More than 1 man

Candy_C said:
BUMP" cos theres alot of unfinished business in this post LOL

i've recently purchased ginie Polo how to marry the rich...

intriguing is not the word, and i've dated 2 rich guys since

i'm dating more than 1 man at the moment, but i've jus tabout kissed one of them, and thats it, we've been to restuarants, bars and cinemas..the last 2months

i'm not sure which one i REAAALLLYY like, so i'm not sure if iwant to go beyond dating with them at all

i'm analysing them on just a few levels:

-chivalry (opening doors etc)
-money spendeture (do they wait for me to pay for the cab? do they ask for petrol!! *could never!!* or do they run when its time 4 the bill?)

but i'm running out of date ideeas!!!

:lachen: :lachen:

I'm not laughing at your situation...but at the unfinished business comment. Since you quoted my post, I'm assuming there is some reference to me. But sorry, I've shared all I'm gonna share on this one. :) I will say that life is still good for me and DH and we're living it honestly and more in love than ever.

Now what is your question about your situation? Are you asking for date ideas? Girl, I have none. I let the menfolk figure that one out, otherwise I stay at home and watch Law and Order SVU reruns. :lachen:
I have always dated more than 1 guy. It was the way I was brought up.

For me I was enjoying life and I always got bored easily. I enjoyed the company of different men for different reasons and I don't regret any of it!

I am married now, so now I have only one guy.
Cichelle said:
:lachen: :lachen:

I'm not laughing at your situation...but at the unfinished business comment. Since you quoted my post, I'm assuming there is some reference to me. But sorry, I've shared all I'm gonna share on this one. :) I will say that life is still good for me and DH and we're living it honestly and more in love than ever.

Now what is your question about your situation? Are you asking for date ideas? Girl, I have none. I let the menfolk figure that one out, otherwise I stay at home and watch Law and Order SVU reruns. :lachen:

haha your so funny

Yes your marriage in unconventional, but i cant see any of you leaving each other as it works for you! very refreshing

yeah i wil llet them worry about that, i just dont wanan be doing the same ole same ole ya know?
Well i have more than one. I have one that i like more than the others. I am not sure what we are doing at this point and it is too soon to say that we are dating exclusively. I dont think he is so why should i? I wise woman once said, " I am too pretty and there are too many men waiting in line for me to have just one" and so i do. Now if things got serious with mr selfish( meaning he got to be less selfish) then maybe i would get rid of the other guys, but there are always some men who are in my life for different reasons... But there are some that i date and they chill out. I dont sleep with all of them, but i do sleep with the main one..
Candy_C said:
lol WHAT?!" spit it out! are y'all ashamed of me :mad:



i like variety, i aint settling down with no punk lol

I get you, Candy.

Yeah, I am just surprised because I didn’t expect more than a handful of ladies would have more than one. It is good to ask.
I am single and as I get older, I have decided that until I get married I will keep my options very open (will not ‘sleep around’ though, for lack of a better word) so I have more than one male friend. Life is interesting that way AND it is also a lot easier to implement ‘The Rules’ or the ‘The *****’ (as in ‘Why men love *****es’).LOL:lol:
I dont think its anything wrong with dating more than one man at a time..Men do it all the time...they date more than one woman...when I did have the one man and didnt have any male friends or was committed i ended up being hurt in the yes it maybe a trust issue also that i have with men from that time of being hurt and lonely at the end...but i made a vow to myself that I wldnt shut out having other male friends or relationships with other men if i was in a relationship with a man...(i sometimes would refer to it as a back up plan, lol, i know it sounds like a business plan but hey thats how i look at it)

now when it comes to sex...i would only have one sexual partner at a time, even when i wasnt what you would call dating the person(thats how ive always been) i dont want any questions coming up later on on who ive been with and when i had sex with this person(dont want to turn it into a Maury baby daddy situation)
bluediamond0829 said:
I dont think its anything wrong with dating more than one man at a time..Men do it all the time...they date more than one woman...when I did have the one man and didnt have any male friends or was committed i ended up being hurt in the yes it maybe a trust issue also that i have with men from that time of being hurt and lonely at the end...but i made a vow to myself that I wldnt shut out having other male friends or relationships with other men if i was in a relationship with a man...(i sometimes would refer to it as a back up plan, lol, i know it sounds like a business plan but hey thats how i look at it)

now when it comes to sex...i would only have one sexual partner at a time, even when i wasnt what you would call dating the person(thats how ive always been) i dont want any questions coming up later on on who ive been with and when i had sex with this person(dont want to turn it into a Maury baby daddy situation)

i stick to this too

i keep my end of the deall
you treat me good, we get on, and you care for me, you'l lbe the only one experiencing my goodness
My .02 cents... methinks there are a bunch more ladies on this site who've knocked boots with more than one of the guys on their rosters...

they just don't want to be judged for admitting it. Trust... it is the RARE man who is dating more than one woman and ONLY sleeping with one. We perpetuate our own double-standards, for better or for worse.

Now as for me, I've got a couple of men on the roster. My main guy is here and the rest are around the country. And when mama is out of town.... mama is OUT OF TOWN. :cool:
Unless, there is a guy w/ whom I want to be serious (it takes a lot for me to get to that point), I keep my options open. I'm honest w/ them and let them know about the others. If they have a problem w/ that, then they are free to move on b/c if I'm not ready to be in a serious relationship, then it's just not happening. As far being intimate w/ all of them, uh, that's a NO! :nono: Again, if that's a problem, then they can keep it moving.
There is no reason to only date one man unless you have a commitment to one special guy.

