My Friend’s Husband Disrespected Me

I learned very early on not to involve my friends/family in my marriage. I talk about things here on the board (and only because things got bad and I don't know any of y'all) but I don't involve my friends and family members. I would only involve them if I felt unsafe and/or was filing for legal separation or divorce.

I may occasionally talk to someone I truly trust but it has to be someone who believes in marriage and who will call ME out on my BS. Someone with lots of experience with marriages.

People don't know the particulars of your relationship and they don't get to hear the other side from the spouse. We like to think we are open and honest but we almost always paint things in the light most favorable to our side of the story. It is human nature. And sometimes it takes a lot of time and work to fix a problem and unless you are going to involve your friends and family in the entire process they won't understand once you get to the other side of the issue. They will just remember the bad that happened, the hurt and the anger. They won't understand and they may even resent your spouse. Of course sometimes that reaction is warranted but many times it's not because they were only involved in part of the problem.

One time DH tried to get my mom to mediate a problem between us which surprised me because he NEVER wants to talk to other people. I REFUSED. He was upset but I told him it was a terrible idea because by the very nature of her being my mom she is inherently biased. Second, once we worked things out she would never forget, try as she may. Third, I did not want to open this up to having him

But you learned a good lesson. I don't get involved in other people's relationships unless we are BFFs and they are simply dating. And even then I may offer advice but I won't be the messenger or anything of the sort. And I would not bar a man entering his own home. He should only be barred if he is a danger to her and in that case it would be the cops or a male doing it. Not me.
I learned very early on not to involve my friends/family in my marriage. I talk about things here on the board (and only because things got bad and I don't know any of y'all) but I don't involve my friends and family members. I would only involve them if I felt unsafe and/or was filing for legal separation or divorce.

I may occasionally talk to someone I truly trust but it has to be someone who believes in marriage and who will call ME out on my BS. Someone with lots of experience with marriages.

People don't know the particulars of your relationship and they don't get to hear the other side from the spouse. We like to think we are open and honest but we almost always paint things in the light most favorable to our side of the story. It is human nature. And sometimes it takes a lot of time and work to fix a problem and unless you are going to involve your friends and family in the entire process they won't understand once you get to the other side of the issue. They will just remember the bad that happened, the hurt and the anger. They won't understand and they may even resent your spouse. Of course sometimes that reaction is warranted but many times it's not because they were only involved in part of the problem.

One time DH tried to get my mom to mediate a problem between us which surprised me because he NEVER wants to talk to other people. I REFUSED. He was upset but I told him it was a terrible idea because by the very nature of her being my mom she is inherently biased. Second, once we worked things out she would never forget, try as she may. Third, I did not want to open this up to having him

But you learned a good lesson. I don't get involved in other people's relationships unless we are BFFs and they are simply dating. And even then I may offer advice but I won't be the messenger or anything of the sort. And I would not bar a man entering his own home. He should only be barred if he is a danger to her and in that case it would be the cops or a male doing it. Not me.
Girl you sound like a freakin sage with this advice. You are absolutely 100% correct. Never involve your friends and family in your mundane or even kind of serious, but not so serious drama with your SO. It's going to make them hate him and cause tension even if you resolve the situation with your spouse. If I need to vent, it's to minimal (as in one) very close friend who understands relationships and is as non-biased/ not quick to jump off as possible. This friend also has to be able to see the good in your SO, especially if they interact with your SO at mutual events etc. Even still, I don't vent to this person often at all! For minor frustrations that I just need to vent, I actually feel better telling private groups on FB who don't know me personally than close family and friends.

Never put your business out there unless it's about something that is dangerous to your well-being like domestic violence or something. That's the mistake she made. She'll learn as she gets older and continues in her marriage or divorces and gets into new relationships.
@Farida is it still considered his home if he isn’t the one who is paying the mortgage? And if he moved into the home when they got married because she had already bought it when she was single? And is it still considered his home if she was divorcing him?

In my opinion it’s her home since she bought it on her own when they weren’t together and she bears the financial responsiblity.
@NaturallyBri87 in most states that not going to matter one bit if they are legally married. It goes both ways. If he’s trying to Lord financial status over her and if she’s trying to Lord it over him. When they go to the divorce court it will most likely be that any income will be community property and if he moved into that house when he got married and that is their primary residence as a married couple she won’t be able to claim it’s separate property. It depends on what state you’re in but this is the case for a vast majority of states.

That said. I think it’s problematic when one half of the partnerships feels the need to point these facts out. It shouldn’t be a “mine” mentality but an “ours” when it comes to the house in my opinion.