Natural Support Thread

Those things are so tight and my hair inevitably gets tangled up in it.

Have you tried using an ouchless headband. Put it around your neck twice then brush your hair up as if you're going to put it in a ponytail. Then push the ouchless headband back until you have a puff. You may have to wrap the band around again. I usually do it 3 times. I couldn't figure it out for the life of me either until somebody over at NP explained it to me. AFashionSlave also has a tutorial with pictures in her fotki. HTH...
^^ they don't work for me either. my hair is very thick, strandwise and in density.

i use hair combs (like Goodies, 2 or 3 in a pack) to create the shape of a puff around the perimeter of my head that way i'm not having to wrestle with a ton of hair into a band of any kind. if i feel like it, i can use a scarf to decorate the "puff".

the puff will be rather large and bodacious but it'll also be bangin' without the hassles or the potential damage of using elastics (or whatever) the harsh pulling, especially around the edges, that's so typical of doing puff styles.

with thick hair, once you placed the combs you will not be able to see them at all, and neither will anyone else!!
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Hair type? Mostly 4A with a quarter 3C

Current hair length? Longest layer in between shoulder and armpit...shortest layer my chin (in the front)

Goal hair length? Bra strap stretched

Time since bc? 2 years and a few months

How long did you transition, or did you? 6 months

Biggest hair challenge? Having any hairstyle besides a ponytail/puf when I have to go out in a hurry. Having to do a quick hairstyle for a formal event and also not trying to spend time on my hair. I am starting a business and I don't have as much time as I used to.

Stand-by products? Sof n free curl moisturizer and shine activator gel for my every day puffs

Stand-by hair style: Ponytail/puff

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)? in siggy(Dec 06) and my fotki

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed? I cccascionally get an urge when I want my hair straight. I really dislike all the work of blowdrying and flat ironing. I miss just getting a rollerset and wrapping it. Also, I feel juvenille sometimes when I am somewhere and I have the same hairstyle as i five year old girl when I am damn near a 30 year old woman. :P However I LOVE my kinks and curls so when I feel overwhelmed I get braids for a bit.

Best Compliment: I was in a wedding and a woman from the wait staff came up to me and thanked me for wearing my hair in a natural style.
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I used to have that problem. I don't know if I can explain this well enough but this is how I tame the bush. What I do is take an old stocking leg and warp it around my head from the back and then cross right at my hairline. Then I pull it little by litte until I get the puff where I want it. (it depends if I want a small or big one) and then I wrap the stocking until it doesn't show any more. Also, depending on my frizz level that day, I may dab some fantasia ic gel along my hairline.

I've always wanted to do a puff - but my hair is so thick I can't get it into a ponytail holder. And when I do manage the front is so puffy it looks ridiculous or the holder pops a few moments later. Am I doing something wrong? I want a puff soo bad!! :sad:
Look what I found at Walmart:

It's a book about textured tresses. It's supposed to be about natural haircare. I just might have to purchase it. Does anyone else have this book? If so, Is it informative?

Here are the reviews on Amazon about this book. There is also a thread about what books help you on this site, I just saw it a day or two ago and this one was mentioned.
Hair type? 4a

Current hair length? Shoulder length (barely)

Goal hair length? Waistlength (Lord willing!)

Time since bc? 6 months & 3 days

How long did you transition, or did you? 1 yr. & some months

Biggest hair challenge? Knots

Stand-by products? V05 Strawberries & Cream Conditioner; Castor Oil; Giovanni Direct Leave-in

Stand-by hair style(and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because alot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves)? I'm style-challenged, but so far: Wash n' Go; Puff

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)?
Wash n' Go:


Do you ever want to go back to relaxed? No

Best hair compliment? People always tell me how soft my hair is..never feels that way to me, for some reason.
I believe this is where I should've been after the receipe board...
Hair type? 4b
Current hair length? between ear and shoulder
Goal hair length? none in particular... just want it healthy and manageable
Time since bc? I had the fade 3 times over the last 10 years. 1 year ago cut and unraveled my locks... what a job that was!!

How long did you transition, or did you? Its been a long time several changes over the decade.

Biggest hair challenge? dryness and brittle ends...

Stand-by products? Isoplus jojoba oil

Stand-by hair style(and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because alot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves)? My usual style is two strand twists but I also do flat twists often because its quicker... but the style doesn't maintain but for about 3 days in my hair. But hopefully with the use of some of the stuff from the receipe board... I can fix that..:yawn:

I will never relax my hair again!! My mother put a relaxer in my hair when I was 10.. and I didn't get a clue until I turned 20! I can achieve straight styles for temporary events if need be.. no need for permanent straightness!!!

Best hair compliment? In my wedding picture people always love my hairstyle... Not realizing my hair was locked.. so when I tell them it was... they are surprised at the versatility of locked hair.

I don't have any pics yet.. but I have been inspired by the many I have seen at this site... and I believe it will be a good thing to track the changes I see in my hair as I apply some of the methods I've found at this site!!!!!!

Thank you LHCF ladies....
Hair type? 4b---thick and dense

Current hair length? Unstretched neck level in the back, still growing out like bobo the clown:clown: on the sides...

Stretched in the back, my hair is collarbone, and on the sides it's up to my jawbone

Goal hair length? Current Goal: shoulder length when unstretched...armit level when stretched.
Longterm Goal :armpit length when I am guessing midback when stretched

Time since bc? October 30, 2006

How long did you transition, or did you? 1 year

Biggest hair challenge? i wish it were the knots....I just recently discovered hair splits. My hair is splitting up the hair shaft...multiple splits on one hair strand...looks like flyaways. I'm thinking it's heat damage from pressing and flatironing for my wedding this past July. I only had split ends when relaxed...I have never seen this before.

Stand-by products? Aguacate Conditioner (profesional-spelled like the product) for Deep Conditions, Keracare Hydrating Detangling Shampoo-good for cleaning my dry hair.

Stand-by hair style(and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because alot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves)? I'm working on getting a phony pony so that I can have less manipulation. I am tired of the two strand twist. So my only stand-buy hairstyle is to wet my hair and put on an ouchless headband, smoothing it back until it pulls my hair into a ponytail.

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)? n/a

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed? No, but I am thinking of texturizing once I reach brastrap-stretched.

Best hair compliment? Have not received any as of yet.... lol
Hair type: Coarse, thick & kinky

Current hair length: Shoulder length stretched

Goal hair length: Armpit length

Time since bc: 2 yrs

How long did you transition: About 6 months

Biggest hair challenges: Retaining length, moisture & keeping splits/knots at bay

Stand-by products: Aveda (Sap Moss, Brilliant & Damage Remedy Lines), Aubrey Organics GPB Conditioner, Castor Oil & Burt's Bees Avocado Butter Treatment

Stand-by hair style: Two-strand twists/Kinky twist extensions

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed? No

Best hair compliment: "I like your hair."
Hair type? 3c/4a

Current hair length? unstretched - ear length, stretched - longest part almost at my shoulders

Goal hair length? Bra strap length - stretched

Time since bc? 18 months
How long did you transition, or did you? N/a

Biggest hair challenge? the spirals - combing is breaking my hair.

Stand-by products? The only one i can rely on is Kids Organic Detangling Shea Butter Leave-in Conditioner. I still haven't found any other products that suit my hair. Oh, i like CON shampoo.

Stand-by hair style(and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because alot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves)?
I have just discovered that against all the advice of this board my hair doesn't want to be soaking wet when products are applied. Its making it break off like crazy. Now i wrap a towel around my head for a few minutes leaving it slightly damp. My hair is now stretched. I then apply my leave-in products and now (thank God) i can fit my hair into a pony/neat puff using those large bands. I tie it twice around my neck and slowly push it up. Yey - i no longer have dripping wet hair all day and my hair is not a crunch mess at the end of the day either. I apply a bit of IC gel on the front.

Picture. Avatar

Do you ever want to back to relaxed? No - my scalp can't take the chemicals and i never liked my relaxed hair anyways.

Best hair compliment? Luckily i get a few. People like the look of my hair texture.
Hair type? 4 B

Current hair length? 1.5 inches

Goal hair length? 6 healthy inches by July 8, 2008

Time since bc? 3 months since my 2nd BC

How long did you transition, or did you? No transition, I was already natural

Biggest hair challenge? Keeping my hair moisturized.

Stand-by products? Carol's Daughter Rosemary & Mint Shampoo, Tui Leave-In conditioner, Healthy Hair Butter, Kizzi Pomade, Aloe Vera Gel, Any VO5 conditioner, Raw Shea Butter, Essential Oils (Rosemary, Peppermint, Basil and Sage)

Stand-by hair style(and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because alot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves)? Rows in front with a Puff in back

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)? see avatar. Its my most current pic.

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed? Nope

Best hair compliment? Some guy said I looked sexy and powerful with my little fro. But the best compliment came from a grinning little boy about 4 years old. "Hey lady. I like your hair!"
Hello! I'm completely new on LHCF (registered yesterday) but I had a friend who has been a long time member... I'm also on a (second) natural journey and just had my big chop on July 31st!

