My friend wants me to straighten my hair for her wedding!

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This is what I dont get and its not limited to this thread. If I see something one way and you see it another, must something be wrong with me? Am I retarded and somehow jealous of some unknown factor b/c I dont see things your way? Now THAT seems retarded.

Carry on folks.

I really thought that by the amount of pages of this thread that the OP had come back in and set the record straight.

I am surprised that the nastiness has continued for so long after the OP said she would be willing to wear the wig.

I can not believe that the OP questioning if she was reading too much into her YT friend asking her to straighten or hide her hair. She never seemed defiant, difficult, jealous, typical black woman with an attitude or any of the other words that have been used in this thread. She honestly seemed like she wanted a reality check or to vent and KIM.
I think she fully intended to appease her friend, after all, she has already purchased the dress and shoes that the friend requested. She also stated that not being in the wedding was not an option for her.
If everyone is wearing an up do, I don't see why she can't have a naturally styled up do.
If everyone is wearing their hair straight then she has to make the decision on whether to wear a wig or straighten.
OP has not come back in here to clarify whether the request was a slight towards her or a request for uniformity so why the cattiness and almost attacks against her?
She never came back. Everything after her initial posts have been nothing but assumptions for the most part and people getting their own personal feelings involved.

Folks stay projecting and assuming stuff on this board but it does make for good entertainment :lol:.
This thread is this long because one was asked to straighten their hair for a friend's wedding......really...c'mon!
Nothing's wrong with a wig, I guess. I have three that I LOVE.

I guess it just hurts my feelings that she feels MY hair isn't good enough for her wedding.

Honestly I don't think it's that she feels your hair isn't good enough... I just think that maybe she wants a certain look for her wedding. I don't think it's much different from brides a that ask the bridesmaids to wear uniform hairstyles. I guess it's just one of those things you do for friends...
I didn't run away, yall..I promise! I've been really busy with work and such.

I read each and every response, and I'm SO thankful for ALL of the feedback. I talked to the bride the day after I posted this. I'm just going to bite the bullet and wear a wig. Yeah, it sucks...but it's only one day, and in the grand scheme of things, this one thing really isn't going to matter.
Oh, and I apologize for starting a huge fight on the board. I had no idea that my question was going to go on for 7+ pages! I really do appreciate all of the feedback, though. It's interesting seeing everyone's take on it.
Oh, and I apologize for starting a huge fight on the board. I had no idea that my question was going to go on for 7+ pages! I really do appreciate all of the feedback, though. It's interesting seeing everyone's take on it.

So was it for uniformity?
It's not for uniformity. The other bridesmaids are wearing their hair in different ways -- some up, some down. She's just not comfortable with the way my hair looks. It hurts, but it's just one day. I'll grin and bear it.
Aaah I see! Im sorry you're in this position but I hope everything works out for the best. JW, did you explain to her that you were hurt?
Now since it's not for uniformity I would not be in the wedding! If it had been for uniformity I would have said wear the wig!
It's not for uniformity. The other bridesmaids are wearing their hair in different ways -- some up, some down. She's just not comfortable with the way my hair looks. It hurts, but it's just one day. I'll grin and bear it.

Let me just tell you that your hair is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!:yep:
It's not for uniformity. The other bridesmaids are wearing their hair in different ways -- some up, some down. She's just not comfortable with the way my hair looks. It hurts, but it's just one day. I'll grin and bear it.

Oh no. I'm sorry your friend feels that way, veggiegirl.

But that's only her opinion. We know differently! :yep:
Aaah I see! Im sorry you're in this position but I hope everything works out for the best. JW, did you explain to her that you were hurt?

No, I didn't. I didn't want her to think that I was trying to make this all about me. I'll probably tell her how much it hurt AFTER the wedding is over, but not now. I don't want to bring anyone else down.
I guess Im late to the party but NO I wouldn't wear a wig. I'd wear a certain dress, with a certain color, with certain shoes, but Im not straightening my hair for your DAY nor would I ask someone else to straighten, cut, add a weave to be in my wedding. You either take all or you take none. If I had that much of a problem with their hair I wouldn't invite them to be in my wedding and if it was that big of a problem that I couldn't get over I didn't want them to be in it anyway. OP I know you're going to tell her after the wedding but what are you going to do? Straighten or not?
^Why instigate? I don't see the point in starting a riot. Of course the opinions are gonna change now that we know the situation but the points have already been discussed and OP has already made her decision to wear the wig.
That's muffed up of the friend.She knew what your hair looked like when she asked you to be in the wedding. She should have mentioned the hair thing the same time she asked you.

The vast majority of women are sensitive about their hair,and just based on that fact alone,she should have mentioned this to you a long time ago. I'm sure she can relate to any woman when it comes to that,different hair type or not.

Thanks for updating op.:yep:
I didn't run away, yall..I promise! I've been really busy with work and such.

I read each and every response, and I'm SO thankful for ALL of the feedback. I talked to the bride the day after I posted this. I'm just going to bite the bullet and wear a wig. Yeah, it sucks...but it's only one day, and in the grand scheme of things, this one thing really isn't going to matter.

So glad you worked it out. :yep:
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