My friend wants me to straighten my hair for her wedding!

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I don't get what her hair has to do with this woman's wedding?
Why should she have to wear a wig? What is so wrong with her hair?
I think that this is on the same line as asking someone to bleach their hair for a wedding. Utterly ridiculous!
I actually knew a biracial woman (Japanese and Anglo) whose fiance asked her to bleach her hair for their wedding. She actually did it. If you can not accept a person for who they are...

It's not about her hair not being ok as it, it's about the bride wanting a certain look for her wedding. I was in one wedding where a bride wanted everyone to wear updos....not my usual look, but that's my girl, so I did it. It's just one day. It's just hair.

So, OP - you have to figure out what's more important to YOU, selecting your own hairstyle when you're a bridesmaid or being in the wedding. Good Luck no matter what you pick!
Nothing's wrong with a wig, I guess. I have three that I LOVE.

I guess it just hurts my feelings that she feels MY hair isn't good enough for her wedding.

OP, if you love the wigs, and your friend loves the wigs ... I say wear a wig. :yep:

Ladies, this is NOT an issue of "my hair will be damaged" or "my hair will revert", etc. The soon-to-be-bride gave the OP an option of wearing a wig if she doesn't want to straighten her natural hair. The future bride has most likely seen the OP rocking a wig before, so asking that she wear a wig to the wedding probably didn't seem like a big deal.

The real issue here is that the OP's feelings were hurt, and I'm very sorry.

Natural hair is still a phenomenon in our own community. It gets all the more attention from white people. It may very well be that the future bride doesn't want the guests to be fascinated with the OP's hair and staring at the OP instead of her. Whatever the case, I wouldn't get too bent out of shape about it. I'm shoulder length and natural now, but a few years ago when my cousin got married I had relaxed, neck length hair. The bride requested that I wear an updo with a phony pony. I hated fake hair, but I did it for my cousin and it turned out really cute.

Yes the OP loves her hair. She probably spend lots of time, money, and emotion into caring for it. However, I would not be too quick to potentially ruin a friendship over something like this. I took me a while to embrace my natural hair, and I can't expect that those around me will embrace it at the same pace. There are many brides that demand their bridesmaids to curl their hair before a wedding, not because straight hair isn't "good enough" but because that's the brides preference for that particular day.

Anyway, with all that said, go ahead and vent on the hair board OP! (And then wear the wig for your friend! LOL!) If you choose to give her a heart-to-heart and/or history lesson, maybe you should wait until after the wedding. Right now everyone's stress levels are high enough as it is.
I guess I don't understand this "uniform" thing, especially if she's the only black bridesmaid. How hard is it to find white women with "different" hairstyles? Their hairstyle is straight; they're set already!
And that's great, but
OP owns wigs that I imagine her and the bride are close enough to have discussed before. Right or wrong?

Should I feel like a bride thinks something of my style because she asks me to wear a dress, shoes and jewelry she picked out?

I made the comment about myself, a black woman, not knowing black women were so touchy about her hair because the OP for whatever reason said her friend was white (by her own admission she doesn't know why she mentioned that), my non-black friends don't care about hair at all and would never know that this was as serious to some as it is.

I'm not attacking the OP for feeling what she feels. I was addressing the angry brigade that came along after the fact on some "don't go to the wedding" type of nonsense as if the bride is out to get her or thinks so low of her.

Real talk if I hated someone or everything they stand for they wouldn't be in my wedding. I don't get how this turned into a racist undertone convo for a bride asking someone who has admitted that they don't do much with their hair and had no idea what they were going to do to their hair to do something specific to it.

Sheesh I hope I'm never in a situation where I say "$7 annually...this BETTER be good". $7 annual fee for a year is seriously nothing and if that says I REALLY care about hair...ok.
OP owns wigs that I imagine her and the bride are close enough to have discussed before. Right or wrong?

That may be the case, but if this is true then why was this post made in the first place? If it was all discussed and so clearly laid out. I think the OP may feel like this is out of left field precisely because they didn't discuss it previously as it relates to the event coming up. Just because you see me with micro braids does not mean I want to get them done to be more palatable to you, kwim?

Should I feel like a bride thinks something of my style because she asks me to wear a dress, shoes and jewelry she picked out?

No, but that wasn't the point. I was talking about hair... clothing and accessories to me are different. If you are so concerned about uniformity I can't imagine being soo busy that you forget about the biggest component of the aesthetic you are going for at a highly visible event like a wedding.