I have never done it, but I would if I wanted to :yep:
As long as we're just dating/friends - why limit yourself?
the dating frenzy has dwendled down, Im soo busy with everything...and a few times I slept with 2 guys within a few days of eachother :look: but thats as far as i took it.
Candy_C said:
are there any ladies who keep more then one man

whether u sleep with them all

you sleep with one and date the other(s)

or you have a boyfriend and u play the field

or are you just playa.

i'm kinda young and havin my fun. i still think its a bit dirty to sleep with more than one guy. i would have to dump one to sleep with the next..

but are there any ladies that think its ok to have more than 1 man at a time, or have u had any experiences where it went wrong..or maybe you found the ONE for you when u experienced a few more then just 1??
I've done it before, but everyone I was dating (4 guys) knew that I was dating other people, so there was no secrets or hurt feelings. I knew a few of them were dating other people, too.
I wasn't interested in being serious with anyone at that time, so I wasn't.:ohwell:
I wanted to be taken out and spoiled and dance and all that, so I did.:grin:
I don't have sex with anyone but I'm not opposed to accepting dates from several different men until I reach a point that I want to be exclusive with one. I'm trying to get away from serial monogamy, getting my heart involved way too soon.
SkinnyMocah said:
I don't have sex with anyone but I'm not opposed to accepting dates from several different men until I reach a point that I want to be exclusive with one. I'm trying to get away from serial monogamy, getting my heart involved way too soon.

That's an interesting concept......
Men call me a player only because they see me meeting men all the time. It doesn’t make me a player though. Until I find the “right” one, I will keep meeting and dating. There is NOTHING wrong w/ it.

Yes, I’ve dated more than one at a time but as soon as there is disrespect, then he’s OUT the door. There has to be a mutual respect.
Cichelle said:
I'm married and I have 2 men. No secrets or sneaking around, though. Everyone knows about everyone. I only have sex with my husband, though. But that's my decision.

Whoa...girly! :-)
You say you are married and hubby is okay with it? Wow...that's deep. I'm in no way judging you, do you if that's what makes ya'll happy. I have to ask, Why are you married and cheating on your husband? It really is cheating regardless if he knows about it or not.

Do you ever feel bad about this situation because it contradicts the 'forsaking all others" in your vows. Speaking for only me...I could not have a husband and a man. I can only have one or the other.
kit-kat said:
I am in a serious relationship like 9 years. I was faithful to my one man until I found naked pictures of another girl in his car. After that, I started dating this married guy that I work with, strictly sex and having fun. While enjoying this new friendship, I started dating another man that I was interested in. He too is married, but things happen and we ended up having sex as well.
I use condoms with my man as well as the other two. I have serious issues with trusting men. I'm sure that later in life, I will find my soulmate and I will be faithful to him, but right now, I'm enjoying myself.

Eliza, this is so true!!!! "Please don't judge is too short to limit your pleasures."

I always hear people say this. If life is too short, I sure as hell don't want to spend it reaping all the craziness i've done. Where's the fun in that?
syze6 said:
Whoa...girly! :-)
You say you are married and hubby is okay with it? Wow...that's deep. I'm in no way judging you, do you if that's what makes ya'll happy. I have to ask, Why are you married and cheating on your husband? It really is cheating regardless if he knows about it or not.

Do you ever feel bad about this situation because it contradicts the 'forsaking all others" in your vows. Speaking for only me...I could not have a husband and a man. I can only have one or the other.

I won't attempt to speak for Cichelle, but I beg to differ, everyone's marriage is different, there is no one size fits all. I know more than one married couple that have completely open marriages, it is NOT considered cheating to have others involved as long as everyone is honest and comfortable with it.

As far as "forsaking all others" goes, the phrase isn't included in everyone's marriage vows. Even when it is, it's entirely open the interpretation of the couple.
I always have someone on the backburner..not for sex but for attention or because their personality is so different from my SO or whoever i'm dating at the time.
camellia said:
I won't attempt to speak for Cichelle, but I beg to differ, everyone's marriage is different, there is no one size fits all. I know more than one married couple that have completely open marriages, it is NOT considered cheating to have others involved as long as everyone is honest and comfortable with it.

As far as "forsaking all others" goes, the phrase isn't included in everyone's marriage vows. Even when it is, it's entirely open the interpretation of the couple.

I can accept this...I just wonder why get "married" in the first place. If one has a husband and another man, whom they share intellect, intimacy(not necessarily sex) and emotions and such, where is the difference?

Does marriage become just a title or thing to do? I fail to see the difference between the two men. In situations as such...I see two boyfriends and a husband is so missing from the equation. Thats just me ladies.
camellia said:
I won't attempt to speak for Cichelle, but I beg to differ, everyone's marriage is different, there is no one size fits all. I know more than one married couple that have completely open marriages, it is NOT considered cheating to have others involved as long as everyone is honest and comfortable with it.

As far as "forsaking all others" goes, the phrase isn't included in everyone's marriage vows. Even when it is, it's entirely open the interpretation of the couple.

Thank you, camellia. :)

syze6, I know you don't understand my relationship, partly because you don't know the people involved or any of the details or particulars. But the great thing is, you don't have to understand. I'm sure you form your relationships in ways that make you happy and comfortable. That's what's important. But thanks for sharing your opinion. :)
syze6 said:
I can accept this...I just wonder why get "married" in the first place. If one has a husband and another man, whom they share intellect, intimacy(not necessarily sex) and emotions and such, where is the difference?

Does marriage become just a title or thing to do? I fail to see the difference between the two men. In situations as such...I see two boyfriends and a husband is so missing from the equation. Thats just me ladies.

People get married for so many reasons. Sometimes it's just a legal arrangement, sometimes there's a real, true connection between two people, but that doesn't mean they can't have strong connections with others as well, some couples would be happier if polygamy was legal...There are really too many reasons to give one answer.