Flat ironing????


Active Member
Is there anyone that doesn't loose hair when flat ironing? I flat ironed my hair for the first time today and wasn't happy about the amount of hair I lost. I am 5 weeks post relaxer and the flat ironing worked but I had hair all over the floor and sink when I was done.:nono: I can't wait until Tuesday to wash my hair and deep condition because I'm afraid I've damaged my hair.

Is there anyone else who is not happy with the amount of hair that is lost with flat ironing? If you're like me and you loose hair during flat ironing, do you loose less when it's freshly relaxed?:ohwell:
How did you do it? Can you post what you used to wash, etc and how you straightened it? What type of straightener and combs did you use? Was a heat protectant used? Did you airdry, blowdry, or wrap or rollerset?
I don't. I just flat ironed yesterday. Not breakage, some shed hairs though, but that's natural. Still just a few.

What are you using on your hair prior to the flat iron? A serum or anything? And what kind of flat iron?
I washed yesterday with CON Detangling Shampoo and deep conditioned with Pantene Relaxed and Natural Hair Mask. Today, I took my hair out of the bun and I parted my hair in little sections and applied Fantascia IC (pink) heat protectant to my hair and flat ironed with the Maxiglide with a heat setting of 5 or 6. Although it seemed to work, as I mentioned earlier, I wasn't happy with the amount of hair that I lost and I wasn't too happy with straightness at the ends of my hair. It just seemed to tangle more after flat ironing and I'm wondering if it's because I'm five weeks post relaxer.

I'd like to try it again in the future, but I don't want to lose any hair.:nono: Any suggestions are appreciated.
Also, I hope you are not PULLING the iron through your hair...

No, I'm not pulling. I try to be as careful as possible, but I am very inexperienced when it comes to using the flat iron. This was my first time using one. Is there a certain way that it should be done? I have the Maxiglide but I didn't use the attachment with the teeth, I was afraid too, and now I'm happy I didn't use it with the hair that was lost just using the iron.
Hmm,, u definitely should NOT be losing hair with a flat iron.... is it snagging on your hair ripping it out? im confused as to how its taking the hairs out....?
No, I'm not pulling. I try to be as careful as possible, but I am very inexperienced when it comes to using the flat iron. This was my first time using one. Is there a certain way that it should be done? I have the Maxiglide but I didn't use the attachment with the teeth, I was afraid too, and now I'm happy I didn't use it with the hair that was lost just using the iron.

Did you detangle properly? Sometimes it is better to detangle all your hair, AND each individual strand before using the iron on it. Also, if you used too much protectant, or not enough protectant, it could have caused your hair to break from burning.
From your description, it seems like maybe your hair was a little tangled before you used the iron. If your coming out of a bun, you want to gently detangle with a wide tooth comb, make a small section you want to flat iron, then comb the section with a fine tooth comb...not the really fine ones, but a decent size. Follow the comb with the iron. Your hair shouldn't be tangled nor should you lose hair.
i tried the maxiglide once and it snags my hair. Never used it again! The teeth on there just don't work for me. I think some can get away with it, but my hair just does not get along with the maxiglide. I have to use an iron with flat plates that are 1 inch - not even the size of the maxiglide works for me.

But using a Solia, FHI, CHI or similar 1 inch irons, I never loose hair.
From your description, it seems like maybe your hair was a little tangled before you used the iron. If your coming out of a bun, you want to gently detangle with a wide tooth comb, make a small section you want to flat iron, then comb the section with a fine tooth comb...not the really fine ones, but a decent size. Follow the comb with the iron. Your hair shouldn't be tangled nor should you lose hair.

Agree with this post. I used my Maxiglide(with teeth) a couple of days ago and everything was fine. Make sure that your hair is combed and detangled porperly before flatironing because you should not be losing hair.:nono:
Thanks. I just bought the FHI. I've heard a lot of good things about it. I'm going to try that after my relaxer at the end of the month. :yep:
i tried the maxiglide once and it snags my hair. Never used it again! The teeth on there just don't work for me. I think some can get away with it, but my hair just does not get along with the maxiglide. I have to use an iron with flat plates that are 1 inch - not even the size of the maxiglide works for me.

But using a Solia, FHI, CHI or similar 1 inch irons, I never loose hair.


What temperature setting do you use for the FHI?:rolleyes:
Also, I hope you are not PULLING the iron through your hair...
I tried to flat iron with a cheapie years ago. And didn't make it thru 1/4 of my hair before I quit. I believe I was pulling too. I'm getting a quality flat iron for Christmas. Do you know of any vids on youtube or guides to flat iron hair. Because I am kinda scared :look:
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Thread is right on time!!

After conditioning, what do you use to moisturize. Do you just use water?
I can only flat iron my hair when it has been freshly washed, blow-dried well or wet-wrapped and dried under a bonnet dryer. That way, my hair and especially the ends are already pretty straight and detangled before I iron. Anything else -- air-drying, letting drying curly, waiting a day between drying and flat-ironing -- and I tend to lose hair while flat-ironing.

Also, I find that I that it's better for my hair if I put in all my products including heat protectant before I blow dry.
It might also help to run a comb under the flat iron down to the ends while flat ironing.

I also use the FHI and have not lost any hair while flat ironing... (by the way - I flat iron and blow dry weekly)
Try doing an oil rinse on your hair first.
I just recently tried this using ALMA oil, and I love the results and the "lack' for friction as I combed through my hair.
Goody makes a comb that is specifically design for flatironing hair. It's called the "So Hot Flat Iron Comb", you pull the comb through your hair just as you are flatironing (someone posted the tecnique video earlier). The comb looks easier to use versus a regular small comb. It supposed to help keep the tangles at bay. I haven't tried it, but it's sold at Walmart for $3.98.
Goody makes a comb that is specifically design for flatironing hair. It's called the "So Hot Flat Iron Comb", you pull the comb through your hair just as you are flatironing (someone posted the tecnique video earlier). The comb looks easier to use versus a regular small comb. It supposed to help keep the tangles at bay. I haven't tried it, but it's sold at Walmart for $3.98.

I tried that comb and it snaggeg my hair badly! I don't think it is good for those with fine fragile hair like mine.