My November Updates


New Member
ladies I am back yet again. I have been visiting the dominicans every week for a wash, DC and rollerset, now those women know thier stuff anyways I tried the precise no lye relaxer and my hair turned out very straight and softer than using the lye . I think this is a keep and besides I did not even burn .. I am glad to say that I ave gotten a tiny trim, and some growth too. I have not used any growth aids for over a month now and boy do I miss it :grin: I will be back on the MN wagon for sure next weekend.

last relaxer10/07
I have never in my life seen anyone's hair grow so fast! I love to see your updates!!!! Your hair is looking good.
I have never in my life seen anyone's hair grow so fast! I love to see your updates!!!! Your hair is looking good.
you know what I think after suffering for so long from stress my hair is finally in a state of relief and now it decided to grow .. lawd my hair have a mind of it's own :lachen:.. girl thanks and I kno that you are having awesome results aswell
dang gurl..whatchu eatin'?:grin: im trying so harddddddddddddd right now not to be jealous...j/k
ur hair looks beautimous chica...HHG
Okay, you're officially on my last nerve from all this growth you're getting :catfight:

Congratulations! :lol:
ok ladies don't hate me but when I see the pics on the pc it looks long but it does not seem al that long to me.
thanks you guys I love all of your comments and I know we will all reach our goal very soon I am proof that our hair grow and grow. My goal is to achieve APL all around front sides and back of head and it looks like I am almost there ..
ladies I am back yet again. I have been visiting the dominicans every week for a wash, DC and rollerset, now those women know thier stuff anyways I tried the precise no lye relaxer and my hair turned out very straight and softer than using the lye . I think this is a keep and besides I did not even burn .. I am glad to say that I ave gotten a tiny trim, and some growth too. I have not used any growth aids for over a month now and boy do I miss it :grin: I will be back on the MN wagon for sure next weekend.

last relaxer10/07

WOW I'm speechless right now but i can say this.............................
I sooooo hate you right now:grin: I have seen some good progress on this board but this beats the cake. What are you doing? Can you give me some tips? Girl my hair was longer than yours in the first pic before you started using MN and I don't know what happened.....Like i said I soooo hate you right now:grin: Keep up the good work.

What dominican salon did you go to?
I am hating seriously right now. Your hair grows real fast. I think you naturally go fast because your growth was still quick this last month when you didnt use MN. Anyways congrats and your hair looks so beautiful and healthy.
WOW I'm speechless right now but i can say this.............................
I sooooo hate you right now:grin: I have seen some good progress on this board but this beats the cake. What are you doing? Can you give me some tips? Girl my hair was longer than yours in the first pic before you started using MN and I don't know what happened.....Like i said I soooo hate you right now:grin: Keep up the good work.

What dominican salon did you go to?

ok ok ok you are too much girl I just know that the dam MN works and rollersetting works too. yours will fly pass mine soon ..
the dominican salon is called ALTA and they recently open down the dam street from me ... aparantly the lady was one of the top stylist in new york and her husband was tranferred to northcarolina and there goes my bank account :grin:
I am hating seriously right now. Your hair grows real fast. I think you naturally go fast because your growth was still quick this last month when you didnt use MN. Anyways congrats and your hair looks so beautiful and healthy.
wow thanks it is great to know that all this money and work is not invane and the results are on my head and on ma back ...oooh I am loving this hair for real .. thanks girl you will have aewsome progress aswell
I think you naturally go fast because your growth was still quick this last month when you didnt use MN.

Yup! That's what I believe too! iaec06, you're one of the lucky ones :lol:! Anyhow, congrats on the amazing progress! Your hair looks beautiful!
I predict record high sales of Monistat cream next quarter :giggle:

lol, but seriously, great progress girl! :grin:
Your hair is growing very fast! Have you seen a difference by going to the dominicans? I ask because I was contemplating going back to a dominican shop, but I know they like to comb with that small tooth comb and they use that brush rake....two things my hair do not like:nono:.

I use to go to dominicans alot years ago when I lived in NY. My hair was very long, but very thin also:ohwell:. I think I will go back and just ask them not to use that comb and that brush.
Your hair is growing very fast! Have you seen a difference by going to the dominicans? I ask because I was contemplating going back to a dominican shop, but I know they like to comb with that small tooth comb and they use that brush rake....two things my hair do not like:nono:.

I use to go to dominicans alot years ago when I lived in NY. My hair was very long, but very thin also:ohwell:. I think I will go back and just ask them not to use that comb and that brush.
I know what you mean and my girl use the small comb aswell but only to part my hair for the rollersets as far as for the brush the only time she used it was to wrap my hair and I get it tied down b4 i left the salon . I see alot of the women that get thier hair done there with really long hair I mean I am the only one with short hair .. and thier rollersets are to die for .. they do it exactly like marcherieamour does hers and believe me it is a good set .. oh ya the difference I have noticed is that my hair is softer and lighter than b4 it feel much cleaner and stronger and they NEVER tell me what to do to my hair they always ask me what I want all the time and this is a big plus ..:grin:
That's why mine can't grow, cuz yours is growing so much! Every time I open one of your threads your hair is longer!

Okay, okay...enough hatin'. CONGRATS lady! You are making wonderful progress! Keep up the good work.
Your hair is so thick and healthy you ever get a blow out when you go to the dominican salon? your last pic from a roller set or a blow out (or both)?