So how about some questions,

Hair type? 4a mostly, but some 4b in the middle and 3c in the back.

Current hair length? An inch or so... I haven't properly measured yet (I know... I have a long way to go :sad:)

Goal hair length? Shoulder Length natural, healthy and thick hair

Time since bc? 2 months and 16 days

How long did you transition, or did you? I didn't transition per se... I was getting 2 or 3 relaxers a year max anyways, but my hair was so damaged that I just removed all the relaxed part and was left with less than 1/2 inch of growth... Been rocking the TWA for a couple of months now...:grin:

Biggest hair challenge? Dullness and shedding... :wallbash:

Stand-by products? Elasta QP Cream conditioning shampoo, CD Hair Milk and Khomet Oil, and when I can find it Jamaican Mango Locking gel

Stand-by hair style(and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because alot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves)? Right now, wash n go... I also heavily rely on braids.

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)? I'll post one as soon as I find my way around LHCF.

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed? Right now, absolutely not. I've never really liked bone straight styles on my hair, so I am seeing a very long and n(h)appy future! ;)

Best hair compliment?
You look so beautiful with short hair...

Thanks for a very interesting thread!!
Well hello baby girl! :grin:

Hair type? 4 B

Current hair length? 1.5 inches

Goal hair length? 6 healthy inches by July 8, 2008

Time since bc? 3 months since my 2nd BC

How long did you transition, or did you? No transition, I was already natural

Biggest hair challenge? Keeping my hair moisturized.

Stand-by products? Carol's Daughter Rosemary & Mint Shampoo, Tui Leave-In conditioner, Healthy Hair Butter, Kizzi Pomade, Aloe Vera Gel, Any VO5 conditioner, Raw Shea Butter, Essential Oils (Rosemary, Peppermint, Basil and Sage)

Stand-by hair style(and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because alot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves)? Rows in front with a Puff in back

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)? see avatar. Its my most current pic.

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed? Nope

Best hair compliment? Some guy said I looked sexy and powerful with my little fro. But the best compliment came from a grinning little boy about 4 years old. "Hey lady. I like your hair!"
This is an awesome thread....I did my big chop in July...I'm not sure what my hair type is but it is thick and manageable when wet or moist but a problem when dry and it gets dry a lot.

I will continue to monitor this thread for inspiration and techniques
I'm dealing with a new challenge... whether to wear my natural hair straightened with heat or continue with the continous cycle of wearing natural hair styles like twists, twistouts, puffs, and afros. Shrinkage is getting to be more of a pain as my hair grows longer. And my ends are suffering from airdrying and constant styling, tangling, and single strand knots.
Hair type? 4bcdefg

Current hair length? 12 inches-unstrtched

Goal hair length? Lower back- past bra strap

Time since bc? 8 years

How long did you transition, or did you? I first had twist extensions then got frustrated and my hairdresser cut it all off

Biggest hair challenge? Keeping it moist

Stand-by products?JBCO and glycerin spray

Stand-by hair style Two strand twists- I can wear a headband- wear a nice barrette to hold the crown, land do a high or low bun with the twists in

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)? yup-see below

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed? Right now, absolutely not. I've never really liked straight styles on my hair, so I am seeing a very long and n(h)appy future! ;)

Best hair compliment?
You make me want to go natural!!!!!!!:yep:
Hair type? 3c-4a/b

Current hair length? chin

Goal hair length? BSL (unstretched)

Time since bc? 11 months

How long did you transition, or did you? n/a

Biggest hair challenge? detangling

Stand-by products? leave-in conditioners, water based moisturizers, natural oils

Stand-by hair style(and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because alot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves)? Flat twists

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)?

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed? no

Best hair compliment? 'your hair feels so soft and fluffy'
This is an awesome thread....I did my big chop in July...I'm not sure what my hair type is but it is thick and manageable when wet or moist but a problem when dry and it gets dry a lot.

I will continue to monitor this thread for inspiration and techniques

Baggying and glycerin have been a tremendous help to my dry hair. I haven't even added much to my baggying method except the plastic cap that is too small for my big head but I tie it down with my scarf and wake up with soft hair from the products applied from the morning before going to work.

N.B I've just been doing this for about a week due to dyeing my hair over the weekend and I am not trying to have damaged hair.

Hair type?
supper soft. It annoys me that people get shocked about how soft my hair is...
Silky 3a, 2b C's
Cottony 4a/b
I can pull it back into a medium thick poneytail, but the actual strands of hair are med, fine and baby fine.

