My DH, Lennie Small


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My DH, Lennie Small and the Abominable Snowman

I know most of you who grew up in the US were required to read Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men growing up. One of the characters in the book was named, Lennie.

Lennie Small was described as a mentally disabled, but physically strong man who travels with George and is his constant companion.[4] He dreams of "living off the fatta' the lan'" and being able to tend to rabbits. His love for soft things conspires against him, mostly because he doesn't know his own strength, and eventually becomes his undoing.

The book was frequently parodied by Looney Tunes cartoons.

Meet DH:


Bugs is me.

My DH does not have a mental disability... :lol: However, DH does not know his own strength. He is tall, very muscular and very heavy handed. :look:

I love DH and his physique but his love hurts. :lol:


1. When we sleep at night and he rolls my way to cuddle with me and pulls me close with his arms, I feel like I'm being crushed. It usually wakes me up. I have to move arms, ribs, hips, and shift so that I'm not being crushed. He tends to lean in towards me at the same time so I feel like I'm in a trash compactor. Sometimes I have to fight to move his arm from my rib cage to my waist where his arm doesn't feel so heavy.

2. When we play wrestle, it's more of the same. He pins me down playfully and I'm squealing. He always let's go but I'm like lighten up DH. You are too rough. I don't wrestle with him much. :nono:

3. Hugs. Hugs are like well...more trash compactors.

4. If he just accidentally bumps into me I about go flying across the room. :lol:

5. Massages. Forget it. He says he's massaging as light as he can but it always feels like he's trying to massage my bones.

This is what life is like with DH:

Classic Looney Tunes:

DH : Oh, what a cute little Wife!
[cradling me]
DH: Just what I always wanted. My own wittle wife. I will name her and I will hug her and pet her and squeeze her...
ME: I'm not a bunny rabbit...
DH: ...and pat her and pet her and...
ME: You're hurting me. Put me down, please.
DH: ...and rub her and caress her and...
ME: [shouts] I ain't no bunny rabbit!

I kid, of course, it doesn't stop us from coloring but whoooo I have to be careful. :lol: I wish I could do something to make him not be so heavy bodied because I know he doesn't do it on purpose. I wonder if anyone else's DH or SO is like this. :lol:
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DF is lean and not heavy-handed body-wise. But he can get very bombastic in his way of doing things. Like in the kitchen, he chops food items as if he were a Hibachi cook entertaining patrons ;) lol. I used to give him the side-eye because of all the messy cleanup with food bits flying everywhere. But now, I just shrug. And he is a sweetheart when it comes to cleaning after cooking.
OT: letskeepntouch

Is your signature quote a throwback to The Swede from He!! On Wheels?

NO.But, I know what you are talking about and why you would think that. That is hilarious. :lol:

No, I just like to "cruise like a Norwegian". :lol:

This song is also my ringtone because it is so catchy. :lol: Some folks don't like the commercial because it's stereotypical but whenever I watch the video I really want to get on another ship. :drunk:
My dh is the same way, I've been calling him a silverback gorilla for years now. :lachen: He's built like a fit line backer. Luckily he's around my height so when he rolls over and tries to use me as a pillow I don't have too much trouble getting from under him. :lol: The wrestling thing isn't so bad because I grew up rough housinng but every once in a while he just uses all his weight to pin me and I have to tap out. lol But I'm a big girl myself so it isn't so bad I guess. :spinning::lachen:

I still love my Silver back though! :lick:
DF is lean and not heavy-handed body-wise. But he can get very bombastic in his way of doing things. Like in the kitchen, he chops food items as if he were a Hibachi cook entertaining patrons ;) lol. I used to give him the side-eye because of all the messy cleanup with food bits flying everywhere. But now, I just shrug. And he is a sweetheart when it comes to cleaning after cooking.

OMG. My SO is the same way. I could have typed this. And he is not a big guy either but he is very heavy handed. I am constantly saying ouch! He has become more observant of that though.
Yea boo was down for the weekend and he kept pulling me towards him and it was jolting me because I was standing and then here he comes pulling me and making me loose my balance it was pretty annoying. I told him he's heavy handed and he said he had to be otherwise I wouldn't come close to him. I think he doesn't care. This may be a serious issue of not respecting my request to be gentle.
My BF is a bull in a china shop. Walks heavy, sleeps heavy, sits heavy. He used to just slap his big ol heavy hand over my stomach when I was pregnant. I banned him from touching me while I sleep and he learned to place it gently. Still heavy as all get out. The boy and I are always rolling into him (cosleepers). He had to and is still learning how to be more gentle. He is also learning how to be more aware of where he puts his paw...hands.
My BF is a bull in a china shop. Walks heavy, sleeps heavy, sits heavy. He used to just slap his big ol heavy hand over my stomach when I was pregnant. I banned him from touching me while I sleep and he learned to place it gently. Still heavy as all get out. The boy and I are always rolling into him (cosleepers). He had to and is still learning how to be more gentle. He is also learning how to be more aware of where he puts his paw...hands.

You guys now have me wondering if he can't or he won't. :lol:
Ummm hello. I know someone else out there has a heavy handed, DH :lol:

I understand 100%! Hubs is solid muscle and has no idea. Our running joke it's that I do anything to AVOID tripping or falling around him.
Last time, we were in the kitchen, he launched to save me from falling by grabbing my forearm and yanking UP.
I flew up, and off the ground, swung in a semi circle and landed several feet from where I stumbled. Or rather I dangled, because he was still holding up my arm!!!
When he let go, I crumpled to the ground like a raggedy Ann doll.

He follows with... "Careful, you almost got hurt there!" - goes back to reading the paper.
Me, cradling my crumpled arse arm, waiting for the bloodflow and sensation to return to my hand, still sitting on the floor in a bedraggled heap.

I love my man, tho!
I dated a guy like this- I felt too much of a ragdoll. He could hold both of my ankles with one hand. He weighed almost 3 times my weight and was a firefighter. Physically we were NOT a match!!!!

Low and behold he's committed to a much heftier woman and they look so much better together.
DH is like this. He's much bigger than I am and I have to keep reminding him to be careful with me. He's gotten much better over the years, he hardly ever steps on me anymore, lol.
Lol... SO other is heavy handed and he is also a big guy. He used to crush me( I have put on a few pounds) but he had learned to be more gentle.
Yes!! Mine is like this- I've just told him off about it this evening when he managed to break the brush from my cute yellow tiger print dustpan and brush set whilst cleaning.

I don't know how he managed to do it- I even asked him to kindly put it back in one piece as I know what he's like! Aaaargh!

He's so rough and heavy handed with things always wrenching things off by accident and breaking things when trying to open or put things together I'm always saying to him "calm down.." and "take your time.." lol Even his own, (very macho and manly) brother says to him you're too rough.

Massages... He's over zealous there too-ouch!!

However, strangely with colouring...somehow he's ultra delicate, sensitive and gentle with that unless I request otherwise :look:
Yes!! Mine is like this- I've just told him off about it this evening when he managed to break the brush from my cute yellow tiger print dustpan and brush set whilst cleaning.

I don't know how he managed to do it- I even asked him to kindly put it back in one piece as I know what he's like! Aaaargh!

He's so rough and heavy handed with things always wrenching things off by accident and breaking things when trying to open or put things together I'm always saying to him "calm down.." and "take your time.." lol Even his own, (very macho and manly) brother says to him you're too rough.

Massages... He's over zealous there too-ouch!!

However, strangely with colouring...somehow he's ultra delicate, sensitive and gentle with that unless I request otherwise :look:

:lol: DH recently broke our shark vac handle pushing it. For weeks now I've had to bend way over to steam mop the hardwood floors. :lol: He will be picking one up the next time I catch him going to Walmart. I was like HOW HOW HOW did you do that? I use it a million times and it's fine. You use it once and it's broken.

He also puts the lids back on everything so tightly I cannot get it open. My biggest pet peeve is my lemon juice. I use lemon juice to cook and I always have to walk all the way upstairs with the bottle to get him to open it because I can't without tearing the skin on my hands. He uses it to "season" his water and I'm this close to just buying him his own bottle so he'll leave the family's alone.

They sound very similar regarding the bolded.
^ LOL omg I said exactly the same to him! How do I use it so many times and you break it first time! Aaargh- thanks for this thread, I know I'm not alone lol

I also told him he's buying me a new set haha it's only fair
SO is heavy handed with certain things. It has it's uses sometimes.

Like his massages are so deep, I just ask for them when I have a sports injury/soreness now and it heals it right up:look:. He can also get my neck back into place when it's hurting.

He's teaching me MMA and Jiu jitsu because I want to be able to get away from any potential male attackers. When we finish I'm hurting like ouch lol. But at least I have a rough idea of the realistic force of a man while I learn the moves.

He's not heavy when touching private parts thank god, but maybe an ex told him about that IDK:lol:

I fooled around with one heavy handed guy and he rubbed me so hard I thought down there would set on fire lol.
LMAO!! How long have you two been together OP?
DH was like that in the very beginning, I had to show him how to be gentle with me and save his roughness for other people. He learned very quick. Now it's almost annoying how gentle he is with me at certain times. Like I'm made of glass or something.

Tho I did have to teach him how to shake a woman's hand after he squeezed the mess out of this poor realtor we met with.