Well-Known Member
As always, everything you said is on point!
For the purpose of love and genuine attraction I think it's a yay! I think it's great for two people with a mutual respect and understanding for each others cultures to come together and to pass that joined culture on to their children.
As a result of self hate or the belief that white is better then I think it's unhealthy and will only result in confused children. This is based on my own personal experiences with family members.
People generalize and stereotype other groups but complain about the same treatment. To generalize all black men as a particular way and then expect that white men or women shouldn't treat you based on assumptions and stereotypes is amusing. What if ones white DH and skipped out on a date because he figured all black women are ----?
I do think the media is pushing this (I don't know why and I don't care one way or the other), but I think in the process instead of just reporting what is a perfectly fine occurrence they seem to be reinforcing a divide between black men and women. The media seems to be pushing the "no good black men " aspect of BW/WM relationships, rather than what it should be, two people who are drawn to each other regardless of race. I feel like we're being used to take digs at black men as many black men allowed themselves to be used to take digs at us a few years ago. Why isn't the media addressing the HUGE number of white men who will only date Asian women. If I read one more article discussing how black men are statistically less educated, unemployed and over jailed I'm going to scream. We get it. We have no choice but to date non black men! What bothers me is that in the midst of the media attention on all the faults of black men there is no discussion of the causes or cures for this problem other than to date outside the race. There's no discussion on mentoring programs or correcting institutionalized racism that plays a role in the huge disparity between the education and income level between races.
Statements like this from the article make me said and shows the misunderstanding on both sides and fuels the anger and mistrust between black men and women. How can a child feel proud of their two heritages when one parents hold these kinds of opinions?
"But black men are voicing their own frustrations with women they feel regard them with suspicion. "They treat us all the same," said W. Randy Short, a Washington writer who dates across races. "The rapist on the TV is the same as me."
"It's a frustration director Tim Alexander tackles in "Diary of a Tired Black Man," a frank film covering everything from black women's demeanors to their weight. Frustrated by black women, the main character dates a white one."
""To a certain degree, black people are sick of each other," Alexander said. "It would be better for black men and black women to open their options."
"But Ayo Handy-Kendi, creator of Black Love Day, argues blacks are simply reacting to messages linking success with whiteness. She referred to a string of successful athletes with white partners, including golfer Tiger Woods."
"They normally rejected their culture and they went to the acceptable standard of success — a white woman," said Handy-Kendy, who thought it ironic high-achieving black women were mimicking the behavior."