you have lots to think about and re evaluate and find answers for yourself, give yourself time, your wounded and probably walking around like the rug has been pulled out from under you--it has! No one here is going to be able to give you all the answers to your taking the steps you need to take for you and for you to heal, your going to have many lost lonely days ahead probably , just alone with your hurt. But please believe you deserve (as already stated in this thread) to be with someone who truly wants to be with you and only you and not play these games, or be with someone so shallow, superficial and narrow minded as to put another race of a woman on a pedestal above you. Sweetie , you put yourself on your own pedestal and dont let ANY man take you down. Let him have his LATINA chick, There is someone so much greater than this for you with so much more to give than this pettiness, your hurt is righteous , dont let him fool you, you stand for you because clearly he is not and your kids, Your not taken down a notch, he fell from the level of 'real man to childish boy' with that statement and talking such nonsense openly to others. He clearly doesnt deserve you , nor any more of your time, soul, body, tears, years NOTHING vested in him, if he can so lightly say such a thing, you have to get to that point though, at your own pace in your own space. Just love yourself, God and your kids more than him, clearly he is nothing to put your life and heart and soul into
drop the rock, so your hand is empty for a diamond
take your time and heal
no matter how hurt and lost you feel right now, it will all come together for you