name 5 things you love to hate about longer hair


New Member
1. Your husband or boyfriend's big shoulder resting on your hair and it pulling when you try to dislodge yourself. (My favorite
) I love to make a big deal about his big ol' shoulders pullin' on my hair just so he can be all apologetic and whatnot...

2. Getting caught in sudden brisk breezes which blow it all over your head. Hate it!!!

3. Getting it hung on stuff like seatbelts, jewelry, clothing. Especially on hooks at the nape of the neck, ouch!

4. Having to lift it out of the way for hubby to zip, unzip my dress, or take off my necklace. What a hassle!! (another favorite

5. Little babies wanting to grab handsful of my locks and pull!!!

and oooh, just 1 more,
*** it just gets all in the way when you're talking on the phone, makes it so darn to hear with hair covering your ears that you just have to keep tossing it back out of the way.
What's a Diva to do???

Happy Hair Growing!!!
I know u want 5, but I'm gonna mention only 1 ... it's 4:35am here in Cleveland, & I'm getting sleepy


Which of course means having to spend more money... which is
to 'ole hair frugal me
I hate worrying about snapping hairs and spending so much time gently combing after conditioning. When my hair was cut in a paigeboy-type style, I didn't worry about a thing. *dreamy look** What on earth have I gotten myself into? My husband even says I should cut it again!
hi diva.....

ur list is almost the same as what i would say but a few that come to mind are

getting caught in my cell phone antenna
having to hold it back to brush my teeth (or have my kids do it when im lazy)....i know i know..i could pin it up but then i couldnt complain about it being so

when its hot outside it makes me sweat something horrible

but i do love to hate it tho because i sure am glad its growing.!!!!
Yours sounds like my list.

I will also add when you wear your hair down and it gets in your mouth when you're eating.

Tebby1017 said:
Yours sounds like my list.

I will also add when you wear your hair down and it gets in your mouth when you're eating.


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That's a good one Teb, and also about brushing the teeth, how could I forget those, but then again, it was very early where I am when I couldn't sleep and started that post.Have a wonderful day Ladies!
*Sticking on to my lip gloss!

*Shedding! Finding long pieces of hair around the house isn't cute.

*Getting caught under my backpack straps!


I don't love to hate these things, I just can't stand 'em!

I love to hate jealous people though.
Karonica said:
*Sticking on to my lip gloss!


I love to hate jealous people though.

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Girl, say THAT again!

getting it stuck on lipgloss, brushing teeth, getting it caught on my purse latch when I put the purse on my shoulder. Trying to eat without food getting on my hair (the shorter shoulderlength. Trying to read and the hair falls in my eyes, mouth then gets stuck on the lipgloss. A windy day.
The hair tickling my arms when I'm wearing short sleeves
The hair getting in the way to the point where I have to just pin it up
folks staring at it and asking if it's real
1- That i dont have it yet
2-That i dont have it yet
3-That i dont have it yet
4-That i dont have it yet
5-Did I mention that i dont have it yet
Britt said:
1- That i dont have it yet
2-That i dont have it yet
3-That i dont have it yet
4-That i dont have it yet
5-Did I mention that i dont have it yet

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:High-fiving Britt:
...when your hair sheds, you panic because it looks like a huge hair ball but actually its only a few long strands
I love long hair but some things that annoy me :
1. Hair getting caught in things: purse-straps, car seats, non silky shirts (lol), even in a seat belt !
2. Hair sticking to lip gloss
3. Being afraid to wear something non-silky for fear of hair rubbing against it (even if wearing a protetive hairstyle)

4.People commenting that it's a weave loud enough for you to hear it, I want to yell
"it's real" ,
It's all over the bathroom....No matter how healthy and how good it's going (so It's not like I'm having large scale hairloss or anything) I'm always finding it EVERYWHERE.

When I as in college I use to this this was a peculiar "thing" that white women "did"

Now I realize it's just a long hair "thing". You just can't keep track of all those strands of hair and clean

ETA: It's always doing something "pretty", but never anything "funky". Long hair has no "funk" to me. It's just there. It's BEAUTIFUL, but it's not SAYIN' nuthin.
Feel me?
I wash my hair faithfully every 3 to 4 days but
- I HATE washing it!
I don't like when my hair is caught anywhere.

Britt wrote:
1- That i dont have it yet
2-That i dont have it yet
3-That i dont have it yet
4-That i dont have it yet
5-Did I mention that i dont have it yet

You will have it Britt!
I want it now!!! I naturally have long and thick hair. However over the past couple of years my hair had drastically thinned out so I kept on cutting it. Now its getting thicker and growing faster,I guess I want it to magically grow overnight
I'm changing mine to things I don't like about my husband.

1) His heavy sandbag arm leaning on my hair and pulling it. I hate it. He is so not gentle.

I love long hair.
1.) After a humidity assault it frizzes and inflates to look just like Diana Ross's wigs
2.) Detangling after poor conditioning job
3.) Sitting under a dryer for rolling setting for all eternity/or not letting it dry enough--see issue #1
4.) Having it interfere w/ romantic interludes either by getting snatched, or getting in the way period
5.)Accidentally catching it under the strap of my laptop bag OUCH...
Tebby1017 said:
LOL@sandbag arm.


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It sounds like he has a fat arm, don’t it? He’s not fat but the man is so heavy I think he’s made of sand.
Mine are small annoyances that I can live with.
1. always getting stuck on lipstick
2. I have to keep my driver side windowed rolled up because hair blows all over my face while driving.
3. I have to use more products on my hair (the dime size amount isn't enough from root to end.
4. My arms aren't long enough to flat iron from root to end.
5. My arms get sooooo tired on the rare occasions that I blow dry and straighten.