My 3rd Successful Flat Ironing Since 4 Weeks Ago!


New Member
Hey ladies :grin:
I just got done flat-ironing my hair after a wash, DC and blow dry earlier today. I am PLEASED. I have to say these are the best results I've had since I first started re-introducing weekly heat a month ago into my transitioning.

The first time I flat ironed my hair last month, I was already at least 4 months post relaxer. (I didn't even do my own hair that day--I had a friend do it for my birthday so I don't even think that counts. :ohwell:) Since then, I've had like ONE other successful attempt at flat ironing it on my own. That was two weeks ago. That means last week's attempt was a total disaster, and the other 2 times before that since my birthday 4 weeks ago were just as bad.

I know this will probably be redundant, but if any transitioners out there are having trouble getting their hair as straight as they want it, maybe the method I used will help:

1.In the shower, I shampooed with Aussie Moist (only one good lather so I wouldnt dry my scalp/hair out!). I conditioned with Tresemme Moisture Rich conditioner twice before rinsing, and I didn't really rinse it all out. Maybe like 80%
2.I towel dried, and then combed Neutrogena Triple Moisture Recovery Mask through my hair in two sections. Even with my shower comb, it was kind of hard to comb so I just applied a good amount of Aussie Hair Insurance Leave In Spray as a sort of detangler. It worked! It gave me slip, and for more slip I added a little more of the NTM Mask and combed that thru again. Then I put on my plastic cap and sat for 25 minutes before rinsing it out in the sink. Again, I only rinsed out about 80% of it.
3.Next I separated my hair into two sections, and blow-dried each one on the 'cool' setting until it was dry. I wasn't satisfied with the level of straightness, so after applying my moisturizer (Optimum Oil Therapy) I blowdried again first on medium for less than 5 minutes, and then on high for the same amount of time. When I was done blow-drying, it was sooo soft!!! I did all this in under an hour, but was pressed for time so I didn't flat iron til much later.
4.When I flat ironed, I took my shower comb and parted my hair into 4 sections which I secured with pony tail holders. As I started each section I parted them into mini-sections and flat ironed those. The smaller sections allowed me to get down to the new growth really fast and much easier than previous times (when I didn't make my sections as small). To protect my hair from the heat I used Motions Heat Seeker Protecting Spray. I had used Tresemme Heat Tamer Spray the other times I tried to flat-iron, and with that one I could just hear my hair frying because of the high alcohol content. The Motions protectant barely caused a fizzle throughout the entire hour and 15 minutes I spent flat-ironing my hair. Me likey! :grin: As I held the mini-sections up to be straightened, I did a little search-and-destroying. I cut between 1/8 of an inch to 1/4 of inch each time I was about to straighten a section of hair. I know I didn't use the right scissors but it still feels right!

My hair looks great. Soft, thick, shiny, and for the most part my extremely curly 4a/4b coils are laying down nicely. I just had an episode with my family about my 'out-of-control' hair that is now approaching six months since my last relaxer and my confidence took a real blow. Now I feel good about my hair and I'm thinking this transitioning thing just might be a breeze

I posted a pic for the length check....I have no other 'before' shots to compare it to, but I can say that I just did a 1/4 inch trim throughout the bottom layer of my hair tonight. I also did a 1/4-inch trim all over my head like three weeks ago and my hair is even longer in the back now than it was BEFORE I did the trim three weeks ago. So I guess it's growing =D


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very nice!!! I want to try this on my sister's hair!!
she is transitioning and my family is giving her grief

how long did it take you?
it looks lovely
Hi Sharifeh!
Thanks for replying and another thanks for the compliment=D

Let's see how long did it take me....
-Well the shampoo and conditioning part in the shower was nothing...
somewhere around 15 minutes
-combing the DC through was a little difficult so that took me about 10 minutes and then I let it sit for 25 minutes. So for that portion I would say I spent 35 minutes...
-blow drying the hair took 20 minutes on each side, as crazy as that sounds. -when I flat ironed it, the process took me about an hour & 15 because I took my time and was also clipping my ends as I went.

so altogether I would say it took me 2 hours & 45 minutes. YIKES! lol
Your hair looks really thick and full of body. I'm jealous. :yep:
Which iron did you use, and on what temperature?
And did you do it in any specific way (bump the ends under, comb chase, etc)?