My Mother-in-law


Well-Known Member
I wanted to strangle her last summer when she visited dh and I and she was all up in our business and conversations. She did not speak to me, in my house for a whole day because dh made me coffee and I told him it tasted like dog sheet.

I had a house full of family and things got so bad that I had a quiet word and told her to please stay out of my marriage. She got hysterical and started being dramatic. My 10 year old niece intervened. Hugged her and told her she was loved. I think I shared this before but I could not find it. Merge if I made a thread please.

the child made me swallow my pride and I went down on my knees and told mil that I loved her but I felt attacked every time she intervened in every convo with dh. Anyway we eventually kissed and made up. But I secretly vowed that I would never have her back in my house.

but now I feel so bad for her. Her husband left her because she wants to be physically close to her kids and he does not like or want to live where their kids live. So after over 40 years of marriage she has no husband. The kids she slaved for don’t really care. They are living their lives.

so they were all living in the same city but most have moved away in the space of 6 months. So she is depressed.

I want to do something for her. Any ideas? I was thinking of taking her on a cruise with dh and I. Cruises are not my thing but that’s the only thing I could think of. She gets on my nerves but the things I dislike about her are the things I love her for. I wish I had a mother like her. She is getting old and I want to ensure that my family (dh and I) honour her for the love and support she has given us.
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You are very kind. If I were you, I would focus on keeping her out of your marriage, which would include cruising with her. You can feel sorry for her and do nice things for her but you do not need to participate. Stay away from threesome scenarios, where she can get involve with the dynamics of your marriage. As they say in the south, feed her with a long spoon. Ultimately she has to reconstruct her life, make new friends and mend relations with her kids.
I wouldn’t commit to a cruise since you’ll be trapped and won’t have an out if she starts boundary stomping again. Maybe do lunch or something not in your house. Since she doesn’t have anybody else she has even more motivation to latch onto you and get even more involved in your marriage. All those people In her life didn’t drift away for no reason and you don’t want to be the one left taking all her negativity
Would she be open to cruising on her own, or are you open to it being just you and her? I would avoid having her tag along with you and DH together. But if you’re open to it, you could have a nice bonding experience with just the two of you. And it might quell some of her instinct to be so overprotective of her son in the future.
I don’t think she would be open to it being me and her. Dh is her youngest. She idolizes him and when he is around .
Would she be open to cruising on her own, or are you open to it being just you and her? I would avoid having her tag along with you and DH together. But if you’re open to it, you could have a nice bonding experience with just the two of you. And it might quell some of her instinct to be so overprotective of her son in the future.
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You are probably right
I wouldn’t commit to a cruise since you’ll be trapped and won’t have an out if she starts boundary stomping again. Maybe do lunch or something not in your house. Since she doesn’t have anybody else she has even more motivation to latch onto you and get even more involved in your marriage. All those people In her life didn’t drift away for no reason and you don’t want to be the one left taking all her negativity