I made the comment about myself, a black woman, not knowing black women were so touchy about her hair because the OP for whatever reason said her friend was white (by her own admission she doesn't know why she mentioned that), my non-black friends don't care about hair at all and would never know that this was as serious to some as it is.

Non-black friends do not have the same experience regarding their hair's acceptance, texture, care, or ways it can be manipulated--or even what is/isn't acceptable in certain settings. Maybe she mentioned because she did not feel her friend grasped the issue of her type of hair? Not all people are hair fanatics, not all people care about hair. That is all well and good but you still cannot deny the history that is in black hair. It is what it is..

I'm not attacking the OP for feeling what she feels. I was addressing the angry brigade that came along after the fact on some "don't go to the wedding" type of nonsense as if the bride is out to get her or thinks so low of her.

I never said you attacked the OP; the out to get her stuff is hyperbole at best. I think PPs have brought up great points. There is nothing wrong with wanting homogenization in a wedding, but if, for example, she is requiring an up do and OP has enough hair for it--why not? Not going to the wedding is just as valid as going. It is her choice and they were just offering their perspective. If she doesn't want to manipulate her hair or wear a wig then don't do it. Simple.

Real talk if I hated someone or everything they stand for they wouldn't be in my wedding. I don't get how this turned into a racist undertone convo for a bride asking someone who has admitted that they don't do much with their hair and had no idea what they were going to do to their hair to do something specific to it.

Regardless of wether or not the OP knows why she mentioned race in this post, people are allowed to address it. Hair leads to hurt feelings sometimes. There are posts on here about that topic like clockwork. She said her feelings may have been hurt. Also, it has been noted that straightening hair for white women can be different than it is for some black women so that's pretty much how it went there. I offered my opinion in addressing all of the comments about it being 'just hair' and :blah:

Sheesh I hope I'm never in a situation where I say "$7 annually...this BETTER be good". $7 annual fee for a year is seriously nothing and if that says I REALLY care about hair...ok.

I hope you are not either; and I hope you realized that is not what I said. I said most people are paying to talk about hair and things concerning hair. Of course 7 dollars isn't a lot of money; no one said it was.. but if I didn't want to talk about hair I wouldn't pay 7 dollars to be here. That's what I said since this is... you know the Long Hair Care Forum. :spinning: But... as you said, okay...

In any event you are entitled to your opinion as I am to mine--I just don't like all of this it is just hair talk. That is true for you, but not for other people. But we can just agree to disagree.
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I believe that it is the bride's day and she's worried that a lack of uniformity would leave her overshadowed. I say braid it and either do a half or full wig.
I didn't have time to read all the responses so I hope I'm not being repetitive. I was in my girlfriends' wedding a few years ago. It was July, hotter than a mug, and humidity of 100%. She made us all go to the same beautician and get our hair done straight. I did it but it was not cute when my hair looked like a lion at the end of the day ( I could have done that myself without the time and expense I had to give).

I'm great with updos and could have done my own elegant updo myself. Later she acknowledged this. She was a bridezilla pure and simple. I never understood the need to have everyone look the same. In the end, we all looked different anyway and I garnered a lot of attention away from the bride with my huge mane! LOL

Funny, 5 years later, it's not about that day but keeping the communication going and the marriage in tact. IMO - We spend too much time and money on a ceremony.
I'd be extremely pissed but if she were a good friend i'd just slap on a wig. One day won't hurt, although personally i know i'd feel way less attractive in it and might have to work harder to exude my normal confidence about my look, lol.

In your specific case OP it's hard to tell if she is just a raging bridezilla or if there are other, more sinister motives to her requesting that you wear straight hair. White folks don't know ish about black womens' hair issues and she probably doesn't think she said anything wrong by requesting that...for instance if she had a another white girlfriend who had curly hair she might've requested that she wear her hair straight as well for the sake of uniformity.

I'd just be mad that i'd have to parade that thing around all day on my head and would probably cringe when i saw myself in the wedding photos, lol.
We I agree with some of the other ladies it is her wedding and maybe she is going for an over all look... You do own wigs so it's not like you are apposed to having a different hairstyle!

