that are split, sometimes the split goes all the way to where the knot is.
I also agee that the point of the knot is weak and when the knot breaks off, the end gets split.
I hope that makes sense...sorry, can't find better words to explain.

How can you tell if you have SSK?
I can see them and I can also feel them with my fingers...I have a case of hand in hair syndrome, so I am always touching and feeling.

Oh yes, those bastids cause split ends :wallbash: The point where the hair knots is extremely weak. Once the knots break those ends will split :wallbash:


I've been natural since 2/8 2008. Right now my regimen is to wash once per week and rollerset. I make sure that when I rollerset, I get the ends really straight. Now that I hair is longer, cowashing everyday is feasible :nono:

As a natural I've learned that old fashioned grease is not always the devil :blush:
I have to detangle when I wear my hair curly.
Not paying attention to your ends will cause set backs :wallbash:
How are you rollersetting your hair? Are you rolling while wet or dry? What kind of rollers are you using? Do you have any pics?

I really want to try roller setting but I'm not sure how that will work on natural hair. I was hoping to add this to my reggie for bootcamp.
I use these rollers:

They are good for making sure the hair is secure. They have teeth, so you have to make sure the hair is well detangled and only use the teeth to secure the ends on the roller before rolling.
Soooooo lazy...Can't get motivated to do my hair this week. **sigh** but I have to. I wish my goodies from Hairveda and Shescentit would hurry up and get here so I can get some motivation to wash and DC my hair.
Hiya everyone!! I think my info is in my siggy..

My regime since Aug/Sept has been :
- amla treatment
- shampoo
- co wash
- acv rinse

- co wash when I feel like it



asda jojoba conditioner or aussie moist



for keeping the frizzies down

I do have other products but this is my most used selection.
I'm planning on doing stretched/straighter styles over winter. I've got a number of ssk's too..

I flat ironed last week for a good s&d session, I'm still s&ding now.. feels never ending :(
Ok, so here is my regimen:

I do this once a week

  1. Prepoo with either oil or a mild protein conditioner (coconut oil, vatika frosting, ORS hair mayo, Aubrey organics GPB)
  2. Shampoo with Nature's gate shampoo (I will be trying Castile soap when my nature's gate runs out)
  3. Deep Condition with a moisturizing conditioner (Aubrey organics Honeysuckle rose, shescentit banana brulee, Hairveda sitrinillar mask. Sometimes I add vatika frosting or coconut oil to my conditioner)
  4. While the DC is in, I detangle my hair in small sections, braiding each section after detangling ( I use a suave tropical coconut and water mix to spray each section even though the DC is still in. I detangle with my finger, a wide tooth comb and then a Denman brush)
  5. Rinse my hair while it is braided
  6. Dry the hair in braids under the dryer and tae the braids down in the morning
  7. If I am rollersetting, I will unbraid each section and rollerset, or if I am blowdrying, I will unbraid and blowdry each section. I rollerset mostly with just water, sometimes I do it with CHI silk infusion. I blowdry with CHI silk infusion orwith Sabino moisture block.
This is basically it. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. I will be mostly posting pics of styles I do.

At what length did you start braiding your hair in sections while DCing and detangling? TIA:yep:
I'm natural, APL and regular or normal thickness.
Here's my reggie:
pre-poo with AO condtioner, oils or mayo
shampoo/condish AO honeysucklerose, white camellia or island naturals ( want to try GBP, too)
detangler/leave-in kbb milk or nectar
moisturizer afroveda shea amla

I also plan to add Komaza care protein treatment 1-2 a month to help retain even more length. I dust at the times that i get my stylist to flat iron which is about 2-3 times a year. I hope to be bsl or mbl by june 2010. I exercise more consistently now fore health reasons but hope to get a growth spurt,lol.
I don't take a lot of supplements only:
evening primrose
green powder

All of these are more for my skin and internal health as opposed to hair. I will be eating more raw food in the new year to maximize my health and hope that the benefits will show with my hair too!

Do you like this shampoo? Do you use any other products by the same brand?

I have couple of staple products that I like to use:

Taliah Waajid Black Shampoo & Conditioner (natural products)
QP Elasta Mango Butter
Lush Caca Noir Henna (new staple...LOVING IT!)
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil/Olive Oil
Amla Oil
Brahmi Oil
Shikaki Soap Bar (as well as many other Aryuveda products)
Co-Wash wih Suave & VO5 Conditioners

Most of the time I wear my hair curly, or in a bun...but since it's getting cold, I think I'll convert over to twists, or some other protective styles.

I've been natural since november 2006 and just recently bought Amla oil, how do you use it? As a pre-poo?
Things I’m sticking to as a new natural.

Wash my hair weekly/bi-weekly depending on the weather
Pantene Pro V Shampoo / ACV wash
Deep condition weekly, wana try Giovanni.
Styling - QP Elasta Mango Butter / Cantu shea butter leave in
EVOO / Castor oil / Coconut oil
Hot oil treatments - Amla Oil / Ghee
Staying away from heat except to blow dry prior to braiding.
2010 Goal: enjoy hair, DO NOT hide away in braids!! Want to be APL by summer 2010.

2009 product sale -
Last edited:
Things I’m sticking to as a new natural.

Wash my hair weekly/bi-weekly depending on the weather
Pantene Pro V Shampoo / ACV wash
Deep condition weekly, wana try Giovanni.
Styling - QP Elasta Mango Butter / Cantu shea butter leave in
EVOO / Castor oil / Coconut oil
Hot oil treatments - Amla Oil / Ghee
Staying away from heat except to blow dry prior to braiding.
2010 Goal: enjoy hair, DO NOT hide away in braids!! Want to be APL by summer 2010.