Current hair length?
Under earlobes, above shoulders

Goal hair length?
Unstretched Waist

Time since bc?
Jan 1999
Oct 1999
2001, 2002, 2004 all because I listened to the wrong peopole and I have been on a quest for the right combo of products. Oh and a bunch of hair broke off/feel out for lack of moisture in winter of 2005. I was LIVID.

How long did you transition, or did you?
Oct 1998-Jan1999

Biggest hair challenge?
Moisture, deffinition, knots, listening to the wrong people. GOING TO A SALON(my hair always gets screwed up).

Stand-by products?
Not yet

Stand-by hair style?
Right now cornrole styles. Sunday I cornroled my hair into a mohawk and I then turned that into a frenchbraid.

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)?
I have yet to upload...

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed?
NO! I have been toying with putting the Just For Me Texture Softener in it, but I think that I will stick with my small cornroles.

Best hair compliment?
I get compliments when I were a twist/braidout.
So how about some questions,

Hair type? 4A

Current hair length? SL

Goal hair length? Realistic- BSL, In my dreams-WL:lachen:

Time since bc? Date of BC was 5-28-06

How long did you transition, or did you? 9 months, originally trying to go for a year, but i just couldn't take it anymore and decided to stop being a punk!

Biggest hair challenge? leaving it alone:wallbash:

Stand-by products? Homemade shealoe, IC Gel w/SParkelites, SHINE Curl Activator gel, ORS Olive Oil Lotion, CON Detangling Shampoo and VO5 conditioner

Stand-by hair style(and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because alot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves)? freshly washed and pulled back into a banana clip

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)? Last three pics

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed? NEVER!!!! that was the worst thing i could do for my hair. it does much better in it's natural state

Best hair compliment? I want your hair!
Hair type? mostly 4a- poofy

Current hair length? shoulder length (unstretched)
waist length (stretched)

Goal hair length? current goal- tailbone (stretched)
final goal -bra strap (unstretched)

Biggest hair challenge? figuring out what works at each stage of growth

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)? see sig and fotki

Best hair compliment? friends who after meeting me decide to go natural
Hair type? 3c/4a

Current hair length? bottom layer a little past SL stretched

Goal hair length? Just big, healthy and fun!

Time since bc? May 2007

How long did you transition, or did you? 8 months

Biggest hair challenge? So far, so good. I do like to mess with it though and I'm struggling to keep from straightening it to see what it'll look like (I'm trying to wait until February or March)

Stand-by products? Generic paul mitchell The Conditioner leave in, Garnier Fructis curl shaping gel for when I go out, my self made "puff bands: I use the slender stretchy head bands, cut them, then tie it around the perimeter and slowly pull the ends to tighten.

Stand-by hair style(and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because alot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves)? Wash n go...pretty simple. Ipoo and deep condition once a week.

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)? In my fotki

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed? Not at all!!

Best hair compliment? How do you get your hair to look like that?! (In my head I'm thinking...wash it?)
Hair type?
4 a/b
Current hair length?
Collar bone
Goal hair length?
Ultimately BSL or MBL
Time since bc?
I am natural without the BC!!
How long did you transition, or did you?
Refer to previous question
Biggest hair challenge?
Learning how to care for natural hair
Stand-by products?
Cator oil, ORS Moisturising Lotion, Lekair Conditioner
Stand-by hair style(and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because alot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves)? If I understand this question correctly..braids, twists

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)? There are some pics in my fotki!!

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed?
Some times... and I even consider texlaxing so that my natural hair will be more managable
Best hair compliment?
When my hair is pressed.... "do you get perms?"
When natural... "Your hair is so thick"
Hair type? Not sure but lots of type 4 fine hairs (a & b maybe? The back and some other sections seem straighter in texture)
Current hair length?
When I gently stretch my back chunky twists, APL but if blow-dried/pressed longer.
Goal hair length?

Time since bc?
Last perm touch-up in 1994

How long did you transition, or did you?
Since 1994 but now, I'm transitioning from heat damage (i.e. stringy ends). You can see a clear demarcation line between the healthy new growth hair and the over processed /heat damaged hairs.
Biggest hair challenge?
Finding the right moisturizer and speaking up when "hair stylists" are damaging my hair by using the wrong styling tools or pulling and tugging my fine hair.

Stand-by products?
All of them really. Wait let me think Infusium 23, the black gel. Wait, what is a stand-by product?

Stand-by hair style (and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because a lot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves)?

Do you have a picture (also very helpful)?
No digicam, but in January I can show pics of the heat damage.
Do you ever want to go back to relaxed?

Best hair compliment?
Some of them are too ignorant to repeat BUT most people would say that my hair looks healthy and looks darker.