It's not like she wants you to straighten your hair all the time or whenever you go to the movies etc. If she has never expressed dislike for you natural hair in the past then, maybe you are reading to much into this. You should just take if for what it is a request from the bride:yep:

I don't think her request was that out of line...but in any case you should def talk to her about it, just to clear the air:yep:
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I didn't have time to read all the responses so I hope I'm not being repetitive. I was in my girlfriends' wedding a few years ago. It was July, hotter than a mug, and humidity of 100%. She made us all go to the same beautician and get our hair done straight. I did it but it was not cute when my hair looked like a lion at the end of the day ( I could have done that myself without the time and expense I had to give).

I'm great with updos and could have done my own elegant updo myself. Later she acknowledged this. She was a bridezilla pure and simple. I never understood the need to have everyone look the same. In the end, we all looked different anyway and I garnered a lot of attention away from the bride with my huge mane! LOL

Funny, 5 years later, it's not about that day but keeping the communication going and the marriage in tact. IMO - We spend too much time and money on a ceremony.

Now this is something I might object to. What if the beautician she selected sucks and would fry my hair?! :ohwell:
I don't really get how this was/or could be a bridezilla request.

Like someone else said if I don't like someone you will NOT be at my wedding, let alone be a bridesmaid. Being a bridesmaid at MY wedding (and all weddings I assume, lol) is an honor and a reflection of the fact you are an important part of my life both of my past and of my future.

I know what kind of work I put into planning for prom and a wedding is 1000x that. If I am stressed about the caterers, stressed about the room, stressed about my mother-in-law, stressed about the groom, stressed about my dress, and just STRESSED about everything the ONLY thing I ask you as a friend is don't add to my stress and please RESPECT my wishes and help me. Please wear the dress I picked, please understand I love you but I don't want people to look at my wedding photos and go "Aww you all look so - ...WOW look at that one's eyebrows!", please shave your pits or legs if they are visible or you are excessively hairy, just PLEASE.

If someone is a close friend and someone you hold dear to you then I would think you'd sacrifice a little bit more than your personal comfort for a single day. I know I've turned to friends with desperate requests and seen them climb mountains trying to make me feel better. THAT is how I know they are my friends and that is why I love them. If they said to me "Girl, I love you but I need your hair up, down, curly, straight, longer, shorter.", I'd nod my head and reply "Alright girl.", simple as that.

Sometimes it's just not about us. Simple as that.
It is her day and it is for one day wear the wig until after the wedding ceremony and for the reception be natural and be a friend to her as you would be if you was not wearing the wig.
If she never mention your hair before then it maybe just that is what she want for her day.
Being a bridemaid means do what the bride wants sometimes. That is why it is good to think a lot before you say yes because you may end up wearing an ugly dress, wearing wig, walking with an ugly guy, spending money for stuff you will never use again and lots more.
You go to the wedding and enjoy and do not forget to share pictures with us so we can see how cute you look in the wig and beautiful after in the reception with you natural hair......
PS. If you think someone requesting you wear a certain hairstyle is being a bridezilla Girrrrrlll WATCH the show Bridezilla on WE, you will be INFORMED.
Now this is something I might object to. What if the beautician she selected sucks and would fry my hair?! :ohwell:

I was hot. She used the old fashioned iron to straighten my hair and a ton of grease on each strand. I just looked a HOT *** mess. I had a great beautician who could get my hair straight without all that heat and grease.
I'd be extremely pissed but if she were a good friend i'd just slap on a wig. One day won't hurt, although personally i know i'd feel way less attractive in it and might have to work harder to exude my normal confidence about my look, lol.

In your specific case OP it's hard to tell if she is just a raging bridezilla or if there are other, more sinister motives to her requesting that you wear straight hair. White folks don't know ish about black womens' hair issues and she probably doesn't think she said anything wrong by requesting that...for instance if she had a another white girlfriend who had curly hair she might've requested that she wear her hair straight as well for the sake of uniformity.

I'd just be mad that i'd have to parade that thing around all day on my head and would probably cringe when i saw myself in the wedding photos, lol.

OP wears wigs anyway, so why would she cringe?Unless she normally cringed when she sees herself in the wigs she already owns and wears.
why not get an ankle length yaki straight weave and drag that ish' alllll the way down the aisle?

O kay kay kay!!!! Love it!!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

In all seriousness, it's her day, we'll never know her true intentions...I'd just wear the wig and not straighten my own hair.
I guess I don't understand this "uniform" thing, especially if she's the only black bridesmaid. How hard is it to find white women with "different" hairstyles? Their hairstyle is straight; they're set already!

