My Hair Grew Fast When _______________


Well-Known Member
I had a quick weave, not a wig but a straight up glued to the stocking cap weave.

My hair cannot take sew-ins, the thread cuts through my fine strands like scissors. Also my hair loves the brown gel (protein). I believe hair that is completely untouched by hands, will grow maybe not the fastest but for sure the length is retained. Also it keeps my hair from weather damage.

What is the one technique that grew your hair the fastest?
I don't know about fast growth, but I know my hair retained all length when I kept it in human hair extensions for 18 months straight (redoing individual braids and occasionally exchanging old hair for new, along the way).
This is what I'm currently doing. How often were you washing?
I swear my hair grew faster when I was drinking my shakeology religiously. I stopped for a couple months and I noticed a difference in growth and my scalp. I need to do a blog post on it actually. (holla at me if you want some) #shamelessselfpromotion


I drink chocolate shakeology for breakfast every morning. Love that stuff. Do you still drink it?
I actually agree with the gn1g. I had a quick weave before and took out the weave and yea it was a nice thick bob. It was thicker then I ever could imagine. Then I messed up because I put in that TCB Naturals Relaxer and it tore my head up. I always worry about the threads they use for the sewins too.

Also ITA with drinking the Shakeology shakes. It has some really good ingredients in it. Mine grew and was thick from Herbalife. But it contains soy. But I'm switching to using Shakeology and have used it on and off.

Also my hair has grown thicker and longer with Viviscal(the old formula) they switched it up and added more ingredients and plus added biotin to it.

I drink chocolate shakeology for breakfast every morning. Love that stuff. Do you still drink it?
I stopped drinking it temporarily because I wanted to see the difference. August is the last 4 weeks of my lil "experiment" and I can't wait to get back to it. Outside ofthe hair growth it's just so good for my body's functioning and energy.
When I was eating organic eggs for a year. My coworker kept her neighbor's six pet Araucana & “Easter Egger" hens while his home was under renovation. They laid so many eggs she'd distribute them at work. My hair looked fake; shiny, wiry with lots of body. It also went from layered APL/BSB to full waist.
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