“My Husband Doesn’t Know I'm Trans"


Well-Known Member
She's living her truth, but keeping a very big secret from the man she loves

As I tell this story I’m sitting in a beautiful home staring at all of the beautiful things around me. The dewy emerald green grass, the tasteful modern furniture and the many pictures of a smiling, happily married couple on their first date, vacations and on their wedding day. Yet even surrounded by all this beauty, I feel like I don’t belong. You see, to the rest of the world, that smiling couple looks just like any other pair of newlyweds, full of hope, love and promise for the future. However, there is a secret hidden beneath the smiles, a secret unnoticeable to the naked eye. That secret is that the woman in the pictures, the woman sitting here telling this story surround by all these beautiful things, isn’t like most other women.

Let’s rewind.

From an early age, I knew something was different about me. Even though I was born "Jason," the middle child of three boys, I was nothing like my two brothers. While they were climbing trees, pinching the butts of neighborhood girls and excelling in sports, I was having secret tea parties and longed to spend the day with my mother playing dress up in her clothes and learning her recipe for my favorite cookies. Everyone around me seemed to notice I wasn’t one of the boys and I was constantly teased and bullied. My father tried to “toughen” me up by forcing me to fight my brothers and taking me on hunting trips. He would argue with my mother and blame her for turning me into a “sissy” that he was ashamed to take around his friends. In high school I joined the cheerleading team and it was there, hanging out with a bunch of boy crazy girls, that I finally felt like I belonged. I wanted to dress like them, dance like them, have long hair like them, I wanted to be them. But of course no one understood this fact when I attempted to go to our junior dance in a dress and heels. However by senior year, I was used to the name calling and nasty remarks, and everyone else was used to seeing me dressed in the latest women’s fashions. I was growing into myself, but something still felt like it was missing.

In college, I was finally comfortable
enough to start dating and even though I was attracted to men, dating them as Jason was not exciting to me. Even when I dressed up in my dresses and heels, I was never really treated the way I felt I deserved to be treated, like a lady. But that’s because under all the fancy clothes and makeup, I wasn’t a lady, I was a man. I became severely depressed and withdrawn and realized I could never be okay until my body matched my identity. I began exploring the idea of gender reassignment surgery to go from male to female. When I broke the news to my family, I was all but banished by everyone, including my mom who felt that changing my sex was one step too far for her. It hurt. Bad.

After a few years of working fifty million jobs and saving every dime, I finally had enough to pay for my surgery. My family wouldn’t come to the hospital to support me, but my friends did and it made all the difference. When I woke up I was no longer Jason, I was Reagan. I was finally who I was supposed to be. Oddly enough it didn’t take me long to adjust to life as a woman at all. I believed I was a woman in my mind for so long that it seemed natural to see breasts when I stood in the mirror naked, or hear men compliment me on my outfit. And it was one of those men, Carlos, who ended up winning my heart. We were months into dating and contemplating sex before it ever occurred to me that Carlos might need to know about Jason. It was wrong, but I chose to keep the secret rather than risk losing him.

Now, four years later, Carlos and I are happy and madly in love! It has been a roller coaster, but we couldn’t be happier. But it’s this happiness that is causing me such pain because Carlos feels that it is time to add to our happy family. He is excited to be a father and his face lights up at the very thought. So how do I break his heart? How do I tell him that all of our trying has been in vain because despite my best efforts to be person I always felt I was, I’m still not who he thinks I am?
I feel for her. She has to tell him. There is no way she around it as he wants children, but I wonder if the relationship can survive.
Nope. She gets no sympathy from me. Plenty of transsexual women are upfront and honest with the men that they date.

He's the victim here.
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I feel nothing. Four years is a very long time to lie to someone. He doesn't even know "her" cause such a huge part of who his wife is has been hidden from him. Can they be legally married?
I don't feel anything for him. It's deceitful, plain and simple. He is robbing another person of their consent in order to live his "happily ever after". Doesn't matter how worried he is about ruining this bliss...it isn't bliss because the relationship is a lie. As someone said upthread, if the spouse wants kids, what are you going to do? Even if the spouse didn't want kids, he has every right to be married to a biological, natural born woman if that is his goal. If this dude-turned-chick got his behind whooped, he'd deserve every punch. Every single wound. He better pray that his husband is merciful when the other shoe drops. Best case scenario is that the husband already knew in the back of his mind and it was what he wanted. Otherwise, it ain't looking good.
I don't think she should tell Carlos, just find some bull**** reason to leave/divorce. Telling him might not end well. He might kill him/her or beat him/her very badly. Carlos may hurt himself because of the embarrassment of sleeping with a man for all these years. The tranny needs to just leave
:nono: She's living a lie and now it's about to blow up in her face. I don't understand how someone can keep a secret from a person she supposedly loves for all those years. If they weren't talking about children now, would she even be worried?

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I am really angry! She better tell him via Skype. That is despicable!!!