2009 product sale -
The style in your siggy kinda looks like the one in my Avatar. Nice hair! It looks healthy.
The style in your siggy kinda looks like the one in my Avatar. Nice hair! It looks healthy.

Thank you. yes it is very similar. It wasnt really a style. I just got banana clips, was just testing it out on my blown out hair.
I love you styles - so imaginative.
im still going strong in this natural game. still loving my hair.
my fave oroducts right now are everything by oin(except the honey wash), qhemet heavy cream, my shea butter mix and lots of protein.
Very nice styles ladies.

Anyhow, products that I have don't really mix well together.

I used the Black Earth Protective Mist Bodifier as a leave-in. I was trying to do that three layering method (protective mist bodifier, shea butter, and african healing oyl). Anyhow, when I tried to apply the shea butter, my hair was not having it. Apparently, the Black Earth spray and shea do not play well together-at least on my hair.

When I first started doing the layering thing (as a natural anyway-never realized that's what I always did as a relaxed head) I used to layer thinner products. The protective mist bodifier makes my hair very soft. Perhaps a little too soft if I want to mix it with a heavy moisturizer such as the shea. Anyhow, I used to use the following three products:

Oyin Handmade Juices and Berries
Shea Butter
Oyin Handmade Burnt Sugar Pomade

Because the Juices and Berries is so light, my hair had no problem absorbing that and the shea. It's like the shea/jb were perfect mates, and BSP was icing on the cake. My hair has never been as soft as that combination. Anyhow, the point is I don't think I will be going with my previous post of those products specifically.

I am really really really trying to do things a little cheaper, but I just don't know what to do when it comes to products. I've never had a problem with methods-just products that fit the bill.

Knowing me, I will probably go back to using Oyin. Pricey but it works.

On a more positive note, I tried a new ( me lol), inexpensive product that I really like. It's the Nutress Protein Pack for Extremely Damaged Hair ($.99/pack). It was the first time that I used a conditioner and noticed a reduced amount of shed hairs. I will try it again, just to be sure.

The pack was only 1 ounce, and I need about 2 to condition my head. Will try again with heat next time. The only thing I don't like about it is that it is hard to find the larger container. Sally's doesn't carry them.
im still going strong in this natural game. still loving my hair.
my fave oroducts right now are everything by oin(except the honey wash), qhemet heavy cream, my shea butter mix and lots of protein.

Honey wash is the only Oyin product that I've tried and didn't like. Everything else is excellent.
I keep find more and more split ends in my hair. I am starting to get scared especially after watching a natural youtuber who has decided to relax due to having issues with natural hair styling and split ends.
I am doing the search and destroy which does not always work because my hair is not that end and I can't see the ends well enough to do the search and destroy.
Maybe I need to go back to rollersetting more often. This air drying in braids might not be a good styling option even though it is great to braid hair during the detangling process.
i'm considering flat ironing this weekend for the first time in over a year... but i'm scared to brush my hair while it's dry! my hair used to break off when i'd brush it before flat ironing. i'm gonna do a s&d, henna or aloe, and dc. then i'll let it dry 75% in braids before blow drying the rest and flat ironing.


if i see broken hairs while blowdrying, i'm not going through with it! wish me luck!
I love this thread! Newly natural. I could use all the tips I can get it!!!
Jazii, you are going to have so much fun being a natural. and you will have more choices to choose from as far as hair styles go. ENJOY!! im going to add some natural styles to my fotki soon, i do alot of twistouts so ill be adding some pics!!!
Do you like this shampoo? Do you use any other products by the same brand?

Yes I really like the smell.. it produces a good lather and cleans without stripping my hair.. I buy the deep conditioners when they're on offer.. they are too overpriced for my heavy hands.. I've used this one and this one they are good also but one smells like medicine (I cant remember which one) .. I just use amla powder now for deep conditioning its far cheaper and my hair feels great from it
Every Sunday is hair day:

1-Wash with a Shikakai bar

2-cowash and detangle (AO HSR and JASON kids detangling conditioner)

3-Once per month, apply henna/conditioner (usually V05)/honey/paprika treatment

4-Once per month (different week than henna), apply reconstructing or deep protein treatment

5-Moisturizing dc for 20 minutes under hood dryer

6-Rinse, moisturize and seal

7-dry with twists, wet bun, or Terri's method

6-moisturize, bun, baggy and low mani until the next hair day

Take vitamins and supplements, drink plenty of water, try to exercise:rolleyes:

I hope to be APL and beyond by this time next year by sticking to this reggie.
No heat and no excessive trimming, combing or stying

What is Terri's method? Is that some type of drying method?
Hey everyone. How are yall doing?
So I had to dust/trim my hair for the second time in about 3-4wks.
I had some split ends and they were frustrating and worrying me so I got rid of those bad boys, I hope.
I am going to be protective styling more often.

-Twists which don't always work out for me, but I will try.
-Bantu knots
-African thread braids (Do yall know what these are? I will do them and show you one of these days. I have to buy the thread)
-Cornrows if I can find someone to do them for me for cheap

I am trying to retain as much length as I can for my 2yr natural anniversary.
Great thread! Question, does anyone dry style? And if so, can you tell me your technique? Also, if you have dry styled for a long time have you been able to retain your ends?
Great thread! Question, does anyone dry style? And if so, can you tell me your technique? Also, if you have dry styled for a long time have you been able to retain your ends?
What does dry style mean? Sorry if its a damn question:look:
Now I've changed my regimen slightly. Instead of styling my hair in a curly fro, I'm going to be keeping my hair in a bun to protect my ends and it's less manipulation. I'm going to moisturize my hair daily.