My professor's hair... a love story.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

This has officially been the best, funniest, frightening, most potentially life-threatening, most amusing, most exciting thread of my life. And it's not even my hair. :lachen:
She said she stayed in braids for two years until her hair was almost the length she has now. I don't know how long she started out though.
Beautiful thanks Robot!!

Her curls are so pretty! Man, her hair is the truth, she slicked those sides down nice! Her puff is the truth!

Beautiful just beautiful!
Ms. Professor and ROBOTxcore that was worth the wait!!! I need a cigarrette!!! Her hair is gorgeous!!!!
Today was the best.

Remember that secret date I mentioned that was going to delay the pics until tomorrow? Well, tell me why when I got home, I had an Edible Arrangement waiting for me?! With a balloon and a note that says "just because."

I don't know if any of you have ever had an edible arrangement but they have THE FRESHEST FRUIT I have ever tasted! :lick: I'm going to enjoy it until it's time to go.

That man. :love:
Thanks for the pics. Her hair is very pretty. I'm glad you came back and updated before I left for the weekend. Now I can go in peace. :)
WOWSA! Her hair is dreamy. She has waves curls and coils and they are all shiny and thick and healthy and frizz free. I was scared when you mentioned trying to get good texture shots but boy am I glad you did. That hair deserves this shrine. That hair is hair to aspire to. I will say it, that hair is SEXY.
I think my heart stopped for a quick moment when I saw the close-up texture shot. Actually, I know it stopped with the very first pic because I felt it stop. I've never seen a head that looks so 'fro-ish yet has such pretty coils. They were so perfectly defined.

I love her hair...thanks so much for posting and for starting this thread.

This. Is. The. Best. Thread. Ever.

Ever. :lick:

...still can't believe I have read every single post on every single page.....

It was in one of the updates. She told me: pantene pro-v condish, CON moisturizing poo, and some kind of queen helene olive oil cream and that's it.

that's it? that's all she uses? she must have some magic water or something in her house bc if that's it, she got me feeling kinda silly over here doing all i do to my hair and my results are still crunchy and frizzed and hers are so soft and moist and perfectly coiled... :rofl: