Moving location...


New Member
... in order to embark on a relationship with someone.

Example: you meet Mr X whilst he's on holiday. There's mad chemistry between you and you get along like a house on fire. He goes back to his usual place of residence and you chat online/on the phone almost everyday. One day he asks if you would consider moving to where he is because he wants to be with you.
Would you do it? For that matter, have any of you ever done it? How did it turn out? :drunk:
... in order to embark on a relationship with someone.

Example: you meet Mr X whilst he's on holiday. There's mad chemistry between you and you get along like a house on fire. He goes back to his usual place of residence and you chat online/on the phone almost everyday. One day he asks if you would consider moving to where he is because he wants to be with you.
Would you do it? For that matter, have any of you ever done it? How did it turn out? :drunk:

No sorry I would not do it :nono: I am not moving for anyone but a husband.
That's taking to big a chance for me.
No sorry I would not do it :nono: I am not moving for anyone but a husband.
That's taking to big a chance for me.
ITA Uh why can't he move to you instead? If you weren't planning on going anywhere near his area/state/country before please don't move for a man. :nono:
ITA Uh why can't he move to you instead? If you weren't planning on going anywhere near his area/state/country before please don't move for a man. :nono:

This is the first thing that popped into my mind. I would never move for a man unless we are married. It would bother me if a man would ask me if I would move for him, especially if they didn not mention that they would do the same. My SO told me that he would follow me and I think any man will do that for a woman if he could or is willing to (even if it a slim chance that they cannot, they would still mention it).
... in order to embark on a relationship with someone.

Example: you meet Mr X whilst he's on holiday. There's mad chemistry between you and you get along like a house on fire. He goes back to his usual place of residence and you chat online/on the phone almost everyday. One day he asks if you would consider moving to where he is because he wants to be with you.
Would you do it? For that matter, have any of you ever done it? How did it turn out? :drunk:

It really is advisable that the two of you to actually date at some point before talking about living together etc.
You really can't get the measure of man via emails, phone calls and texts alone.
How long have you been chatting? Where does he live?

He sounds like a joker I used to know
It really is advisable that the two of you to actually date at some point before talking about living together etc.
You really can't get the measure of man via emails, phone calls and texts alone.
How long have you been chatting? Where does he live?

He sounds like a joker I used to know

Errr who said this was about me? lol :grin:
I'm just posing a hypothetical...
Errr who said this was about me? lol :grin:
I'm just posing a hypothetical...

:look:Ehm ok - tell your 'friend' what I said then!
My answer is No.
I think this is one of those things where he wants to see how much he means to the woman. He wants to see how high he can make her jump :perplexed

I would tell him, I would love to spend more time with you, but I can't move because of work/family/other situation. If you would come here though, we could get to know eachother better.
My SO actually relocated to be with me after I graduated undergrad. I was moving back home to SC and he is from Atlanta, so he actually moved up there for ME! He found a job and everything. And I didn't ask him to. He didn't know anyone and was homesick practically the whole time we were there. But that was what HE wanted to do in order to be with me. Now I have since relocated back to Atlanta with him. Granted I grew up there for a few years and have a lot of family and friends in the area, but I feel like I was kind of returning the favor for him. It has worked out fine since we are still together. I thought it was very sweet of him to do that for me.
My SO actually relocated to be with me after I graduated undergrad. I was moving back home to SC and he is from Atlanta, so he actually moved up there for ME! He found a job and everything. And I didn't ask him to. He didn't know anyone and was homesick practically the whole time we were there. But that was what HE wanted to do in order to be with me. Now I have since relocated back to Atlanta with him. Granted I grew up there for a few years and have a lot of family and friends in the area, but I feel like I was kind of returning the favor for him. It has worked out fine since we are still together. I thought it was very sweet of him to do that for me.

Agreed. That was rather sweet of him. Personally I couldn't do it. I'm set in my ways and a relocation to an unfamiliar place just to be with a man doesn't sit well with me.