My hair reverts before I finish flat ironing it....Why?

The Savvy Sistah

New Member
I'm getting ready to flat ironing my hair soon to show my progress for the APL challenge, but the last time I flat ironed it , it started reverting before I made it to the front of my hair.

I washed, conditioned and used the CHI silk infusion and it was nice and straight for a hot second. What did I do wrong?

Does the temperature of your flat iron make a big difference? I'm natural and I didn't want to have it too high.

Could it bee that your hair is not fully dry? Even if it is a bit damp, my hair tends to revert as I flatiron it. I am not natural but I am not relaxed bone straight either (texlaxed)
If your hair is even a tiny bit damp it won't take - also do you sweat alot from your head? If you start sweating the roots of your hair will begin to revert and once they go the rest of it follows. :lachen: If you want to minimize heat try airdrying loose, or in braids overnight and flat iron the next day. Make sure you don't use a heavy product on the hair after you straighten, b/c something like a cream leave in would cause hair to revert if you use too much.
If your hair is even a tiny bit damp it won't take - also do you sweat alot from your head? If you start sweating the roots of your hair will begin to revert and once they go the rest of it follows. :lachen: If you want to minimize heat try airdrying loose, or in braids overnight and flat iron the next day. Make sure you don't use a heavy product on the hair after you straighten, b/c something like a cream leave in would cause hair to revert if you use too much.

U know what...i actually tried banding this past wknd...did it in six ponytails overnight and it worked, as far as getting my hair straight. But then when i flat ironed, it was puffy! :perplexed Maybe it wasent dry???
When I flat iron I do the back of my hair last because that is where I sweat the most. I also have a fan blowing on my head while I flat iron to keep me from sweating.
The last time I flat-ironed my daughter's hair I did it over two days. The first day I shampoo'd, conditioned, detangled, blow-dried (with creamy heat protectant), and put it in about 6 braids or twists, I also lightly coated it with some oil. The next day I took my time flat-ironing it in small sections, again using a heat protectant, after a week it is hardly reverting at all. I think waiting a day before flat-ironing really helped because it helped insure the dampness/moisture had evaporated.
The room that you are using may be too humid. A flat iron never works for me because as soon as I am finished my hair begins to revert...:ohwell:
Thanks ladies,

This is true because the last time I flat ironed my hair was in the bathroom and it felt like a sauna after I blow dried my hair and plus I had the door closed. (when I hide my hair I go on lock down):grin:

I also think my temperature was a little low, because I had to do a few pass throughs to get it straight, does that make a difference too.
U know what...i actually tried banding this past wknd...did it in six ponytails overnight and it worked, as far as getting my hair straight. But then when i flat ironed, it was puffy! :perplexed Maybe it wasent dry???

OT: What's BANDING???