You don't seriously believe this do you?:perplexed
Wow. I'm not married but these comments about "IT'S HER DAY" "UNIFORMITY" IT'S HER SPECIAL TIME" really bother me. Being a bride does not mean you are a dictator. If I get married the only requirements for bridesmaids are to have the same dress color and length.

It kind of disgusts me how women get so wrapped up in the party/event and not the actual sacred concept.
Wow. I'm not married but these comments about "IT'S HER DAY" "UNIFORMITY" IT'S HER SPECIAL TIME" really bother me. Being a bride does not mean you are a dictator. If I get married the only requirements for bridesmaids are to have the same dress color and length.

It kind of disgusts me how women get so wrapped up in the party/event and not the actual sacred concept.

It's the OP's decision. If she doesn't want to straiten her hair, she doesn't have to. Most bridesmaids do what the bride asks so her day would be just as she wishes. You really only understand if it is YOUR wedding. Most of all, friends of the bride gladly accept because they want to make their friend happy. It isn't about a "dictatorship." :rolleyes: I find it really amazing that this is such a big deal. I wonder if this would be a big deal if the bride was black.:nono:

I would ask her is she going to pay for someone to straighten your hair or give you money to buy a straight wig. . If not, then you do not need to have your hair straightened. It is her wedding request- not yours!
It's the OP's decision. If she doesn't want to straiten her hair, she doesn't have to. Most bridesmaids do what the bride asks so her day would be just as she wishes. You really only understand if it is YOUR wedding. Most of all, friends of the bride gladly accept because they want to make their friend happy. It isn't about a "dictatorship." :rolleyes: I find it really amazing that this is such a big deal. I wonder if this would be a big deal if the bride was black.:nono:

My comment isn't even a response to what the OP said or what the bride said. My response addresses the people who have a viewpoint similar to yours. That "IT'S HER DAY" thing is just so cheesy to me. Most of the people with all of these demands and specifications don't even think about actually being married. I'm not saying that "others" such as bridesmaids should just go against the grain for the heck of it, but being a bride doesn't mean that the world revolves around you.
I completely agree with the OP, I would be upset, I think anyone would be it is the equivalent of her asking her friend to don an afro wig.
Wow. I'm not married but these comments about "IT'S HER DAY" "UNIFORMITY" IT'S HER SPECIAL TIME" really bother me. Being a bride does not mean you are a dictator. If I get married the only requirements for bridesmaids are to have the same dress color and length.

It kind of disgusts me how women get so wrapped up in the party/event and not the actual sacred concept.

Sorry but you're making this way bigger than it is. You're not married but try this, when or if you went to your prom did they have 18 different party favors, 14 different color schemes, 3 different types of decorations, and 19 different color balloons? No? Why? Because uniformity makes for an elegant but beautiful occassion.

It has nothing to do with a dicatorship but you do need to appreciate this is someone's special time. Some women have been daydreaming about their weddings since they were 5 and they've slowly been adjusting this fantasy all throughout their lives and ESPECIALLY before their wedding. Something that important to someone is worthy of respect.

When a woman spends time planning for a specific and special event such as her wedding she tries to think of everything including what will look best, what will work best, what will be most reasonable while still looking special and be as close to a fairytale as she can achieve. So if she wants people to wear all the same color or one shade of a color or one type of dress it's because she wants everyone to look their best in HER opinion.

And as someone who's seen a wedding planning in process you won't think hair is a big deal till you look up one day and realize that with your bridesmaid's hair looking the way it does your wedding will look a hot mess.
I completely agree with the OP, I would be upset, I think anyone would be it is the equivalent of her asking her friend to don an afro wig.

A friend had a theme wedding and that's EXACTLY whats she did. The entire rainbow of races she had as her bridesmaids rocked Afros, false eyelashes and somehow the worked in gold lame'.

Another theme wedding was the shot gun wedding. Whoa! That was fun. The bridesmaids had to be barefoot and the groomsmen wore overalls and it was held in a barn. It was the best. I am sure the bridesmaids weren't to thrilled with their out fits or the bits of straw in their hair, but they went along with it, because the bride was their friend and it was her special request on her special day.

I would ask her is she going to pay for someone to straighten your hair or give you money to buy a straight wig. . If not, then you do not need to have your hair straightened. It is her wedding request- not yours!

OP already said she has wigs, she already wears wigs and could wear a wig to the wedding. I think some folks just want to be outraged.
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