Lmao! Yes Skype might be the answer because if that's a Hispanic man, which by the name I'm assuming it is he'll choke the hell out of this girl before he admits that he slept with a tran
You guy should give the man some credit. He just might be okay with it.

This may be a stupid question, but could they implant (transplant?) a womb in her and do IVF with a donated egg?
how were they having sex? is the operation that good???

From what I understand there's no noticible difference sensation-wise. Its just ridiculously tight, trans women have to use a dilator prior to intercourse. I follow a trans girl names Princess Joules on YouTube...thats the only reason I know about trans vagina :lol:
You guy should give the man some credit. He just might be okay with it.

This may be a stupid question, but could they implant (transplant?) a womb in her and do IVF with a donated egg?

Im throughly convinced that they already have the technology to this. In 10 years men will be birthing babies
You guy should give the man some credit. He just might be okay with it. This may be a stupid question, but could they implant (transplant?) a womb in her and do IVF with a donated egg?
:look: they can barely give men a fake vagina that functions properly (the body considers it a foreign wound and attempts to heal over it so the fake vagina has to be manually kept open, like a piercing, by regular application of insertion). we are a million light years away from implanting biological female indoor plumbing in physiological male bodies, which is a technological advance that can never come as far as im concerned.

anyway this person is the one not giving her husband any credit, not us.
From what I understand there's no noticible difference sensation-wise. Its just ridiculously tight, trans women have to use a dilator prior to intercourse. I follow a trans girl names Princess Joules on YouTube...thats the only reason I know about trans vagina :lol:

its very shallow in comparison to a real vagina. i think there are some men who would notice something is not right but also some men who would be clueless. there is no clit for one thing, which you would think most men would notice.

my question would be, in order to lie about this are you faking having a menstrual every month?
From what I understand there's no noticible difference sensation-wise. Its just ridiculously tight

hmmmm....he might stay. maybe she can convince him she may prolapse due to her "family history" if she conceives, and a c-section is a no-go.

in all seriousness, she shouldn't say. humans are innately wired to tell something to someone. that is our makeup. that is why catholic confessionals, successful set ups due to people snitching, etc. are a go. She felt it necessary to confess but not necesarily "come clean".

she had the surgery. she is a woman.

if she goes and tells him and they break up, she has to tell another and another and another date, until everyone knows.

after allllllllllllllllllllllll that money to turn a penis into an accurate vulva? that is not money well spent.

some people hide sexual abuse, drug history, jail time, this is just something to take to the gravel.
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Da faq am I reading??

He is a sick evil human being. Who hides something like this? If his man doesnt know then this is absolutely disgusting. He should beat his trifling *** down. Woman my behind!!

I dont care that he dug a hole to make a fake vagina. He is a man. A MAN! And his man (if he doesnt know) has all right to handle him how he sees fit for this deceitful shhhat.

Imma have to tell my sons to request direct birth certificates from the government before he lays down with any woman cause these hos aint loyal at all :nono:... I cannot believe this male-bisssh.
Did he meet any of her relatives? See any baby pictures? How did she pull this off? I am so confused.
Did he meet any of her relatives? See any baby pictures? How did she pull this off? I am so confused.
there is clearly a ton of lying on the wifes part to pull this off and either utter cluelessness or denial on the husbands part. it sounds doable in a vague sense if you only think well he has a vagina and breasts now. but once you start considering all the daily upkeep to suppress his physiologically male features and the absence of naturally occurring feminine characteristics, this is a huge deception that must be orchestrated every single day.

thats why i dont really support gender identity politics. it always seems to me that the person swapping genders is merely their biological sex in drag, playing a role of what they think the other is and never fully understanding or embodying their chosen presentation. black mtf from what ive seen are nothing but straight up butch queens.
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there is clearly a ton of lying on the wifes part to pull this off and either utter cluelessness or denial on the husbands part. it sounds doable in a vague sense if you only think well he has a vagina and breasts now. but once you start considering all the daily upkeep to suppress his physiologically male features and the absence of naturally occurring feminine characteristics, this is a huge deception that must be orchestrated every single day.

thats why i dont really support gender identity politics. it always seems to me that the person swapping genders is merely their biological sex in drag, playing a role of what they think the other is and never fully understanding or embodying their chosen presentation. black mtf from what ive seen are nothing but straight up butch queens.

CaraWalker, for sure! Especially in the age of social media, how did she pull off not having baby pictures? Class photos?

What did she say about her family and friends to him? This should be illegal! And maybe they would stop. I am so angry and this has NOTHING to do with me! :lol: How long did she think she could pull this off? And what about having babies? She is an awful person for doing this.
Does he take birth control pills, pretend to have periods? If that man gets the bright idea to see a fertility specialist .... :nono:
Did he meet any of her relatives? See any baby pictures? How did she pull this off? I am so confused.

People must really not know each other when they get married. I mean, I met DH's childhood friends, I even have a naked baby pic of him LOL.