Attention flat-ironing queens

LOL I was thinking the same thing...must be a nice problem to have! :lachen:But personally I think there is no such thing....the more the better baby! Just look at Dsylla....she is going for a world record for the thickest hair and hers is beau-ti-ful!

:lachen: Thanks for helping me in that thread :lachen: But i have about the same volume as Dsylla when i straighten,.....but im relaxed :ohwell: Whats up with that? Must be relaxed like 90%. :ohwell: I guess its good if yall say so, probally will look better when its BSL, but when its around shoulderish?
This is how I do it.... (dont throw anything at me because I KNOW its bad!)

Wash and condition hair.
While hair is sopping wet, use about a half dollar size dollop of leave in cream (light stuff nothing heavy) and one tiny squirt of no frizz serum.
Air dry in two ponies (two ponies makes it dry faster)
Lightly comb all hair.
Starting at the back of my nape, I take a section about 1-2 inches wide and take a (NATRUAL) bristle brush and start to brush, while the bush is going through the hair, I flat iron the same piece of hair, running the brush and the flat iron down the hair shaft (the brush keeps my hair taut and separates it, so the flat iron can get it extra straight)

I know people are going to scream at me for this, but I rarely do it (maybe once a month) and the results are very nice.