hey when I first tried MN back in late febuary I did get headaches because I did not know what the hell I was doing back then which promt me to stop... after reading a few post on it I decided to put alot of oils and stuff to tone it down a bit and I have never gotten any headaches in the 5 weeks that I have been using it

are you using rosemary and thyme as your essential oils.... I hear that rosemary grows your hair like weeds!!:weird:
Can someone post how they mix their MN? I know that someone mentioned they mix it with other oils, sulfer 8, etc. Do you use the entire tube? How much of the other ingredients do you mix with it? Once its mixed you just apply it to your scalp every other day?
I mix with MN, sulfur 8, bb moisterizer, castor oil, coconut oil, tea tree oil, shea oil, olive oil, rosemary and peppermint essential oils, and any other generic oils that I HAVE TO MAKE A HUGE batch and it fills 4 oz bottles
I use 2 tubes of MN 2%
Wow, that is really some great growth. I am going to jump on that wagon today. I am tired of this one length thing I got going, right now. Thank you for the inspiration. Your hair looks wonderful, thick and healthy and long.
LOL...I finally did a search and found a thread about using MN. DH is bugging out when I showed him the pic of Tasha's growth, then when I told him what MN was, he looked at me like "yeast infection cream!!!""" I said, between urine on the face, MTG and oil pulling (which he tried and accidently swallowed a little, got sick as a dog) I am not surprised by what MN is now. Actually **looking around for easedroppers** I plan on trying this...*sigh* *:meditate:, I want long hair, I want long hair, :meditate:*

Going to do some more research on what to add to MN for best results.
That is some excellent growth and your hair looks great; WOW!! I think I have only gotten about half of the growth you have and we started around the same time; may have to consider that MN! :)
are you using rosemary and thyme as your essential oils.... I hear that rosemary grows your hair like weeds!!:weird:
I only use 20 drops of rosemary oil and 20 drops of peppermint oil I just figured well sice I use so many othe oils then 20 drops will not hurt me
Wow, that is really some great growth. I am going to jump on that wagon today. I am tired of this one length thing I got going, right now. Thank you for the inspiration. Your hair looks wonderful, thick and healthy and long.
good for you and I know that you and every one else will get awesome growth aswell
That is some excellent growth and your hair looks great; WOW!! I think I have only gotten about half of the growth you have and we started around the same time; may have to consider that MN! :)
well my goal is APL but ever since I became a huge fan of marcherieamour I am ( maybe ) wanting BSL LOL but MY hair is so much longer and I cold not believe how it looks from the back. I was like BSL what am I going to do with all that hair ... My stylist begged me not to cut it because I am well know to be a short head cutie ... but I gues I will grow out for now .
I mix with MN, sulfur 8, bb moisterizer, castor oil, coconut oil, tea tree oil, shea oil, olive oil, rosemary and peppermint essential oils, and any other generic oils that I HAVE TO MAKE A HUGE batch and it fills 4 oz bottles
I use 2 tubes of MN 2%

I love your idea of mixing it with all the oils, I want to try that approach and see if that will work without me getting the headaches. What does your consistency look like, it it creamy like the MN, more like a thick oil? Just curious so I know what to shoot for. TIA! Sorry to hear about the little one being sick.
Iaec06, you are doing a great job! I am so glad I checked in today! I have been reading the MN threads for years and I think Im going to jump on. Im going to try MN, sufur8 or flowers of sulfur and my own herbal oil mix. It seems like the quiet members are always blowning the board away! :yep:
Is there a way for someone to break this whole MN thing down for the newbies?? This sounds like something that I would be willing to try. I am already using boundless tresses and I am wondering if I could mix this with MN. Are you guys actually using neosporine or monistat on your hair/scalp? Or are purchasing straight MN? PLEASE someone let a newbie know! :sad:
Is there a way for someone to break this whole MN thing down for the newbies?? This sounds like something that I would be willing to try. I am already using boundless tresses and I am wondering if I could mix this with MN. Are you guys actually using neosporine or monistat on your hair/scalp? Or are purchasing straight MN? PLEASE someone let a newbie know! :sad:

Some people use neosporine but iaec06 used a generic mn.
ladies I have been using MN for 4 weeks now I had to get a touch up at 5 weeks post because I was going crazy with the new growth
this is how my hair looked after I took cornrows out for my new relaxer

now here are my pics in intervals when I started my journey

this is my first progress after starting growth aids 03/07
this is when I changed growth aids and started MN mix 08/07
this is now 10/07

I have not taken vits in a very long time so I can only say that all this growth cam from my MN mix .
again my regimine is as follows I clarify, DC with ors, leave in salerm 21 and blow dry every 2 weeks I get a relaxer when needed never past 6 weeks anymore

Thanks for posting your updates:) I am waiting on my Monistat(ebay) so I can get started on this. I already have my sulfur 8. Your pics are all the inspiration I need to jump on this:) How often did you apply?
That's it! My MN has been sitting on the vanity collecting dust! Time to dust it off and get to mixing....
I love your idea of mixing it with all the oils, I want to try that approach and see if that will work without me getting the headaches. What does your consistency look like, it it creamy like the MN, more like a thick oil? Just curious so I know what to shoot for. TIA! Sorry to hear about the little one being sick.
yes it should be creamy and yes my baby is very ill she has an infection that is viral and it has to get better on it's own without RX .. I almost had a nervous breakdown from all the crying and I can't do anything to help her ... but on the better side she started eating a tiny bit
Thanks for posting your updates:) I am waiting on my Monistat(ebay) so I can get started on this. I already have my sulfur 8. Your pics are all the inspiration I need to jump on this:) How often did you apply?
hey GH I use every 2 days and I must add again that it will make your hair so thick that you will be better off wearing braids or something ... Mrs hicks had so much NG from her that she had to relax early aswell so be ready to have a war with you NG l:grin:
That's it! My MN has been sitting on the vanity collecting dust! Time to dust it off and get to mixing....
you better get to the mixing girl because you will slap your self if you knew all along that it worked and nerver tried it ... hell I am all about trying new anything LOL:grin:
Some people use neosporine but iaec06 used a generic mn.
you are right I use the familydollar brand $ 5 and I had another girl pm me telling me that for some reason she got bette results from family dollar brand than the actual monistat brand so it goes to show that more expensive is not always good
I have neve tried monistat so I do not know for sure
you are right I use the familydollar brand $ 5 and I had another girl pm me telling me that for some reason she got bette results from family dollar brand than the actual monistat brand so it goes to show that more expensive is not always good
I have neve tried monistat so I do not know for sure

Tasha I really agree with the statement above because you know how my NG looked last time from using MN and the thickness I got:look:. Well I am using walmart generic brand of MN and low and behold I am not getting good growth like I did last time using the family dollar brand. It has been three weeks and not as much growth:nono:, so I went to family dollar today and purchase the good ole family dollar brand again.:yep: I will always stick with the family dollar brand and nothing else.
Your growth (congrats) actually INSPIRED me to go out and get some (I did before but really slackened up on worked, too!) Family Dollar brand, huh? I purchased two target brand miconazole...I may have to make a trip to Family Dollar to get some...and it's CHEAPER, too? Hmmph! I'm SO on it. :) I already have the makings of a wee fro under my hair, and I don't care...I'm going to keep a growing and see if I can get close (or make it) to APL this year!:lachen:
WOW! Gurrrrl! I am so happy you are reaching your goal and thank you so much for posting your regime....HTH! :grin:
Your hair growth is fantastic!!!

I'm on board. Just waiting for my shipment from the US . . .

Anybody mix their MN with water?